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Botanical Sciences

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4476versión impresa ISSN 2007-4298

Bot. sci vol.101 no.2 México abr./jun. 2023  Epub 27-Mar-2023 

Taxonomy and Floristics

The Kew’s "World Checklist of Vascular Plants" and its relevance to the knowledge of the flora of Mexico

El “World Checklist of Vascular Plants” de Kew y su relevancia para el conocimiento de la flora de México

Miguel Murguía-Romero, Conceptualization, Writing - original draft1

Enrique Ortiz, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing2

Bernardo Serrano-Estrada, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing3

José Luis Villaseñor, Conceptualization, Writing - original draft2  *

1Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Biología, Unidad de Informática para la Biodiversidad, Ciudad de México, México

2Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Biología, Departamento de Botánica, Ciudad de México, México

3SERES Sistemas Especializados, Tecámac, Estado de México, México



The 8th version of the "World Checklist of Vascular Plants" (WCVP) was recently published under the coordination of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. It consists of a list of taxonomic names of species, genera, and families of vascular plants representing the most comprehensive and integrated list available today.


How many accepted species does the WCVP include? Is the quality of the included information acceptable? How has the publication of worldwide species names evolved over time? Does the checklist include the species recorded for Mexico?

Studied species:

Worldwide species of vascular plants included in the WCVP.

Study site:

Worldwide and Mexico.


A database was created based on the WCVP to answer the research questions. The number of genera and species by taxonomic status (accepted and synonyms) was quantified, some information quality tests were carried out, and the potential number of undiscovered species in the world was estimated using non-parametric techniques.


The WCVP contains 1,233,172 names, of which 418,737 are accepted. It is estimated that around 25 % more unknown species remain to be discovered in the world. The quality of the information contained in the WCVP is quite reliable and complete; only 3 % of Mexican species are not included in the WCVP.


The WCVP synthesizes current taxonomic knowledge in an integrated manner and is useful for systematic and automated analyses. At the country level, at least for Mexico, it stands as an important reference source when attempting to understand and evaluate floristic knowledge.

Keywords: Biodiversity informatics; biological databases; data quality control; floristics



La versión 8 del “World Checklist of Vascular Plants” (WCVP) fue recientemente publicada bajo la coordinación de los Jardines Botánicos Reales de Kew. Es una lista de nombres científicos de especies, géneros y familias de plantas vasculares constituyendo la más amplia e integrada actualmente disponible.


¿Cuántas especies aceptadas incluye? ¿Cuál es su calidad? ¿Cómo ha evolucionado la publicación de los nombres de especies del mundo en el tiempo? ¿El WCVP incluye todas las especies reportadas para México?

Especies estudiadas:

Especies de plantas vasculares del mundo incluidas en el WCVP.

Lugar de estudio:

Mundial y México.


Con base en el WCVP se conformó una base de datos para contestar las preguntas planteadas. Se cuantificó el número de géneros y especies aceptadas y sinónimos, se realizaron algunas pruebas de calidad de la información y se estimó el número potencial de especies que faltan por descubrir en el mundo.


El WCVP contiene 1,233,172 nombres, de los cuales 418,737 son aceptados. Se estima que queda alrededor de un 25 % adicional de especies por descubrir en el mundo. La calidad de la información contenida en el WCVP es bastante confiable y completa; solamente no incluye 3 % de las especies mexicanas conocidas.


El WCVP sintetiza el conocimiento taxonómico actual de manera integrada y es útil para análisis sistemáticos y automatizados. A nivel de país, al menos para México, se destaca como una referencia de consulta importante cuando se pretende evaluar la riqueza florística.

Palabras clave: Bases de datos biológicas; control de calidad de datos; florística; informática de la biodiversidad

Having an up-to-date inventory of floristic diversity has been the ambition of many taxonomists, and there are currently global, national, and regional projects that set out to achieve this goal (see, for example, BFG 2015, 2022, Borsch et al. 2020 and references therein). In March 2022, the 8th version of the “World Checklist of Vascular Plants” (WCVP) was published online, coordinated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in England ( The WCVP consists of a list of taxonomic names of species, genera, and families of vascular plants (WCVP 2022). Table 1 includes two examples of the information content for the more than one million documented records. The database includes the taxonomic status -that is, if the name is accepted or is a synonym, and, in the latter case, the accepted name that corresponds to it- according to the specialists who participated in the creation of the list. Because this checklist represents an important body of taxonomic information, this paper carried out a brief analysis of its content. The analysis aimed to answer the following questions: how many accepted species does the WCVP include?; what is the quality of the information presented?; how has the publication of species names evolved over time?; is it possible to estimate the number of vascular plant species in nature from this checklist?; and does the checklist include all the species reported in the most current checklist for Mexico (Villaseñor 2016)?

Table 1 Fields included in the "World Checklist of Vascular Plants" (WCVP). Two examples of records are shown for each field. 

Field Example 1 Example 2
kew_id 822543-1 822540-1
family Malvaceae Malvaceae
genus Chiranthodendron Cheirostemon
species pentadactylon platanoides
taxon_name Chiranthodendron pentadactylon Cheirostemon platanoides
authors Larreat. Bonpl.
taxonomic_status Accepted Synonym
accepted_kew_id 822543-1
accepted_name Chiranthodendron pentadactylon
accepted_author Larreat.
publication Descr. Pl.: 17 (1805) F.W.H.A.von Humboldt & A.J.A.Bonpland, Pl. Aequinoct. 1: 82 (1808)


The WCVP (2022) was downloaded from the website where it is published ( and imported into a relational database (Codd 1990). Several quick integrity tests were performed, such as establishing the primary key in the "kew_id" field, verifying that the content of each field belonged to its domain (e.g., that the “taxonomic_status” field contained only one of the values “Accepted”, “Synonym”, “Unplaced”). Then, some normalization steps were made, such as the separation of the year into a single field separated from the publication’s information.

After importing the source file with the validations and transformations described above, queries were made to determine totals, such as the number of names for each taxonomic category and the number of species with each taxonomic status. After obtaining the totals, which also served as quality control for subsequent queries, further analyses were designed and executed to quickly evaluate the quality of the information, such as identifying the existence of repeated records or pairs of inconsistent records (for example, homonyms or pairs of names that had different authors but were both recorded as “Accepted”).

