Rodentia is the most diverse order of mammals with 2,552 described species wordwide (Burgin et al. 2018). Only In Mexico, there are over 254 rodent species and nearly half of those are endemic (Sánchez-Cordero et al. 2014). The families Cricetidae and Heteromyidae are particularly well-represented in Mexico, with approximately 150 and 60 species, respectively (Fernández et al. 2014, Burgin et al. 2018). Studies of the parasitic helminths (nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, and acanthocephalans) of some of these rodents began in the early to mid 1900s (e. g., Ochoterena and Caballero y Caballero 1932, Chitwood 1938, Zerecero 1943). Since then, multiple studies have surveyed the parasitic fauna of rodents, although these studies are scattered across various journals, books, and museum records. Most recently, García-Prieto et al. (2012) compiled a checklist of helminths of mammals in Mexico, including at least 52 helminth species from 30 cricetid and heteromyid host species. However, the checklist by García-Prieto et al. (2012) lacks recent host-parasite records. Examination of additonal checklists, publications, and specimens from new field collections is necessary to better understand the helminth fauna of Mexican cricetid and heteromyid species.
Similar to previous checklists, we consolidated records from published checklists and new records to provide an updated and extensive list of helminth species infecting cricetid and heteromyid host species in Mexico. Specifically, we searched for new host-parasite records using Web of Science, using host genus AND “Mexic*”, AND “helminth*”, “parasit*”, “nematod*”, “cestod*”, or “trematod*” as search terms, and combined these with records from previous checklists (e. g., García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Helminth records are grouped by phylum and arranged alphabetically at the order, family, genus, and species levels. For each helminth species, we included data on helminth taxonomy, location within the host, life stage, host associations, collection localities, citation (including both the original citation and subsequent checklists), and museum collections, when available. Specimens listed as collected during the present study were provided by Jesús A. Fernández who collected the hosts in august of 2017 and january of 2018. These registers represent previously unpublished data. Parasite species listed as “sp.” from different localities, host species, or publications may represent different species. The host genera Chaetodipus, Dipodomys, Heteromys, and Perognathus belong to the family Heteromyidae; all other genera are representatives of Cricetidae. We follow the mammal taxonomy of Burgin et al. (2018); for heteromyids, the genus Liomys is now recognized as Heteromys and all “Liomys” host associations are recorded under the genus Heteromys.
Abbreviations for the museum records are as follows: CHE-UAEH = Colección de Helmintos, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo in Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico; CINZ = Colección de Invertebrados no Artrópodos, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico; CNHE = Colección Nacional de Helmintos at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City, Mexico; HWML = Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States; MLP-He = Museo de la Plata, Colección Helmintológica, La Plata, Buenos, Aires Argentina; MNHN = Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, France; MZFC-M = Museo de Zoología “Alfonso L. Herrera,” Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City, Mexico; UNAM = Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City, Mexico; USNPC = United States National Parasite Collection in Beltsville, Maryland, United States; WHO = World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Filaroidea Reference Collection, Commonwealth Institute of Parasitology London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, England.
Parasite-Host list
Platyhelminthes Gegenbaur, 1859
Trematoda Rudolphi, 1808
Digenea Carus, 1863
Diplostomida (Poche, 1926) Olson, Cribb, Tkach, Bray, and Littlewood, 2003
Brachylaimidae (Joyeux and Foley, 1930)
Brachylaimidae gen. sp.
Location within Host: Life Stage.
Intestine: Adult.
Estado de México: Cerro Gordo, Otumba: Peromyscus difficilis (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7563.
Brachylaima bravoaeCaballero-Deloya, 1970
Intestine: Adult.
Jalisco: Chamela: Heteromys pictus (Caballero-Deloya, 1970, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 715, 1495.
Brachylaima chiapensisUbelaker and Dailey, 1966
Intestine: Adult.
Chiapas: Volcán del Tacaná: Peromyscus guatemalensis (Ubelaker and Dailey 1966, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: USNPC 60493.
