| Tabla de contenido Geofís. Intl vol.51 no.3 Ciudad de México jul./sep. 2012 Artículos originales | | | | · Mass changes from GRACE data in Argentina: A preliminary qualitative analysis Pereira, Ayelen; Pacino, María Cristina; Forsberg, Rene
| | | | · Radial S wave velocity structure of the D" region under a spot of the east central Pacific Ocean Terán-Mendieta, Luis F.; Valenzuela, Raúl W.
| | | | · Using subsurface geophysical methods in flood control: A resistivity survey to define underground storage capacity of a sand body in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Dena O., Oscar S.; Obeso C., Griselda; Doser, Diane; Leyva, Jesús E.; Rascón, E.; Gómez, Francisco; Domínguez A., Miguel
| | | | · Exploration of subsoil structure in Mexico city using correlation of micrometremors Chávez-García, Francisco J.; Aguirre, Jorge
| | | | · Vertical structure of tidal flows at the entrance to Guaymas Bay, Mexico Gómez-Valdés, José; Dworak, Juan A.; Vázquez, Heriberto- J.; Paz, Manuel
| | | | · Shallow travel-time tomography below southern Mexico Huesca-Pérez, Eduardo; Husker, Allen
| | | | · Trace elements geochemistry and origin of volcanic units from the San Luis Potosí and Río Santa María volcanic fields, Mexico: the bearing of ICP-QMS data Aguillón-Robles, Alfredo; Tristán-González, Margarito; López-Doncel, Rubén Alfonso; García-Arreola, María Elena; Almaguer-Rodríguez, Joselin de Lourdes; Maury, René C.
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