Once carrying out the quick evaluation process of the quality of the information, queries were designed and applied to synthesize the information, such as the count of names for each publication year and the number of species published per decade. Finally, to estimate the completeness of the information, the names on the WCVP list were compared against the list of names of species of vascular plants in Mexico (Villaseñor 2016, Villaseñor & Meave 2022) to determine how many names from the latter were missing from the former.

Estimating the number of species of vascular plants worldwide. The inclusion of the synonyms for each accepted species in the WCVP makes it possible to estimate the number of species yet to be discovered or published using the Chao2 estimator (Colwell & Coddington 1994). Chao2 is a very simple non-parametric richness estimation index that proposes that

Sest ≡Sobs +Q12/2Q2

where Sest is the estimated number of species, Sobs is the number of currently known species, Q1 is the number of species occurring in a single sample (singletons), and Q2 is the number of species occurring in exactly two samples (doubletons). In this case, singletons (Q1) are represented by the accepted species with a single synonym, while doubletons (Q2) are accepted species with two synonyms. The estimate of the number of potential species calculated by this index could theoretically help to determine the extent of taxonomic work that remains to be done. The application of the Chao2 estimator using the number of synonyms supports its heuristics because nonparametric richness estimates (like Chao2) use only part of the available information on the distribution of species, for example, singletons and doubletons. In this case, the number of synonyms for each accepted species is also partial information and is not directly related to the number of accepted species. We consider the species estimate based on synonyms a heuristic method that allows exploring the assessment of the number of species.

Relative species richness. To compare the Mexican species richness by family against the worldwide richness, a relative species richness index was defined and calculated as follows:

Absolute species richness (ASR) = Number of species of the family in Mexico (according to Villaseñor 2016 and Villaseñor & Meave 2022).

Relative species richness (RSR) = Number of species of the family in Mexico (ASR) / Number of species of the family worldwide.

Each family was assigned a category in a four-quadrant matrix depending on its RSR and absolute species richness (ASR) values in Mexico: I) High RSR and High ASR, II) High RSR and Low ASR, III) Low RSR and Low ASR, or IV) Low RSR and High ASR. The RSR and ASR values were categorized as high or low depending on whether they were above or below the average of each index, calculated as follows. The average RSR was calculated as the total number of species of all families in Mexico divided by the total number of species worldwide; the average ASR was calculated as the total number of species in Mexico divided by the total number of families in Mexico.

Finally, to order the list of Mexican families in a single dimension that combines their ASR and RSR, an index of relative importance (RI) was defined as the product of the relative species richness and the absolute richness:


where RI is the index of relative importance, ASR is the absolute species richness, and RSR is the relative species richness.


Plant diversity in a global context. The WCVP contains a total of 999,713 species names and fills an important gap in the knowledge of our planet’s biodiversity, placing the knowledge and richness of the different regions of the world into context. This list reports 350,980 accepted species worldwide (Table 2); meanwhile, approximately 25,000 species have been reported for Mexico, so it can be estimated that 7 % of worldwide vascular plant diversity at the species level and 19.5 % of diversity at the genus level are found in Mexico. The Earth’s land surface is approximately 130,000,000 km2, while Mexico covers about 2,000,000 km2. Thus, about 7 % of the world’s total known vascular plant species are found in Mexico, which accounts for only about 1.5 % of the total land area, placing the floristic richness of the country more diverse than expected.

Table 2 Number of names by taxonomic categories included in the WCVP. 

Taxonomic category Taxonomic status
Total Accepted Synonyms Artificial hybrid Unresolved names
Genus 41,302 13,925 24,621 2,499 257
Species 999,713 350,980 608,200 1,388 39,145
Subspecific taxa 192,157 53,832 137,512 1 812
Total 1,233,172 418,737 770,333 3,888 40,214

A historical accounting of taxonomic work around the world. The WCVP allows an analysis of the evolution of taxonomic work worldwide over time. Figure 1A shows an intense period of taxonomic work between 1820 and 1850, exceeding 2,000 genus names published per decade. Similarly, at the species level (Figure 1B), the decades from 1890 to 1930 had the highest numbers of new species reported per decade, with more than 50,000 new species published per decade. These numbers reflect the immense taxonomic work carried out around the world.

Figure 1 Number of new genus (A) and species (B) names published per decade reported in the WCVP. Both accepted names and synonyms are included. 

The publication of new species over time (Figure 2) also evidences the influence of modern systematics synthesis, which includes more evolutionary approaches in the taxonomy of vascular plants compared to earlier works. In the 1930s, taxonomists intensified the work of reclassifying previously described species. At the beginning of the 1970s, the number of basionyms increased, probably due to new systematics and molecular tools available to taxonomists.

Figure 2 The number of accepted species names published per decade and included in the WCVP. 

Almost half of the accepted species in the last four decades correspond to systematic re-arrangements rather than species that are completely new to science. As shown in Figure 2, the 2010 decade contains the highest number of accepted names (39,744), but 17,057 of those species were accepted based on previously published names, mainly constituting new combinations. In summary, the taxonomic activity aimed at the discovery of new species in the last decade was slightly higher than that of the decades from 1900 to 1930, but most of them constituted taxonomic adjustments derived from systematic studies.

Taxonomic information is continuously evolving. Because the WCVP is in a digital medium, the list of taxa can be analyzed automatically. For example, in this exercise, we surveyed duplicate records by searching for homonyms with the same author and same publication, but different id. The search only retrieved 58 pairs of duplicated records (116 records), which should be reviewed and updated or removed. This quick quality test shows that the inconsistencies in the list are minimal and exemplifies one of many possible tests that users of the information can design. As the information provided is improved and used, it will benefit other research areas that depend on better floristic taxonomic knowledge.

An additional quality test was the verification of publication years. We detected only seven records with 5-digit values (for example, 19713 instead of 1913); these errors are easy to correct based on the name of the journal, the volume, and the publication number. Another quick validation detected six pairs of records with the same species name but different authors, both recorded as accepted; for example, Helichrysum oligocephalum DC. and Helichrysum oligocephalum S.Moore.