Brachylaima sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: San Miguel Allende, Tepeapulco: Peromyscus difficilis (Pulido-Flores et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). No specimens in collections.
Diplostomidae Poirier, 1886
Diplostomidae gen. sp.
Intestine: Metacercaria.
Guanajuato: 3 km W of Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de la Paz: Peromyscus sp. (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10887.
Plagiorchiida La Rue, 1957
Dicrocoeliidae Looss, 1899
Caballerolecythus ibunamiLamothe-Argumedo, Falcón-Ordaz, García-Prieto, and Fernández 2005.
Liver: Adult.
Hidalgo: San Miguel Allende, Tepeapulco: Peromyscus difficilis (Pulido-Flores et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). No specimens in collections. Puebla: 1.5 km S of Oriental: Heteromys irroratus (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7754. Tlaxcala: El Piñonal, El Carmen Tequexquitla: Heteromys irroratus, Peromyscus difficilis (Lamothe-Argumedo et al. 2005, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5211, 5213, USNPC 095892.
Dictyonograptus chamelensisLamothe-Argumedo, 1980
Bile Ducts: Adult.
Jalisco: Chamela: Osgoodomys banderanus (Lamothe-Argumedo 1980, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 777.
Cestoda Rudolphi, 1808
Cyclophyllidea van Beneden in Braun, 1900
Cyclophyllidea gen sp.
Stomach: Larva.
Oaxaca: Km. 134 Oaxaca-Tuxtepec Highway: Peromyscus megalops (Lynggaard-Islas 2013). Specimens in collections: CNHE 8653.
Anoplocephalidae Cholodkovsky, 1902
Monoecocestus sigmodontis (Chandler and Suttles, 1922)
Intestine: Adult.
Nuevo León: Casas Blancas, Apodaca; El Brasil, Apodaca; Granja La Perla, Apodaca: Neotoma micropus, Peromyscus maniculatus, Sigmodon hispidus (Gutiérrez-González 1980, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections.
Paranoplocephala sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Oaxaca: Km. 134 Oaxaca-Tuxtepec Highway: Microtus oaxacensis. El Punto, Santa Catarina Ixtepeji: Peromyscus sp. (Lynggaard-Islas 2013). Specimens in collections: CNHE 8474, 8475, 8651, 8652.
Catenotaeniidae Spasskii, 1950
Catenotaeniidae gen. sp.
Zacatecas: San Pedro Dam, Ciudad Cuauhtémoc: Peromyscus sp. (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CINZ 137, 138.
Catenotaenia peromysci Smith, 1954
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Paso de León, Metztitlán: Peromyscus difficilis (Carmona-Huerta 1994, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015).
Specimens in collections: CNHE 489.
Xihuingo, Tepeapulco: P. difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9662.
Catenotaenia sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Guanajuato: 2 km & 7 km W of Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de la Paz: Peromyscus sp. (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10888.
Davaineidae Braun, 1900
Raillietina baeri Meggitt and Subramanian, 1927
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Huehuetla: Heteromys irroratus (Carmona-Huerta 1994, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 488.
Note: Raillietina baeri is likely misidentified, given that this species is distributed in Africa (Schmidt 1986, García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Raillietina celebensis (Janicki, 1902)
Intestine: Adult.
Oaxaca: Cuicatlán: Oryzomys sp. (Flores-Barroeta and Hidalgo-Escalante 1960, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections.
Note: Oryzomys sp. was recorded in the original literature but may represent Handleyomys sp.
Note: This specimen was originally recorded as Inermicapsifer (Raillietina) formosana, a synonym of R. celebensis. Raillietina celebensis is distributed in Asia, Australia, and South America, parasitizing Rattus and Bandicota (Schmidt 1986, García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Raillietina sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Durango: La Zarca: Heteromys pictus (García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Specimens in collections: CNHE 7561.
