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Revista de investigación clínica
versión On-line ISSN 2564-8896versión impresa ISSN 0034-8376


Tabla de contenido
Rev. invest. clín. vol.76 no.1 Ciudad de México ene./feb. 2024

 ·  The Gray Zone Between Legitimate and Predatory Open Access Scientific Publishing
Alvarado-de la Barrera, Claudia; Ávila-Ríos, Santiago; Reyes-Terán, Gustavo

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 Artículos originales
 ·  Transcription Factor E2F7 Activates PKMYT1 to Partially Suppress Adriamycin Sensitivity in Gastric Cancer Through the MAPK Signaling Pathway
Yang, Xianjin; Zeng, Jie; Jiang, Changhong; Zhang, Yi; Zhang, Xu

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 ·  Is Iron Overload Associated with Worse Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease Undergoing Liver Transplantation?
Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Sergio; Olivas-Martinez, Antonio; Delgado-de la Mora, Jesus; Martinez-Benitez, Braulio; Garcia-Juarez, Ignacio; Demichelis-Gomez, Roberta

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 ·  Longitudinal Trends in HIV-1 Subtypes and Drug Resistance in Children from Argentina over a 15-Year Period (2006-2021)
López, Natalia J.; Arazi-Caillaud, Solange; Bologna, Rosa M.; Mangano, Andrea M.; Aulicino, Cristina P.

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 ·  The rs1477196 SNP of the FTO Gene is Associated with Primary Knee Osteoarthritis in a Female Population from Northern Mexico
Arellano-Pérez-Vertti, Rubén D.; González-Galarza, Faviel F.; Prone-Olazábal, Denisse; Arellano-Ramírez, Daniel O.; Arellano-Ramírez, Diego F.; Argüello-Beltrán, Cristina S.; Tovar-Aguilar, Michelle A.; Berúmen-Rodríguez, Mónica; Prieto-Hinojosa, Adria I.; Méndez-Hernández, Alejandra; Argüello-Astorga, Rafael

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 ·  PKMYT1 Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Process in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer by Activating Notch Signaling
Li, Bin; Huang, Lin; Ruan, Jian

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 Cartas al editor
 ·  Primary Thrombophilia in Mexico XVIII: Increased Rate of Thrombosis in Persons with the Sticky Platelet Syndrome in the COVID-19 Era
Melgar-de-la-Paz, Miranda; Gallardo-Pérez, Moises M.; Olivares-Gazca, Juan C.; Ruiz-Argüelles, Guillermo J.

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 In memoriam
 ·  In Memoriam
Larrea, Fernando

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