There was no completeness test on the list of synonyms; more than half a million synonyms are reported for about 177,000 species. The species with the most synonyms is the potato, Solanum tuberosum, with 441 names, published from 1758 to 2006. The years 1930 and 1980 had the largest number of synonyms added, with 126 and 100 names respectively, mainly for infraspecific categories.

One interesting situation is the case of varieties for which there is no published species name. For example, Wigandia kunthii var. eukunthii Brand, Wigandia kunthii var. intermedia Brand, Wigandia kunthii var. macrophylla (Schltdl. & Cham.) Choisy, and Wigandia kunthii var. viscosa Brand, are all reported in the WCVP as synonyms of Wigandia urens (Ruiz & Pav.) Kunth, but there is no record of the species Wigandia kunthii. In total there are 2,820 subspecific category names that fall under this scenario.

Among the 350,980 accepted species names, 41 % are marked as "Reviewed" and the remaining 59 % as "In review". This illustrates the immense amount of work that is still required to obtain an even more precise list. Similarly, the number of homonyms (species with the same name but different authors) is 73,050, distributed among a total of 35,600 different accepted species names (on average two homonyms per species name). The name with the largest number of homonyms is Scorzonera graminifolia, for which nine homonyms are reported (Table 3). Another curious finding with respect to homonyms is that of the 223 pairs of homonymous species that belong to different families, only 32 of these pairs had one or both names reported as “Accepted”. In the remaining pairs, both names had the status of “Synonym”. Finally, since the list is constantly growing and being updated, it still contains a few spelling errors; for example, the species Solanum rudepannum is written with an intermediate hyphen, as Solanum rude-pannum.

Table 3 Homonyms and autonyms of Scorzonera graminifolia recorded in the WCVP. 

Homonym Author Accepted name Author
Scorzonera graminifolia Sm. Pseudopodospermum elatum (Boiss.) Zaika, Sukhor. & N.Kilian
Scorzonera graminifolia Port. ex Vis. Gelasia villosa subsp. villosa
Scorzonera graminifolia Schur Takhtajaniantha austriaca (Willd.) Zaika, Sukhor. & N.Kilian
Scorzonera graminifolia Aucher ex DC. Tragopogon buphthalmoides (DC.) Boiss.
Scorzonera graminifolia Bory & Chaub. Pseudopodospermum crocifolium (Sm.) Zaika, Sukhor. & N.Kilian
Scorzonera graminifolia Hoffm. Pseudopodospermum hispanicum subsp. hispanicum
Scorzonera graminifolia Tausch ex Nyman Scorzonera parviflora Jacq.
Scorzonera graminifolia Griseb. Pseudopodospermum molle subsp. molle
Scorzonera graminifolia All. Scorzonera aristata Ramond ex DC.

The WCVP includes two families for which no accepted species are reported, and all their names have been considered as synonyms: Adiantaceae (two synonymous species of the family Pteridaceae) and Gigaspermaceae (with the genus Pomatotheca given the status of “Synonym” and labeled as “in review”).

The publication of names is mostly a solitary activity. The analysis documents that 86 % of the taxonomic names in the WCVP have been published by a single author, 12.6 % by two authors, and only 1.2 % involved three or more authors (Table 4). These data point out that taxonomic work is a predominantly individual activity, a situation that seems to be due to a lack of training for new taxonomists. As this exercise reveals, taxonomic knowledge is mainly learned through personal activity and to a lesser extent through participation in working groups.

Table 4 Number of authors per species name included in the WCVP. 

Number of authors Number of taxa Percentage (%)
1 1,045,849 86.23
2 152,418 12.57
3 12,228 1.01
4 1,826 0.15
5 388 0.03
≥ 6 149 0.01
No author included 20,314 1.67
Total 1,212,858 100.00

The WCVP in the context of the flora of Mexico. Among the 25,105 accepted names of species recorded in Mexican territory, the WCVP recognizes 21,632 as accepted, 2,671 as synonyms, and 67 as “Unplaced”; 735 are not included in the WCVP. These missing names have probably not been included in the WCVP because they were recently published and have not yet been accessed in the database by the specialists in charge of reviewing the groups to which they belong (107 families). In just the past three years (2019-2021), about 300 new species have been described for Mexico, several of which have not yet been recorded in the WCVP. Without a doubt, these 735 names will be incorporated into the WCVP once they are carefully reviewed.

The consistency (86.2 %) among accepted names (21,632 out of 25,105) shows that unifying criteria in systematics is still a difficult task, which requires time and long academic discussions through publications. However, it is also encouraging to recognize that two different academic groups with different study areas and geographic scales have compiled lists of species names that share such a high percentage. As stated above, the comparison of the two lists shows that Mexican vascular plant diversity represents 7 % of the entire planet’s flora at the species level and 19.5 % of total genera.

Appendix I includes the number of species recognized and estimated for each family. The number of estimated species results in 436,013 species. As a result, we postulate 80 % of completeness of the floristic knowledge of the world flora, remaining to be discovered about 20 % additional species to those already included in the WCVP. Thus, it is predicted that some 85,033 species of vascular plants remain to be described and published. If the current rate of species description worldwide is about 3,000 species per year, then it will still take about 28 years of taxonomic activity to inventory all the vascular world's flora. This assumes that we will be able to overcome the impediments due to a lack of trained taxonomists engaged in the circumscription and description of species, as well as the current disregard for alpha taxonomy.

Relative species richness. The average RSR value for the Mexican families was 7.2 % (25,105 / 350,980), while the average value of ASR, that is, the average number of species per family, was 87.2. The number of families per quadrant in the RSR vs. ASR matrix (Figure 3) was: quadrant I: 37, II: 110, III: 115, and IV: 25. The 'Relative Importance' index (Appendix I), had a range of 0.003 (Lecythidaceae)-304.1 (Asteraceae), and ranges by quadrant were I: 7.3-304.1; II: 0.08-16.6; III: 0.003-4.15; IV: 2.11-52.05.

Figure 3 RSR ( ASR matrix containing the families of vascular plants of Mexico. The eight families with the highest ‘Relative importance’ (RI) index in each quadrant are listed. 