Puebla: 2 km W of Guadalupe Victoria: Dipodomys phillipsii (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7756. San Luis Potosí: 32-40 km W of Ciudad Valles: Oryzomys couesi, Handleyomys melanotis (recorded as O. melanotis) (Underwood et al. 1986, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Note: H. melanotis is not distributed in San Luis Potosí according to Téllez and Medellín (2014). Tlaxcala: Barranca Huehuetitla, Panotla: Heteromys irroratus (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7562. Veracruz: 3 km S of El Frijol Colorado, Perote: Dipodomys phillipsii (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7755. Yucatán: Xkalakdzonot, Chankom: Sigmodon toltecus (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7422, CNHE 10714. Zacatecas: Montemariana, Fresnillo: Chaetodipus sp. (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CINZ 196, CNHE 8195.
Dilepididae Railliet and Henry, 1909
Dilepididae gen. sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Estado de México: Cerro Gordo, Otumba: Peromyscus difficilis (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7710.
Choanotaenia sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Colima: La Yerbabuena, Comala: Peromyscus levipes (Lynggaard-Islas 2013). Specimens in collections: CNHE 8283. Note: P. levipes is not distributed in Colima according to Chávez-Tovar (2014).
Hymenolepididae Ariola, 1899
Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi, 1819) Weiland, 1858
Intestine: Adult.
Colima: Comala: Hodomys alleni (Miyazaki et al. 1980, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Hidalgo: Paso de León, Metztitlán: Peromyscus difficilis (Carmona-Huerta 1994, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 490.
Hymenolepis horrida (Von Linstow, 1901) Lühe, 1910
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Paso de León, Metztitlán: Peromyscus difficilis (Carmona-Huerta 1994, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). No specimens in collections.
Hymenolepis sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Durango: La Zarca, Hidalgo del Parral: Peromyscus sp. (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10889.
Morelos: Tepoztlán: Baiomys musculus (Ortiz 1999, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Puebla: 2 km W of Guadalupe Victoria: Heteromys irroratus, Reithrodontomys megalotis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7757, 7781. Querétaro: Highway junction, el Tejocote, Highway 200 Querétaro-Tequisquiapan: Heteromys irroratus (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7560. Zacatecas: Rancho La Barranca, Pánuco: Dipodomys merriami (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CINZ 130-131.
Rodentolepis nana (vonSiebold, 1952) Blanchard, 1891
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Paso de León: Peromyscus difficilis (Carmona-Huerta 1994, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). No specimens in collections. Veracruz: Sierra de Santa Martha: Peromyscus mexicanus (Carmona-Huerta 1994, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 486. Note: These specimens were collected as Vampirolepis nana, which is a synonym of Rodentolepis nana (Czaplinski and Vaucher 1994, García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Rodentolepis sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Estado de México: Apaxco, Apaxco: Peromyscus melanotis (Present study).
Specimens in collections: CNHE 10890.
Hidalgo: Paso de León, Metztitlán: Peromyscus difficilis (Carmona-Huerta 1994, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 487. Note: These specimens were collected as Vampirolepis sp. and likely represent Rodentolepis sp. (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Veracruz: Estación de Biología Los Tuxtlas: Peromyscus sp. (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7709.
Taeniidae Ludwig, 1886
Hydatigera taeniaeformis (Batsch, 1786) Lamarck, 1816
Liver: Cysticerci.
Nuevo León: Casas Blancas, Apodaca; El Brasil, Apodaca: Sigmodon hispidus (Gutiérrez-González 1980, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Yucatán: Xkalakdzonot, Chankom: Sigmodon toltecus (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7425, 7361, 7362, CNHE 10701, 10702, 10707. Note: The specimens from Nuevo León were recorded as Cysticercus fasciolaris which refers to the larval stage of Taenia taeniformis (Martínez et al. 2013). Using phylogenies generated by nuclear and mitochondrial genes, Nakao et al. (2013) demonstrated that T. taeniformis, T. krepkogorski and T. parva are only distantly related to the other members of Taenia, and proposed the resurrection of genus Hydatigera Lamarck, 1816 for these species.
Taenia multiceps Leske, 1780
Dermis: Coenuri.
