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Revista de investigación clínica
versión On-line ISSN 2564-8896versión impresa ISSN 0034-8376


Tabla de contenido
Rev. invest. clín. vol.76 no.2 Ciudad de México mar./abr. 2024

 Revisión a profundidad
 ·  Adipose Tissue Immunometabolism: Unveiling the Intersection of Metabolic and Immune Regulation
Medina-Urrutia, Aida X.; Torre-Villalvazo, Ivan; Juárez-Rojas, Juan G.

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 ·  Time Matters: An Insight into the Relationship Between Chrononutrition and Diabetes
López-Prieto, Rossy S.; Romo-Romo, Alonso; Gómez-Avilés, Paola; Sharma-Sharma, Shubhangi; Costilla-Orozco, Ximena; Galán-Ramírez, Gabriela A.; Almeda-Valdés, Paloma

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 Artículos originales
 ·  Therapeutic Choices in Patients with Ph-Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia In Mexico in the Era of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: Stem Cell Transplantation or Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors? Fifteen Years Later
Robles-Nasta, Max; Sánchez-Bonilla, Daniela; Gallardo-Pérez, Moisés M.; Hernández-Flores, Edgar J.; Montes-Robles, Merittzel A.; Pastelín-Martínez, María de L.; Olivares-Gazca, Juan C.; Ruiz-Delgado, Guillermo J.; Ruiz-Argüelles, Guillermo J.

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 ·  Evaluation of Pan-Immuno-Inflammation Value for In-Hospital Mortality in Acute Pulmonary Embolism Patients
Çiçek, Vedat; Yavuz, Samet; Şaylık, Faysal; Taşlıçukur, Şölen; Öz, Ahmet; Babaoğlu, Mert; Erdem, Almina; Yılmaz, İrem; Bagci, Ulas; Cinar, Tufan

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 ·  PITPNA-AS1 Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Migration in Ovarian Cancer by Regulating the MIR-223-3p/RHOB Axis
Zhang, Fei; Zhang, Mi; Chen, Zhen; Yu, Bo; He, Xiaoqin; Luo, Yongfang; Ai, Fen; Hu, Wenfeng

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 ·  Prediction of Prognostic Features Based on Neutrophil-Related Genes for Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Reveals Immune Landscape and Drug Candidates
Du, Sili; Zhang, Nan

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