Of the ten families with the highest species richness in Mexico (high ASR), eight also had high RSR (i.e., placed in quadrant I): Asteraceae (IR = 304.1), Cactaceae (283.1), Fabaceae (189.4), Poaceae (132.9), Crassulaceae (95.1), Euphorbiaceae (81.7), and Asparagaceae (71.7). The two families with high ASR but low RSR (quadrant IV) were Orchidaceae (52.0) and Rubiaceae (38.1).

The ten families placed in quadrant II (low ASR; high RSR) and with high RI index values are Pinaceae (16.6), Zamiaceae (14.4), Lentibulariaceae (13.5), Fouquieriaceae (11.0), Phrymaceae (10.2), Dioscoreaceae (9.1), Aristolochiaceae (8.7), Selaginellaceae (8.7), Loasaceae (8.2), and Bignoniaceae (7.7). On the other hand, the ten families placed in quadrant III (low ASR; low RSR) with high RI index are Salicaceae (4.1), Geraniaceae (4.0), Moraceae (3.6), Loranthaceae (3.2), Caprifoliaceae (3.0), Violaceae (2.8), Papaveraceae (2.4), Oxalidaceae (2.4), Annonaceae (2.0), and Capparaceae (2.0).


Plant diversity in a global context. The relevance of the WCVP lies mainly in the synthesis of a query platform for all the species known to date worldwide. It efficiently complements other consultation platforms that people interested in this type of information visit regularly, such as Plants of the World Online ( or Tropicos ( In addition, there are lists of species published, but none with a worldwide context, being limited to regions of the world. Examples on the national scale are the flora of Brazil (BFG 2015, 2022) or Mexico (Villaseñor 2016) or at the continental scale, Europe (Tutin et al. 1964-1980, or America (Ulloa-Ulloa et al. 2017, The figure of 436,013 species estimated with the WCVP is quite close to the 400,000 estimated by the World Flora Online project (Borsch et al. 2020) and to the 450,000 predicted by Pimm & Joppa (2015).

The WCVP: an epistemological archive. In addition to constituting a worldwide list of taxonomic names of vascular plants, which facilitates further taxonomic work, the WCVP implicitly contains part of the history of the discovery of this plant diversity. It can be considered an epistemological archive of biodiversity; in that it contains the record of the various scientific approaches to taxa by different authors over time. It also contains the thread of its discussion and construction, since the relationships between synonymous and accepted names reflect such scientific work. It can be said that there has been an "epistemic compromise" (sensu Granjou & Arpin 2015) within the community of taxonomists whose different points of view are integrated into their practices and research networks and whose work has been reflected in the WCVP. For example, the decade of 1890 is the one recording the largest number of published names, while the decade of 2010 records the maximum number of accepted species. As shown in this text, many other statements can be deduced by analyzing the WCVP.

The checklist accounts for taxonomic work over 28 decades. From Linnaeus to the present day, more than 1.2 million taxonomic names of vascular plants have been published, of which almost a million correspond to species names, and of these, 35 % are considered accepted. Thus, taxonomic work has not traveled a direct and easy path towards biodiversity knowledge; the activities of describing and publishing have led to a solid and consensual knowledge, where the proposed species go through long and sinuous scrutiny, as indicated by 61 % of synonyms and other data available in the WCVP. It is precisely this epistemological archive that has been used here to estimate the number of species yet to be discovered for each family and described in Appendix I. The estimates are calculated based on the number of synonyms, that is, on the history of the construction of that knowledge. As a result of the long road that taxonomists have traveled with dedication and scrutiny, we may be approaching Linnaeus's dream -an inventory of species from all over the world- at least for vascular plants.

The continuous evolution of taxonomic information. It is not surprising that taxonomic information evolves and increases daily. However, it is important to recognize that this evolution is the result of two main impulses; the first is better taxonomic and evolutionary knowledge of the groups, and the second is more precise and accessible ways of reporting that knowledge. The first impulse allows an even more systematic and orderly way of compiling this great list of taxa; the second improves every day with better information and communication technologies.

The high quality of WCVP information. The quick quality tests applied here to the WCVP indicate that it contains high-quality information with minimal inconsistencies. The inclusion of a unique identifier for each name, whether accepted or synonymous (the kew_id field), facilitates communication between taxonomists and working groups, as well as the annotation of errata. The proportion of species names of the flora of Mexico not included in the checklist (735/25,105 = 2.9 %) serve as a quick estimate of its completeness (about 97 %).

The WCVP in the context of the flora of Mexico. The most updated list of vascular plant species for Mexico dates back more than five years (Villaseñor 2016). The WCVP allows comparisons from different points of view that will help to improve both worldwide and Mexican lists. Although one can be considered a subset of the other, as reviewed in this study, this is not the case, since both contain some differences in the inclusion criteria and the definition of taxonomic status (e.g., accepted vs. synonym). In this non-exhaustive analysis, we calculated that Mexican vascular plant species richness represents about 7 % of the species richness of the entire planet. This percentage may be adjusted as both lists are refined, but above all, adjusted so that they are comparable. Another important parameter is the rate of description of new species for Mexico, which has recently been estimated at close to 100 per year (Alvarado-Cárdenas et al. 2021).

The WCVP allows the floristic richness of a country to be placed in a global context. It facilitates contextualization of the species richness of each family in Mexico concerning world richness. The relative species richness (RSR), calculated by dividing the number of species in the country by the number of species in the world, can be a tool for planning floristic work considering geographical contexts. The relative importance index (RI), defined, as the product of the relative species richness and the absolute species richness, is a tool to order the families of a country in a way that prioritizes them considering the global context. One potential application of the RI would be its use as a criterion to prioritize future exploration and study work, especially for the flora of Mexico.

There are at least five efforts to create a database of the world's plants (Qian et al. 2022); each one of them deserves an analysis of the content of their information like the one presented here.

As indicated on the WCVP website, its information constitutes a backbone, created from the unification of two major sources of information -the International Plant Names Index (IPNI) and the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP). This backbone can be consulted and downloaded from the web page, and constitutes, without a doubt, a milestone in the systematics of vascular plants and the knowledge of our planet’s plant diversity. Its consultation and analysis of the information contained will make it easier to carry out a better inventory of the great floristic diversity of Mexico, which is far from being completed.