Hidalgo: Paso de León, Metztitlán: Peromyscus leucopus (Carmona-Huerta 1994, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 491. Note: Specimens were originally collected as Multiceps multiceps, a synonym of T. multiceps (Schmidt 1986, García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Taenia pisiformes (Bloch, 1780) Gmelin, 1790
Mesentary: Cysticerci.
Hidalgo: Paso de León, Metztitlán: Peromyscus difficilis (Carmona-Huerta 1994, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 485.
Taenia sp.
Liver, Dermis: Cysticerci.
Hidalgo: San Miguel Allende, Tepeapulco: Peromyscus difficilis, Peromyscus sp. (Pulido-Flores et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). No specimens in collections. Rancho Santa Elena, Tulancingo: P. maniculatus (Pulido-Flores et al. 2005, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CHE-UAEH F00012.
Acanthocephala (Rudolphi, 1808)
Archiacanthocephala Meyer, 1931
Moniliformida Schmidt, 1972
Moniliformidae Van Cleave, 1924
Moniliformis sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Jalisco: Puerto el Floripondio, San Gabriel: Peromyscus sp., Peromyscus hylocetes. (Lynggaard-Islas 2013). Specimens in collections: CNHE 8646-8650, 9472.
Nematoda Rudolphi, 1808
Trichinellida Hall, 1916
Trichuridae (Ransom, 1911) Railliet, 1915
Calodium hepaticum (Bancroft, 1893)
Liver: Adult.
Estado de México: Cerro Gordo, Otumba: Peromyscus difficilis (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7567.
Capillaria sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Xihuingo, Tepeapulco: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). No specimens in collections.
Eucoleus gastricus (Baylis, 1926)
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Rancho Santa Elena: Peromyscus maniculatus (Pulido-Flores et al. 2005, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CHE-UAEH F00009. Note: This specimen was collected as Capillaria gastrica (García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Trichuris dipodomis Read, 1956
Guanajuato: 3 km N of San Luis de La Paz: Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE: 9839. Note: D. merriami is not distributed in Guanajuato according to Castillo (2014). Veracruz: 3 km S of El Frijol Colorado, Perote: Dipodomys phillipsii (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7750. Zacatecas: Rancho La Barranca, Pánuco; Rancho El Godillo, Loreto: Dipodomys merriami. Tlalticoaloya, Susticacán; Villa de Cos, Villa de Cos: Chaetodipus sp. Montemariana, Fresnillo: D. merriami, Peromyscus sp. (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CINZ: 134, 135, 175, 197, 200-202, CNHE 10003, 10004. Note: T. dipodomis is often spelled as T. dipodomys in the literature.
Trichuris elatoris Pfaffenberger and Best, 1989
Intestine: Adult.
San Luis Potosí: El Carranco: Dipodomys ordii. 15 km NE of Villa de Reyes: Chaetodipus hispidus, D. merriami (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7706-7708.
Trichuris fossor Hall, 1916
Caecum: Adult.
Hidalgo: Huehuelta: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz 1993, Lamothe-Argumedo et al. 1997, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2283. Morelos: Reserva Estatal Sierra de Monte Negro: Heteromys irroratus (Eslava-Araujo 2005, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections.
Trichuris muris (Schrank, 1788)
Intestine, Caecum: Adult.
Morelos: Reserva Estatal Sierra de Monte Negro: Heteromys irroratus (Eslava-Araujo 2005, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections.
Trichuris silviaePanti-May and Robles, 2016
Caecum: Adult.
Yucatán: Rancho Hobonil, Municipality of Tzucacab: Heteromys gaumeri (Panti-May and Robles, 2016). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7113-7115, CNHE 9987. Xkalakdzonot, Chankom: H. gaumeri (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7428, CNHE 10704.
Trichuris sp.
Intestine, Caecum: Adult.
