| Tabla de contenido Rev. mex. fis. vol.64 no.4 México jul./ago. 2018 Revisión | | | | · Recent progress in confined atoms and molecules: Superintegrability and symmetry breakings Ley-Koo, E.
| | | Investigación | | | | · Métodos de medición de espesores de películas delgadas basadas en óxidos semiconductores Villegas, E.; Parra, R.; Ramajo, L.
| | | | · Síntesis y caracterización electroquímica de recubrimientos de multicapas metal cerámico de W/WN, Ti/TiN y WTiN González, A.; Flores, M.; Caicedo, J.C.; Aperador, W.; Morales-Cepeda, A.B.
| | | | · A method to obtain orientation curves in Euler space for a seccond diffraction process in polycrystals Palacios Gómez, J.; Salat Figols, R.S.; Kryshtab, T.
| | | | · Effect of Re and Tm-site on morphology structure and optical band gap of ReTmO 3 (Re = La, Ce Nd, Gd, Dy, Y and Tm = Fe, Cr) prepared by sol-gel method Tufiq Jamil, M.; Ahmad, J.; Hamad Bukhari, S.; Saleem, M.
| | | | · Spray-pyrolyzed Al22 O3-Ag Nano-Cerments coatings for solar absorbers Fernández-Peña, I.; Alvarado-Palacios, A.; Barrera-Calva, E.; Calderón-Arenas, J.; García, M.; Falcony, C.; Fragoso, R.; Alarcón-Flores, G.; Paredes-Sánchez, C.; Aguilar-Frutis, M.
| | | | · The energy correction due to a finite size nucleus of the hydrogen atom confined in a penetrable spherical cavity Aquino, N.; Rojas, R.A.; Montgomery, H.E.
| | | | · Imaging Mueller matrix determination of transparent, unpolarizing samples using a classically entangled polarization state Muro-Ríos, J. Isamar; Espinosa-Luna, R.
| | | | · Shortest path fractal dimension for randomly crumpled thin paper sheets Sánchez-Chávez, H.D.; Flores-Cano, L.
| | | | · Non-linear radiation influence on oblique stagnation point flow of Maxwell fluid Ghaffari, A.; Javed, T.; Mustafa, I.
| | | | · Lorentzian surfaces and the curvature of the Schmidt metric Sanchez Sanchez, Y.; Merlin, C.; Reynoso Fuentes, R.
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