Socorro González and Rodrigo Duno de Stefano reviewed a preliminary version of the manuscript, and their suggestions substantially improved the final version. Lynna M. Kiere reviewed and edited the English version.

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Appendix 1

Appendix 1 Vascular plant families accepted in the WCVP and their species richness worldwide compared to their richness in Mexico. *When it was not possible to apply the Chao2 estimator index, the same number of “Accepted” species (WCVP) was included. # Families with rows without data are not distributed in Mexico. **See Figure 3

Family Species in the world Species in Mexico#
Accepted (WCVP) Estimated species* ASR: Absolute species richness RSR: Relative species richness (%) Relative Importance Index (RI = ASR × RSR) RSR vs. ASR Quadrant **
Acanthaceae 5,419 6,923 420 7.8 32.6 I
Achariaceae 173 198 4 2.3 0.1 III
Achatocarpaceae 10 10 5 50.0 2.5 II
Acoraceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Actinidiaceae 447 495 21 4.7 1.0 III
Aextoxicaceae 1 1
Aizoaceae 1,805 2,307 12 0.7 0.1 III
Akaniaceae 2 2
Alismataceae 118 155 22 18.6 4.1 II
Alseuosmiaceae 10 11
Alstroemeriaceae 256 282 3 1.2 0.0 III
Altingiaceae 15 40 1 6.7 0.1 III
Alzateaceae 1 1
Amaranthaceae 2,371 2,980 240 10.1 24.3 I
Amaryllidaceae 2,387 2,852 130 5.4 7.1 IV
Amborellaceae 1 1
Anacampserotaceae 61 90 2 3.3 0.1 III
Anacardiaceae 943 1,214 74 7.8 5.8 II
Ancistrocladaceae 20 20
Anisophylleaceae 70 72
Annonaceae 2,448 2,980 70 2.9 2.0 III
Aphanopetalaceae 2 2
Aphloiaceae 1 1
Apiaceae 3,865 4,570 237 6.1 14.5 IV
Apocynaceae 6,473 7,993 443 6.8 30.3 IV
Apodanthaceae 12 12 5 41.7 2.1 II
Aponogetonaceae 60 62
Aquifoliaceae 572 646 24 4.2 1.0 III
Araceae 4,135 4,784 152 3.7 5.6 IV
Araliaceae 1,662 2,342 41 2.5 1.0 III
Araucariaceae 38 44
Arecaceae 2,621 3,145 115 4.4 5.0 IV
Argophyllaceae 24 28
Aristolochiaceae 719 1,000 79 11.0 8.7 II
Asparagaceae 3,307 4,306 487 14.7 71.7 I
Asphodelaceae 1,235 1,504 5 0.4 0.0 III
Aspleniaceae 3,306 4,261 231 7.0 16.1 IV
Asteliaceae 37 78
Asteraceae 32,883 40,085 3,162 9.6 304.1 I
Asteropeiaceae 8 8
Atherospermataceae 20 24
Austrobaileyaceae 1 1
Balanopaceae 9 14
Balanophoraceae 57 69 2 3.5 0.1 III
Balsaminaceae 1,071 1,154 3 0.3 0.0 III
Barbeuiaceae 1 1
Barbeyaceae 1 1
Basellaceae 19 21 4 21.1 0.8 II
Bataceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Begoniaceae 1,942 2,360 114 5.9 6.7 IV
Berberidaceae 742 913 34 4.6 1.6 III
Berberidopsidaceae 3 3
Betulaceae 205 233 6 2.9 0.2 III
Biebersteiniaceae 4 4
Bignoniaceae 896 1,041 83 9.3 7.7 II
Bixaceae 25 43 6 24.0 1.4 II
Blandfordiaceae 4 5
Bonnetiaceae 41 113
Boraginaceae 3,435 4,501 400 11.6 46.6 I
Boryaceae 13 14
Brassicaceae 4,179 4,893 262 6.3 16.4 IV
Bromeliaceae 3,564 4,694 455 12.8 58.1 I
Brunelliaceae 60 121 1 1.7 0.0 III
Bruniaceae 81 111
Burmanniaceae 218 310 8 3.7 0.3 III
Burseraceae 764 881 103 13.5 13.9 I
Butomaceae 2 2
Buxaceae 128 203 7 5.5 0.4 III
Byblidaceae 8 10
Cabombaceae 7 7 2 28.6 0.6 II
Cactaceae 1,796 1,961 713 39.7 283.1 I
Calceolariaceae 273 383 6 2.2 0.1 III
Calophyllaceae 410 538 4 1.0 0.0 III
Calycanthaceae 11 13
Calyceraceae 49 61
Campanulaceae 2,472 2,982 106 4.3 4.5 IV
Campynemataceae 4 4
Canellaceae 21 23 1 4.8 0.0 III
Cannabaceae 107 119 13 12.1 1.6 II
Cannaceae 12 14 6 50.0 3.0 II
Capparaceae 427 487 29 6.8 2.0 III
Caprifoliaceae 1,093 1,394 57 5.2 3.0 III
Cardiopteridaceae 41 51
Caricaceae 43 75 9 20.9 1.9 II
Carlemanniaceae 5 5
Caryocaraceae 26 30
Caryophyllaceae 3,293 3,985 143 4.3 6.2 IV
Casuarinaceae 91 152 1 1.1 0.0 III
Celastraceae 1,351 1,734 99 7.3 7.3 I
Centroplacaceae 9 11
Cephalotaceae 1 1
Ceratophyllaceae 6 6 2 33.3 0.7 II
Cercidiphyllaceae 2 2
Chloranthaceae 73 106 1 1.4 0.0 III
Chrysobalanaceae 546 857 13 2.4 0.3 III