Chiapas: Mapastepec: Heteromys pictus (Caballero y Caballero 1958, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2366. Chihuahua: Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Cerro del Mohinora, Guadalupe y Calvo: Microtus sp., Microtus mexicanus, Peromyscus melanotis (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE: 10843, 10848, 10850. Hidalgo: Xihuingo, Tepeapulco: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). No specimens in collections. Morelos: Tepoztlán: Heteromys pictus (Ortiz 1999, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Note: H. pictus is not distributed in Morelos according to Ceballos (2014). Yucatán: Paraíso, Maxcanú: Peromyscus yucatanicus (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7429.
Trichuris sp.
Feces: Eggs.
Chihuahua: Biosphere Reserve, Janos-Casas Grandes: Dipodomys spectabilis (Rendón-Franco et al. 2014). No specimens in collections.
Rhabditida Chitwood, 1933
Gongylonematidae (Hall, 1916) Sobolev, 1949
Gongylonema peromysci Kruidenier and Peebles, 1958
Stomach: Adult.
Puebla: 2 km W of Guadalupe Victoria: Reithrodontomys megalotis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7753.
Gongylonema sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Zacatecas: Rancho La Barranca, Pánuco: Dipodomys merriami (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CINZ 132.
Heteroxynematidae Skrjabin and Shikhobalova, 1948
Aspiculuris americana Erickson, 1938
Caecum: Adult.
Chihuahua: Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Cerro del Mohinora, Guadalupe y Calvo: Peromyscus boylii (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10845, 10917, 10918.
Aspiculuris sp.
Intestine, Caecum: Adult.
Morelos: Tepoztlán: Neotoma mexicana (Ortiz 1999, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Oaxaca: Km. 134 Oaxaca-Tuxtepec Highway: Microtus oaxacensis (Lynggaard-Islas 2013). Specimens in collections: CNHE 8658-8661.
Aspiculuris n. sp.
Rectum: Adult.
Hidalgo: San Miguel Allende, Tepeapulco: Peromyscus difficilis, Peromyscus sp. (Pulido-Flores et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). No specimens in collections.
Lamotheoxyuris ackerti (Kruidenier and Mehra, 1959)
Intestine: Adult.
Veracruz: 3 km S of El Frijol Colorado, Perote: Neotoma nelsoni (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2010, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 6839.
Lamotheoxyuris cf. ackertiFalcón-Ordaz, Fernández, and García-Prieto, 2010
Intestine: Adult.
Zacatecas: Rancho La Barranca, Pánuco: Neotoma mexicana (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CINZ 136.
Onchocercidae (Leiper, 1911)
Dunnifilaria meningicaGutiérrez-Peña, 1987
Cerebellum: Adult.
Nuevo León: Municipio Dr. Coss: Neotoma micropus (Gutiérrez-Peña 1987, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2563, 2564, WHO B-572, USNPC 080270.
Litomosoides carinii (Travassos, 1919)
Body cavity, heart, mesentery: Adult.
Nuevo León: Casas Blancas, Apodaca: Sigmodon hispidus (Gutiérrez-González 1980, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections.
Litomosoides sigmodontis Chandler, 1931
Body cavity, heart, mesentery: Adult.
Jalisco: Sigmodon hispidus (Ochoterena and Caballero y Caballero 1932, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Note: S. hispidus is not distributed in Jalisco according to Ramírez et al. (2014). Michoacán: Sigmodon hispidus (Ochoterena and Caballero y Caballero 1932, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2573-2579. Sigmodon fulviventer (Zerecero 1943, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 3015. Note: S. hispidus is not distributed in Michoacán according to Ramírez et al. (2014). Note: These specimens were originally recorded as Micropleura sigmodonti (García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Onchocercidae gen. sp. 1
Zacatecas: Estación Camacho, Mazapil: Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9840.
Onchocercidae gen. sp. 2
San Luis Potosí: La Tinaja, Soledad de Graciano Sánchez: Chaetodipus hispidus (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9841.
