Articles |
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| · Evolution of Competition Law in Mexico Anaya Ayala, Jorge A.; Ruiz Torres, Eugenio; Trejo Guzmán, Ricardo V.
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| · The per saltum in the Mexican Federal Electoral Procedural Law Báez Silva, Carlos; Cienfuegos Salgado, David
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| · Mexico: Executive Power and Human Rights: 1975-2005 Carpizo, Jorge
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| · Tendencies in Criminal Policy in Argentina in Framework Criminal Policy Latin American: Criticism and suggestions from a comparative analyses Daniel Cesano, José
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| · An Approach to the "New Order in Criminal Law": Pluralism, Harmonization and Legal Order as seen by Mireille Delmas-Marty García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · Evaluation of the Impact of the Colombian Writ of Protection for Collective and Groups Rights Act After Ten Years of Implementation: Research Results Londoño Toro, Beatriz; González Acosta, Angélica; Figueredo Medina, Gerardo
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| · Objective Imputation in the Duties of Becaufore: Laying the Foundations of the Principle of Trust Pérez Daza, Abraham
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| · State Reform and Constitutional Reform Rabell García, Enrique
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| · Set Theory and Private International Law Silva Silva, Jorge Alberto
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| · Constitution, Criminal Accusatorial System, and Autonomy of Public Prosecutors: The Case of Oaxaca Vasconselos Méndez, Rubén
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Legislative studies |
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| · La rectificación adjetiva en materia de responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado: Notas sobre la reforma a las leyes Federal de Responsabilidad Patrimonial del Estado y Federal de Procedimiento Contencioso Administrativo Pérez López, Miguel
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Bibliography |
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| · Ineleggibilità e incompatibilità politico-istituzionali: Profili costituzionali Cárdenas García, Jaime
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| · Objetividad jurídica e interpretación del derecho Saldaña, Javier
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| · Política criminal y sistema de derecho penal (Criminal Politik und Strafrecthssystem) Peña-Neira, Sergio
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| · La democracia in trenta lezioni Carbonell, Miguel
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Information |
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| · Entrega del Premio Internacional de Investigación en Derecho "Héctor Fix-Zamudio", correspondiente a 2008, a Don Jesús González Pérez
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| · Entrevista a Peter Häberle Gustavo Ferreyra, Raúl
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