Circaeasteraceae 2 2
Cistaceae 280 316 14 5.0 0.7 III
Cleomaceae 224 291 32 14.3 4.6 II
Clethraceae 95 116 27 28.4 7.7 II
Clusiaceae 919 1,251 20 2.2 0.4 III
Colchicaceae 286 402
Columelliaceae 8 8
Combretaceae 583 707 17 2.9 0.5 III
Commelinaceae 761 889 129 17.0 21.9 I
Connaraceae 243 293 9 3.7 0.3 III
Convolvulaceae 1,959 2,353 308 15.7 48.4 I
Coriariaceae 17 18 1 5.9 0.1 III
Cornaceae 113 122 4 3.5 0.1 III
Corsiaceae 27 27
Corynocarpaceae 5 5
Costaceae 137 156 10 7.3 0.7 II
Crassulaceae 1,717 2,093 404 23.5 95.1 I
Crossosomataceae 9 9 5 55.6 2.8 II
Crypteroniaceae 12 13
Ctenolophonaceae 2 2
Cucurbitaceae 1,049 1,292 161 15.3 24.7 I
Cunoniaceae 334 385 4 1.2 0.0 III
Cupressaceae 172 200 33 19.2 6.3 II
Curtisiaceae 1 1
Cyatheaceae 794 1,026 21 2.6 0.6 III
Cycadaceae 121 137 2 1.7 0.0 III
Cyclanthaceae 231 300 7 3.0 0.2 III
Cymodoceaceae 17 25 2 11.8 0.2 II
Cynomoriaceae 1 1
Cyperaceae 5,869 7,185 428 7.3 31.2 I
Cyrillaceae 11 11 1 9.1 0.1 II
Cystodiaceae 2 2
Cytinaceae 12 14 3 25.0 0.8 II
Daphniphyllaceae 29 32
Dasypogonaceae 20 20
Datiscaceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Degeneriaceae 2 2
Dennstaedtiaceae 258 307 24 9.3 2.2 II
Diapensiaceae 18 27
Dichapetalaceae 206 306 3 1.5 0.0 III
Didiereaceae 20 28
Dilleniaceae 541 667 8 1.5 0.1 III
Dioncophyllaceae 3 3
Dioscoreaceae 654 801 77 11.8 9.1 II
Dipentodontaceae 20 20 2 10.0 0.2 II
Dipteridaceae 10 10
Dipterocarpaceae 539 641
Dirachmaceae 2 2
Doryanthaceae 2 2
Droseraceae 266 340 2 0.8 0.0 III
Drosophyllaceae 1 1
Ebenaceae 754 917 29 3.8 1.1 III
Ecdeiocoleaceae 3 3
Elaeagnaceae 106 117
Elaeocarpaceae 794 971 12 1.5 0.2 III
Elatinaceae 59 82 4 6.8 0.3 III
Emblingiaceae 1 1
Ephedraceae 73 79 7 9.6 0.7 II
Equisetaceae 41 43 7 17.1 1.2 II
Ericaceae 4,550 5,715 98 2.2 2.1 IV
Eriocaulaceae 1,203 1,432 15 1.2 0.2 III
Erythroxylaceae 277 358 10 3.6 0.4 III
Escalloniaceae 133 151
Eucommiaceae 1 1
Euphorbiaceae 6,543 8,261 731 11.2 81.7 I
Euphroniaceae 3 3
Eupomatiaceae 3 3
Eupteleaceae 2 2
Fabaceae 22,297 28,516 2,055 9.2 189.4 I
Fagaceae 1,155 1,338 177 15.3 27.1 I
Flagellariaceae 5 5
Fouquieriaceae 11 13 11 100.0 11.0 II
Francoaceae 34 44
Frankeniaceae 78 206 6 7.7 0.5 II
Garryaceae 27 35 9 33.3 3.0 II
Geissolomataceae 1 1
Gelsemiaceae 14 15 1 7.1 0.1 III
Gentianaceae 1,853 2,385 89 4.8 4.3 IV
Geraniaceae 813 902 57 7.0 4.0 III
Gerrardinaceae 2 2
Gesneriaceae 3,774 4,803 117 3.1 3.6 IV
Ginkgoaceae 1 1
Gisekiaceae 7 7
Gleicheniaceae 149 170 7 4.7 0.3 III
Gnetaceae 44 88
Gomortegaceae 1 1
Goodeniaceae 460 516 3 0.7 0.0 III
Goupiaceae 2 2
Griseliniaceae 7 9
Grossulariaceae 195 231 23 11.8 2.7 II
Grubbiaceae 3 3
Guamatelaceae 1 1 1 100.0 1.0 II
Gunneraceae 64 74 3 4.7 0.1 III
Gyrostemonaceae 20 21
Haemodoraceae 116 189 1 0.9 0.0 III
Halophytaceae 1 1
Haloragaceae 163 198 9 5.5 0.5 III
Hamamelidaceae 112 141 4 3.6 0.1 III
Hanguanaceae 19 20
Heliconiaceae 202 237 19 9.4 1.8 II
Helwingiaceae 4 4
Hernandiaceae 70 87 8 11.4 0.9 II
Himantandraceae 1 1
Huaceae 4 4
Humiriaceae 65 79
Hydatellaceae 13 15
Hydrangeaceae 206 243 36 17.5 6.3 II
Hydrocharitaceae 135 163 10 7.4 0.7 II
Hydroleaceae 14 22 2 14.3 0.3 II
Hydrostachyaceae 22 22
Hymenophyllaceae 600 747 51 8.5 4.3 II
Hypericaceae 628 768 30 4.8 1.4 III
Hypoxidaceae 161 208 12 7.5 0.9 II
Icacinaceae 159 201 4 2.5 0.1 III
Iridaceae 2,563 3,268 120 4.7 5.6 IV
Irvingiaceae 12 13
Isoetaceae 213 258 8 3.8 0.3 III
Iteaceae 24 33 3 12.5 0.4 II
Ixioliriaceae 4 5
Ixonanthaceae 18 18
Joinvilleaceae 4 5
Juglandaceae 81 90 16 19.8 3.2 II
Juncaceae 514 588 41 8.0 3.3 II
Juncaginaceae 35 55 3 8.6 0.3 II
Kewaceae 8 8
Kirkiaceae 6 7
Koeberliniaceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Krameriaceae 17 21 9 52.9 4.8 II
Lacistemataceae 16 18 1 6.3 0.1 III
