| Tabla de contenido Rev. mex. fis. vol.61 no.2 México mar./abr. 2015 Investigación | | | | · Shape transformation from silver triangular nanoprisms to nanodisks: Raman characterization and sculpturing mechanism López, I.A.; Ceballos, M.; Hernández, G.; Acosta, L.; Gómez, I.
| | | | · Optical, structural and morphological properties of CdS-CdCO3 films Chávez Portillo, M.; Sosa Sánchez, A.; Juárez Díaz, G.; Chaltel Lima, L. A.; Cruz Cruz, S.; Gutierrez Pérez, R.; Hernández Téllez, G.; Portillo Moreno, O.
| | | | · Atomic displacements effects on the electronic properties of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 Camargo-Martínez, J.A.; Espitia, D.; Baquero, R.
| | | | · Estudio computacional de las energías de interacción de dímeros cis-trans y trans-trans del ácido fórmico Figueredo, S.F.; Ensuncho, A.E.; López, J.M.
| | | | · Microestructura y propiedades eléctricas de bismuto y óxido de bismuto depositados por magnetrón sputtering UBM Otálora B., D.M.; Olaya Flórez, J.J.; Dussan, A.
| | | | · Rod-like fluorescent halloysite nanotubes-silica composites: a novel colloidal system Sánchez, R.; Marín-Santibañez, B.M.; Pérez-González, J.; Rodríguez-González, F.; Dorantes-Rosales, H.J.
| | | | · Thin-film transistors based on zinc oxide films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis Dominguez-Jimenez, M.A.; Flores-Gracia, F.; Luna-Flores, A.; Martinez-Juarez, J.; Luna-Lopez, J.A.; Alcantara-Iniesta, S.; Rosales-Quintero, P.; Reyes-Betanzo, C.
| | | | · Properties of Er2O3 nanoparticles synthesized by a modified co-precipitation method Castañeda-Contreras, J.; Marañón-Ruiz, V.F.; Meneses-Nava, M.A.; Pérez- Ladrón de Guevara, H.; Rodríguez Rojas, R.A.; Chiu-Zárate, R.
| | | | · Transmission and escape in finite superlattices with Gaussian modulation Silba-Vélez, M. de la Luz; Pérez-Álvarez, R.; Contreras-Solorio, D.A.
| | | | · Study of dynamical properties in β-TCP/CH layers Mina, A.; Caicedo, J.C.; Aperador, W.
| | | | · Dimensional regularization with non Beta-functions García-Aguilar, J.D.; Pérez-Lorenzana, A.
| | | Instrumentación | | | | · Design and construction of a gallium fixed-point blackbody at CENAM Cárdenas-García, D.
| | | | · Improved method for extracting the equivalent circuit elements of a CRLH-TL unit cell Obiala-Ezenwa, E.; Maya-Sánchez, M.C.; Reynoso-Hernández, J.A.
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