| Table of contents Gac. Méd. Méx vol.140 n.1 Ciudad de México Jan./Feb. 2004 Original articles | | | | · Effect of Shortened Directly Observerd Treatment on Compliance and Cure Rate of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Martínez-Medina, Miguel A
| | | | · Mexican Ceramic Material for Skin Healing Piña-Barba, María Cristina; Tejeda-Cruz, Adriana; Regalado-Hernández, Miguel Ángel; Arenas-Reyes, María Isabel; Martín-Mandujano, Salvador; Montalvo, César
| | | | · Follow-Up of a Diploma Course Graduates in the Teaching of Medicine Ponce de León-Castañeda, Ma. Eugenia; Ruíz-Alcocer, Ma. del Carmen; Lozano-Sánchez, J. Rogelio
| | | | · First Study of Teledermatology in Mexico: A New Public Heatlh Tool Lepe, Verónica; Moneada, Benjamín; Castanedo-Cázares, Juan Pablo; Martínez-Rodríguez, Alejandra; Mercado-Ceja, Sergio M; Gordillo-Moscoso, Antonio
| | | | · Maxilofacial Fractures and Associated Factors in Campeche Mexico, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social Medical Insurance Policyholders: Retropsective Analysis 1994-1999 Medina-Solis, Cario Eduardo; Córdova-González, José Luis; Casanova-Rosado, Alejandro José; Zazueta-Hernández, Maria Alejandra
| | | | · Mortality Risk Factors in the Child of a Toxemic Mother Gómez-Gómez, Manuel; Danglot-Banck, Cecilia; García-de la Torre, Guadalupe Silvia; Antonio-Ocampo, Abdiel; Fajardo-Gutiérrez, Arturo; Sánchez-García, Maria Luisa; Ahumada-Ramírez, Elias
| | | Simposium | | | | · I. From Tutorial Teaching to Long-Distance Learning Cravioto, Alejandro
| | | | · II. The Scientific Vocation: Commitment to Permanent Change and Continuing Education Kretschmer, Roberto
| | | | · III. The Flexner Legacy: The Basic Science, The Hospital, The Laboratory, The Community Narro-Robles, José
| | | | · IV. The Humanistic Education: Permanent Motivation for a Medical Student Rivero-Serrano, Octavio
| | | Review article | | | | · Pneumonia Due to Pneumocystis carinii in HIV-Infected Children Morales-Aguirre, José Juan; Villalobos-Acosta, Claudia Patricia; Linares-Salas, Víctor Hugo; Solís-Ortega, Ana María; Gómez-Barreto, Demóstenes; Cashat-Cruz, Miguel
| | | | · Vasopressin Use in Shock Carrillo-Esper, Raúl; González-Salazar, Jorge A; Calvo-Carrillo, Benjamín
| | | Clinical pathologic exercise | | | | · Forty-Four-Year-Old Male with Peripheral Edema, Ascitis, and Fatigue Crabtree, Brenda; Zajarías, Alejandro; Portal, Cynthia; Téllez, Natalia; Halabe, José; Urrusti-Sanz, Juan; Aguirre-García, Jesús; Sánchez-Ramírez, Roberto
| | | Clinical cases | | | | · Furunculoid Myasis Due to Dermatobia hominis: A Case Imported to the Mexican Capital's Federal District from Costa Rica Contreras-Ruiz, José; Arenas-Guzmán, Roberto; Vega-Memije, Maria Elisa; Castillo-Díaz, Margarita
| | | | · Spontaneous Renal Arteriovenous Fistula-Caused Hematuria: Case Report Montoya-M, Guillermo; Vega-E, Jesús; Moreno-A, Othón; Huerta, Juan Carlos
| | | History and philosophy of medicine | | | | · Professional Ethics of Physicians de Micheli-Serra, Alfredo
| | | Medical imaging | | | | · Imaging Diagnosis of Acute Septic Arthritis of Hip Roldán-Valadez, Ernesto; Lima-Dávalos, Rubén; Sangri-Pinto, Gabriela; Solórzano-Morales, Sara; Hernández-Ortiz, Jorge
| | | Molecular Biology and medicine | | | | · Genomic Medicine
| | | Therapeutic uodate | | | | · Consensus of a Group of Mexican Experts: Efficacy and Safety of Metamizol (Dipirone) Arcila-Herrera, Heriberto; Barragán-Padilla, Sergio; Borbolla-Escoboza, José Rafael; Canto-Solís, Antonio; Castañeda-Hernández, Gilberto; de León-González, Maximiliano; Genis-Rondero, Miguel Ángel; Granados-Soto, Vinicio; Gutiérrez-García, José Luis; Hernández-Hernández, Sonia; Kassian-Rank, Alicia; Lara-Perera, Víctor; Vargas-Correa, Jorge Bernardo
| | | Bioetics | | | | · Globalization and Bioethics in Health Resources Villa-Caballero, Leonel
| | | Book review | | | | · A Route Toward Science, The Preparation of a Scientist Aréchiga-Urtuzuástegui, Hugo
| | | Academic activities | | | | · Ethics and Genomic de la Fuente, Juan Ramón
| | |