Lamiaceae 7,977 10,061 672 8.4 56.6 I
Lanariaceae 1 1
Lardizabalaceae 40 46
Lauraceae 3,328 3,904 146 4.4 6.4 IV
Lecythidaceae 381 435 1 0.3 0.0 III
Lentibulariaceae 417 449 75 18.0 13.5 II
Lepidobotryaceae 2 2
Liliaceae 753 945 27 3.6 1.0 III
Limeaceae 25 25
Limnanthaceae 8 8
Linaceae 282 319 26 9.2 2.4 II
Linderniaceae 316 416 11 3.5 0.4 III
Lindsaeaceae 246 312 10 4.1 0.4 III
Loasaceae 330 445 52 15.8 8.2 II
Loganiaceae 496 618 28 5.6 1.6 III
Lonchitidaceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Lophiocarpaceae 7 7
Lophopyxidaceae 1 1
Loranthaceae 1,065 1,177 58 5.4 3.2 III
Lowiaceae 26 26
Lycopodiaceae 455 491 23 5.1 1.2 III
Lythraceae 689 899 116 16.8 19.5 I
Macarthuriaceae 9 9
Magnoliaceae 348 632 39 11.2 4.4 II
Malpighiaceae 1,449 1,662 173 11.9 20.7 I
Malvaceae 5,467 6,559 568 10.4 59.0 I
Marantaceae 577 789 26 4.5 1.2 III
Marattiaceae 155 187 6 3.9 0.2 III
Marcgraviaceae 135 155 8 5.9 0.5 III
Marsileaceae 56 60 8 14.3 1.1 II
Martyniaceae 14 19 7 50.0 3.5 II
Matoniaceae 4 4
Maundiaceae 1 1
Mayacaceae 5 5 1 20.0 0.2 II
Mazaceae 40 42
Melanthiaceae 196 249 36 18.4 6.6 II
Melastomataceae 5,802 8,130 209 3.6 7.5 IV
Meliaceae 746 860 28 3.8 1.1 III
Menispermaceae 544 644 21 3.9 0.8 III
Menyanthaceae 77 95 2 2.6 0.1 III
Metteniusaceae 64 72 7 10.9 0.8 II
Microteaceae 10 10
Misodendraceae 8 9
Mitrastemonaceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Molluginaceae 97 121 3 3.1 0.1 III
Monimiaceae 272 410 8 2.9 0.2 III
Montiaceae 282 331 25 8.9 2.2 II
Montiniaceae 5 5
Moraceae 1,291 1,457 68 5.3 3.6 III
Moringaceae 13 26 1 7.7 0.1 II
Muntingiaceae 3 3 1 33.3 0.3 II
Musaceae 93 149 5 5.4 0.3 III
Myodocarpaceae 15 47
Myricaceae 51 75 3 5.9 0.2 III
Myristicaceae 524 608 4 0.8 0.0 III
Myrothamnaceae 2 2
Myrtaceae 6,232 8,691 142 2.3 3.2 IV
Nartheciaceae 37 52
Nelumbonaceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Nepenthaceae 184 259
Neuradaceae 8 21
Nitrariaceae 16 19 2 12.5 0.3 II
Nothofagaceae 42 60
Nyctaginaceae 455 552 116 25.5 29.6 I
Nymphaeaceae 87 94 13 14.9 1.9 II
Nyssaceae 34 37 1 2.9 0.0 III
Ochnaceae 634 728 13 2.1 0.3 III
Olacaceae 180 203 7 3.9 0.3 III
Oleaceae 751 903 64 8.5 5.5 II
Onagraceae 787 883 176 22.4 39.4 I
Oncothecaceae 2 2
Ophioglossaceae 120 133 16 13.3 2.1 II
Opiliaceae 33 44 4 12.1 0.5 II
Orchidaceae 30,502 38,145 1,260 4.1 52.0 IV
Orobanchaceae 2,257 2,797 181 8.0 14.5 I
Osmundaceae 28 32 2 7.1 0.1 III
Oxalidaceae 658 770 40 6.1 2.4 III
Paeoniaceae 41 45 1 2.4 0.0 III
Pandaceae 17 17
Pandanaceae 959 1,166
Papaveraceae 1,026 1,400 50 4.9 2.4 III
Paracryphiaceae 36 44
Passifloraceae 1,027 1,231 96 9.3 9.0 I
Paulowniaceae 11 11
Pedaliaceae 78 96 1 1.3 0.0 III
Penaeaceae 39 55
Pennantiaceae 3 3
Pentadiplandraceae 1 1
Pentaphragmataceae 31 32
Pentaphylacaceae 523 587 19 3.6 0.7 III
Penthoraceae 2 2
Peraceae 107 120 1 0.9 0.0 III
Peridiscaceae 11 11
Petenaeaceae 1 1 1 100.0 1.0 II
Petermanniaceae 1 1
Petiveriaceae 22 26 4 18.2 0.7 II
Petrosaviaceae 4 6
Phellinaceae 10 23
Philesiaceae 2 2
Philydraceae 6 11
Phrymaceae 225 269 48 21.3 10.2 II
Phyllanthaceae 2,071 2,524 53 2.6 1.4 III
Phyllonomaceae 5 6 1 20.0 0.2 II
Physenaceae 2 2
Phytolaccaceae 35 71 10 28.6 2.9 II
Picramniaceae 53 56 13 24.5 3.2 II
Picrodendraceae 98 127 4 4.1 0.2 III
Pinaceae 255 273 65 25.5 16.6 II
Piperaceae 3,821 4,382 299 7.8 23.4 I
Pittosporaceae 297 366 1 0.3 0.0 III
Plantaginaceae 2,164 2,550 229 10.6 24.2 I
Platanaceae 10 10 5 50.0 2.5 II
Plocospermataceae 1 1 1 100.0 1.0 II
Plumbaginaceae 1,132 1,597 6 0.5 0.0 III
Poaceae 12,001 14,034 1,263 10.5 132.9 I
Podocarpaceae 198 230 3 1.5 0.0 III
Podostemaceae 355 427 9 2.5 0.2 III
Polemoniaceae 424 480 107 25.2 27.0 I
Polygalaceae 1,326 1,649 105 7.9 8.3 I
Polygonaceae 1,561 1,887 179 11.5 20.5 I
Polypodiaceae 4,432 5,011 328 7.4 24.3 I
