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Revista mexicana de física
versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X


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Rev. mex. fis. vol.69 no.5 México sep./oct. 2023

 Física atómica y molecular
 ·  Exact Green’s functions for localized irreversible potentials
Castro-Alatorre, J. I.; Condado, D.; Sadurní, E.

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 Materia condensada
 ·  Structural, mechanical, electronic, thermal, and optical properties of the inverse-Heusler compounds X2RuPb(X = La, Sc): A first-principles investigation
Bouazza, A.; Khirat, M.; Larbi, M.; Bettahar, N.; Rached, D.

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 Dinámica de fluidos
 ·  Alternative approach to explore the stability of floating bodies
Segura, M.

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 Gravitación, física matemática y teoría de campos
 ·  The linear and the angular momentum stored in a distribution of charges in a magnetic field
Torres del Castillo, G.F.

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 ·  Stable identification of sources located on the cerebral cortex from EEG over the scalp
Arias Cruz, J. A.; Morín Castillo, M. M.; Oliveros Oliveros, J. J.; Gutiérrez Arias, J. E. Moisés

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 ·  Generalized equations and their solutions in the (1/2,0)+(0,1/2) representations of the Lorentz group
Cázares, J. A.; Dvoeglazov, V. V.

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 Ciencias materiales
 ·  Solid state transformations from spheres to polyhedra in hollow Fe spheres
Guerrero, C. T.; Figueroa, I. A.; Verduzco, J. A.; Pérez, L.; Bejar, L.; Hernández, O.; Alfonso, I.

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 ·  Electrochemical corrosion performance of copper and uniformly alloyed bronze and brass in 0.1 M NaCl solution
Khan, A. Abdullah; Kaiser, S.; Kaiser, M. Salim

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 ·  Raman and FTIR spectroscopy experimental and theoretical in magnetic nanoemulsion from Carapa guianensis Aublet
Silva, L.G.F.; Martins, Q.S.; Ribas, A.; Oliveira, D.L.L.; Lima, R.C.S; Santos, J.G.

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 ·  Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of ZnTe doped with transition metal Mn
Brach, A.; Bahmad, L.; Benyoussef, S.

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 ·  Elaboration and characterization of pure ZnO, Ag:ZnO and Ag-Fe:ZnO thin films: Effect of Ag and Ag-Fe doping on ZnO physical properties
Lekoui, F.; Hassani, S.; Garoudja, E.; Amrani, R.; Filali, W.; Sifi, O.; Oussalah, S.

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 ·  Hubbard’s parameter influence on Ba2GdReO6 properties, a promising ferromagnetic double Perovskite oxide for thermoelectric applications
Bouchentouf Idriss, Y.; Bouadjemi, B.; Matougui, M.; Houari, M.; Lantri, T.; Haid, S.; Bentata, S.

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 Física médica
 ·  Circadian cycles: A time-series approach
García-Iglesias, L.; Rivera, A. L.; Fossion, R.

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 Física nuclear
 ·  A comprehensive analysis of 26Mg(3H,2H)27 Mg reaction at 36 MeV
Aygun, M.; Aygun, Z.; Karaali, N.

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 ·  Higher order mode conversion induced by discontinuities in waveguides
Lauterio-Cruz, J.P.; Manzanares-Martinez, J.; Gaspar-Armenta, J.A.

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 Física del estado sólido
 ·  Repulsive bound-electron pairs in a Peierls lattice
Díaz-Reynoso, U. A.; Huipe-Domratcheva, E.; Navarro, O.

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 ·  Stability improvement of CH3NH3PbI3 hybrid perovskite through tin and chlorine doping
Aguilar, B.; Soto, T.E.; Sánchez, K.; Navarro, O.; Valdespino, A.; Torres-Martínez, D.Y.

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 Termodinámica y física estadística
 ·  Standard molar enthalpies of formation of 3-methylglutaric and 3,3-dimethylglutaric anhydrides
García-Castro, M. A.; Díaz-Sánchez, F.; Galicia-Aguilar, J. A.; Vidal-Robles, E.

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