| Tabla de contenido Rev. mex. fis. vol.60 no.3 México may./jun. 2014 Investigación | | | | · Determinación de la cinética de crecimiento de grano durante la solidificación de una aleación eutéctica Al-Cu Morua-Ramírez, M.; Ramírez-Argaez, M.; González-Rivera, C.; Juárez-Hernández, A.; Herrera-Trejo, M.
| | | | · A numerical calculation of the electronic specific heat for the compound Sr2RuO4 below its superconducting transition temperature Contreras, P.; Burgos, J.; Ochoa, E.; Uzcategui, D.; Almeida, Rafael
| | | | · Retardo temporal en las lentes por galaxias en el contexto de Reissner - Nordstrom Miranda, C.; Molina, U.; Viloria, P.
| | | | · Expanded use of a fast photography technique to characterize laser-induced plasma plumes Valverde-Alva, M. A.; García-Fernández, T.; Diáz-Cortés, G.; Sánchez-Llamazares, J. L.; Rodríguez-González, E.; Sanchez-Ake, C.; Quintana-Nedelcos, A.; Villagrán-Muniz, M.
| | | | · Gravitational waves bounds in Brane-Worlds García-Aspeitia, M. A.
| | | | · Adherence and electrochemical behavior of calcium titanate coatings onto 304 stainless steel substrate Esguerra-Arce, J.; Aguilar, Y.; Aperador, W.; Alba de Sánchez, N.; Bolaños Pantoja, G.; Rincón, C.
| | | | · Optical characterization of amber of Chiapas López-Morales, G.; Espinosa-Luna, R.; Frausto-Reyes, C.
| | | | · An approximation of tribological behavior of Ti1-xAlxN coatings against animal bone in ringer's solution Esguerra-Arce, A.; Arteaga, N. A.; Amaya, C.; Ipaz, L.; Alba de Sánchez, N.; Aguilar, Y.
| | | | · Growth of metal micro and/or nanoparticles utilizing arc-discharge immersed in liquid Rebollo-Plata, B.; Sampedro, M. P.; Gallardo-Gómez, G.; Ortega-Miranda, N.; Bravo-Barrera, C. F.; Daniel-Pérez, G.; Zenteno-Mateo, B.; Hernández-Cruz, D.; Jiménez-Sandoval, S.
| | | | · Structural changes in ZrOxNy/ZrO2 coatings deposited through spray pyrolisis-nitriding Cubillos, G. I.; Olaya, J. J.; Bethencourt, M.; Cifredo, G.; Blanco, G.
| | | | · Dependence of the mechanical and electrical properties on the acid content in PVA+H3PO2+H2O membranes Fernández, M. E.; Castillo, J.E.; Bedoya, F.; Diosa, J. E.; Vargas, R. A.
| | | | · Interaction of light with gravitational waves Hacyan, S.
| | | | · Modeling surface processes and kinetics of compound layer formation during plasma nitriding of pure iron León Cázares, F.; Jiménez Ceniceros, A.; Oseguera Peña, J.; Castillo Aranguren, F.
| | | Instrumentación | | | | · Brownian motion of a colloidal particle immersed in a polymeric solution near a rigid wall Arenas-Gómez, B. L.; Carbajal-Tinoco, M. D.
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