Pontederiaceae 46 60 15 32.6 4.9 II
Portulacaceae 153 203 16 10.5 1.7 II
Posidoniaceae 9 9
Potamogetonaceae 188 228 12 6.4 0.8 III
Primulaceae 3,301 4,316 126 3.8 4.8 IV
Proteaceae 1,847 2,512 4 0.2 0.0 III
Psilotaceae 19 19 2 10.5 0.2 II
Pteridaceae 1,381 1,613 221 16.0 35.4 I
Putranjivaceae 217 333 3 1.4 0.0 III
Quillajaceae 2 2
Rafflesiaceae 48 54
Ranunculaceae 3,847 5,107 103 2.7 2.8 IV
Rapateaceae 97 116
Resedaceae 117 130 11 9.4 1.0 II
Restionaceae 552 752
Rhabdodendraceae 3 4
Rhamnaceae 1,187 1,442 120 10.1 12.1 I
Rhizophoraceae 156 252 3 1.9 0.1 III
Ripogonaceae 6 6
Roridulaceae 2 2
Rosaceae 5,445 6,455 226 4.2 9.4 IV
Rousseaceae 15 33
Rubiaceae 14,117 17,877 733 5.2 38.1 IV
Ruppiaceae 11 11 3 27.3 0.8 II
Rutaceae 2,175 2,812 110 5.1 5.6 IV
Sabiaceae 160 180 14 8.8 1.2 II
Saccolomataceae 24 29 3 12.5 0.4 II
Salicaceae 1,581 1,882 81 5.1 4.1 III
Salvadoraceae 10 10
Salviniaceae 18 43 5 27.8 1.4 II
Santalaceae 1,118 1,393 98 8.8 8.6 I
Sapindaceae 1,990 2,401 131 6.6 8.6 IV
Sapotaceae 1,333 1,619 48 3.6 1.7 III
Sarcobataceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Sarcolaenaceae 72 76
Sarraceniaceae 49 53
Saururaceae 6 6 2 33.3 0.7 II
Saxifragaceae 888 1,039 21 2.4 0.5 III
Scheuchzeriaceae 1 1
Schisandraceae 80 91 2 2.5 0.1 III
Schizaeaceae 209 262 28 13.4 3.8 II
Schlegeliaceae 37 43 3 8.1 0.2 II
Schoepfiaceae 34 34 5 14.7 0.7 II
Sciadopityaceae 1 1
Scrophulariaceae 2,265 2,804 43 1.9 0.8 III
Selaginellaceae 720 832 79 11.0 8.7 II
Setchellanthaceae 1 1 1 100.0 1.0 II
Simaroubaceae 121 199 10 8.3 0.8 II
Simmondsiaceae 1 1 1 100.0 1.0 II
Siparunaceae 54 60 3 5.6 0.2 III
Sladeniaceae 3 3
Smilacaceae 262 299 20 7.6 1.5 II
Solanaceae 2,796 3,398 441 15.8 69.6 I
Sphaerosepalaceae 20 28
Sphenocleaceae 2 2 1 50.0 0.5 II
Stachyuraceae 10 10
Staphyleaceae 43 51 5 11.6 0.6 II
Stegnospermataceae 4 4 3 75.0 2.3 II
Stemonaceae 37 41
Stemonuraceae 79 93
Stilbaceae 39 56
Strasburgeriaceae 2 2
Strelitziaceae 7 7 2 28.6 0.6 II
Stylidiaceae 306 387
Styracaceae 160 196 14 8.8 1.2 II
Surianaceae 9 10 5 55.6 2.8 II
Symplocaceae 402 458 21 5.2 1.1 III
Talinaceae 28 58 8 28.6 2.3 II
Tamaricaceae 112 119 5 4.5 0.2 III
Tapisciaceae 6 6 1 16.7 0.2 II
Taxaceae 35 36 1 2.9 0.0 III
Tecophilaeaceae 27 31
Tetracarpaeaceae 1 1
Tetrachondraceae 3 3 1 33.3 0.3 II
Tetramelaceae 2 2
Tetrameristaceae 4 4
Theaceae 356 481 2 0.6 0.0 III
Thomandersiaceae 6 6
Thurniaceae 4 4
Thymelaeaceae 963 1,317 16 1.7 0.3 III
Ticodendraceae 1 1 1 100.0 1.0 II
Tiganophytaceae 1 1
Tofieldiaceae 29 35
Torricelliaceae 11 19
Tovariaceae 2 2 2 100.0 2.0 II
Trigoniaceae 32 50 2 6.3 0.1 III
Trimeniaceae 8 16
Triuridaceae 63 91 2 3.2 0.1 III
Trochodendraceae 2 2
Tropaeolaceae 97 135 2 2.1 0.0 III
Typhaceae 74 90 4 5.4 0.2 III
Ulmaceae 65 77 8 12.3 1.0 II
Urticaceae 2,077 2,537 97 4.7 4.5 IV
Vahliaceae 5 5
Velloziaceae 313 461
Verbenaceae 919 1,086 178 19.4 34.5 I
Viburnaceae 218 249 19 8.7 1.7 II
Violaceae 1,198 1,506 58 4.8 2.8 III
Vitaceae 1,016 1,372 38 3.7 1.4 III
Vochysiaceae 242 315 2 0.8 0.0 III
Welwitschiaceae 1 1
Winteraceae 93 127 1 1.1 0.0 III
Xeronemataceae 2 2
Xyridaceae 406 527 3 0.7 0.0 III
Zamiaceae 241 275 59 24.5 14.4 II
Zingiberaceae 1,870 2,396 14 0.7 0.1 III
Zosteraceae 21 27 3 14.3 0.4 II
Zygophyllaceae 286 432 34 11.9 4.0 II
TOTAL 350,980 436,013

Received: August 03, 2022; Accepted: November 23, 2022; Published: February 17, 2023

*Author for correspondence:

Associate editor: Eduardo Ruiz Sánchez

Author contributions: MMR and JLV developed the original idea and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. EO and BSE helped with the data analyses and commented on the first draft. All authors edited and accepted the final manuscript.

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