Oxyuridae Cobbold, 1864
Heteromyoxyuris longejector Quentin, 1973
Durango: Cuencamé. La Zarca, Hidalgo: Chaetodipus hispidus (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9831, 9834. Guanajuato: Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de La Paz: Chaetodipus hispidus (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9832, 9833. San Luis Potosí: La Tinaja, Soledad de Graciano Sánchez: Chaetodipus hispidus (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9836. 15 km NE of Villa de Reyes: C. hispidus (García-Prieto et al. 2008, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5479, 5729. Sonora: Mazatán: Perognathus amplus (García-Prieto et al. 2008, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5262. Zacatecas: Rancho La Barranca, Pánuco: Dipodomys merriami, Chaetodipus sp. Rancho El Godillo, Loreto: Chaetodipus sp. Ojocaliente, Ojocaliente: Peromyscus sp. Villa de Cos, Villa de Cos: Dipodomys merriami, Chaetodipus sp. (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CINZ 139, 145-147, 188-190, 192, CNHE 9996-9999. Estación Camacho, Mazapil: Chaetodipus eremicus, Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9835, 9837.
Heteromyoxyuris otomiiGarcía-Prieto, Falcón-Ordaz, Lira-Guerrero, and Mendoza-Garfias, 2008
Caecum: Adult.
Guanajuato: Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de La Paz: Perognathus flavus (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9838. Hidalgo: Ignacio Zaragoza, Ajacuba: Perognathus flavus (García-Prieto et al. 2008, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5480-5482.
Heteromyoxyuris sp.
Guanajuato: 3 km N of San Luis de La Paz: Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5678. Note: D. merriami is not distributed in Guanajuato according to Castillo (2014).
Syphacia (Seuratoxyuris) obvelata (Rudolphi, 1802) Seurat, 1918
Caecum: Adult.
Yucatán: Chichen-Itzá: Ototylomys phyllotis (Chitwood 1938, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 1950.
Syphacia (Seuratoxyuris) peromysci Harkema, 1936
Caecum, Large Intestine: Adult and Larva.
Chihuahua: Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Cerro del Mohinora, Guadalupe y Calvo: Peromyscus sp., Peromyscus boylii, P. maniculatus, P. melanotis (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10847, 10915, 10916, 10980. Hidalgo: Rancho Santa Elena, Tulancingo: Peromyscus maniculatus (Pulido-Flores et al. 2005, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CHE-UAEH F00011, CNHE 5317. Veracruz: 3 km S of El Frijol Colorado, Municipality of Perote: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5671. Yucatán: Paraíso, Maxcanú: Peromyscus yucatanicus (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7436, CNHE 10709.
Syphacia sp.
Caecum, Intestine: Adult.
Chihuahua: Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Cerro del Mohinora, Guadalupe y Calvo: Microtus sp., Microtus mexicanus (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10844, 10849. Guanajuato: Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de La Paz: Reithrodontomys sp. (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9845. Hidalgo: Camino a Zempoala; Xihuingo, Tepeapulco: Peromyscus difficilis. Huehuetla: Peromyscus mexicanus (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 6888. Morelos: Reserva Estatal Sierra de Monte Negro: Heteromys irroratus (Eslava-Araujo 2005, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Oaxaca: La Hierba Buena: Oryzomys sp., Peromyscus aztecus (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 6888, 7701. Note: Oryzomys sp. was recorded in the original literature but may represent Handleyomys sp. San Luis Potosí: 32-40 km W of Ciudad Valles: Oligoryzomys fulvescens, Handleyomys melanotis (recorded as Oryzomys melanotis) (Underwood et al. 1986, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Note: H. melanotis is not distributed in San Luis Potosí according to Téllez and Medellín (2014). Veracruz: 3 km S of El Frijol Colorado, Perote: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7752. Yucatán: Xkalakdzonot, Chankom: Heteromys gaumeri (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7437, CNHE 10715.
Syphacia sp.
Feces: Eggs.
Chihuahua: Biosphere Reserve, Janos-Casas Grandes: Perognathus flavus. (Rendón-Franco et al. 2014). No specimens in collections.
Physalopteridae (Railliet, 1893)
Physalopteridae gen. sp.
San Luis Potosí: La Tinaja, Soledad de Graciano Sánchez: Onychomys arenicola (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9904.
Physaloptera sp.
Stomach, Intestine: Larva, Adult.
Hidalgo: Chacaya, Eloxochitlán: Peromyscus sp. (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10919. Morelos: Tepoztlán: Sigmodon hispidus (Ortiz 1999, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Note: S. hispidus is not distributed in Morelos according to Ramírez et al. (2014).
Turgida sp.
Stomach: Adult.
Oaxaca: Teotitlán: Oryzomys sp. (Donated by H. Wagner, 1941, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2589. Note: Oryzomys sp. was recorded in the original literature but may represent Handleyomys sp. Note: These specimens were originally recorded as Turgida torresi but due to the poor condition of specimens, specific identification was not possible (Lamothe-Argumedo et al. 1997, García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Rictulariidae (Hall, 1915) Railliet, 1916
Pterygodermatites baiomydisLynggaard, García-Prieto, Guzmán-Cornejo, and Osorio-Sarabia, 2014
Intestine: Adult.
Colima: La Yerbabuena: Baiomys taylori (Lynggaard et al. 2014). Specimens in collections: MZFC-M 11988, 12294.
Pterygodermatites dipodomis Tiner, 1948
Intestine: Adult.
Guanajuato: 3 km N of San Luis de La Paz: Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9844. Note: Dipodomys merriami is not distributed in Guanajuato according to Castillo (2014). San Luis Potosí: 15 km NE of Villa de Reyes: Dipodomys merriami (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10893l. La Tinaja, Soledad de Graciano Sánchez: Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017).
Specimens in collections: CNHE 9843. El Carranco: Dipodomys ordii. 15 km NE of Villa de Reyes: Dipodomys merriami (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7702, 7703. Zacatecas: San Pedro Dam, Ciudad Cuauhtémoc: Peromyscus sp. Rancho La Barranca, Pánuco; Rancho El Godillo, Loreto: Dipodomys merriami. Villa de Cos, Villa de Cos: Dipodomys merriami, Chaetodipus sp. (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10000, 10001, CINZ 144, 191, 194, 199. Estación Camacho, Mazapil: Dipodomys merriami. (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9842.
Pterygodermatites (Paucipectines) parkeri Lichtenfels, 1970
Intestine: Adult.
Estado de México: Hueypoxtla, Hueypoxtla: Peromyscus sp. (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10912. Puebla: 2 km W of Guadalupe Victoria: Dipodomys phillipsii (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7704.
Pterygodermatites (Paucipectines) peromysci Lichtenfels, 1970
Intestine: Adult.
Chihuahua: Granjas Universitarias, Chihuahua: Peromyscus melanotis (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10846. Hidalgo: Xihuingo, Tepeapulco: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9072. Peñas Cargadas, Epazoyucan: Peromyscus gratus. (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10914. Veracruz: 3 km S of El Frijol Colorado, Perote: Peromyscus maniculatus (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2012, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7751.
Pterygodermatites sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Pachuca de Soto: Peromyscus leucopus. Xoxafi, Santiago de Anaya: Heteromys irroratus (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE 10862, 10913.
Spiruridae Oerlèy, 1885
Mastophorus dipodomis Read and Millemann, 1953
Durango: Cuencamé: Chaetodipus sp. (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE: 9942. Guanajuato: Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de La Paz: Chaetodipus sp. 3 km N of San Luis de La Paz: Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE: 9943. Note: Dipodomys merriami is not distributed in Guanajuato according to Castillo (2014). Zacatecas: Estación Camacho, Mazapil: Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE: 9944. Rancho La Barranca, Pánuco: Dipodomys merriami, Chaetodipus sp. Rancho El Godillo, Loreto: Dipodomys merriami. Villa de Cos: Chaetodipus sp. (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016). Specimens in collections: CINZ: 133, 140-143, 193, 198, CNHE 10002. Notes: Mastophorus dipodomis (Martínez-Salazar et al. 2016) is likely a synonym of Protospirura dipodomis (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017) (see Yamaguti 1961, King and Babero 1974).
Mastophorus muris (Gmelin, 1790)
Intestine: Stomach.
San Luis Potosí: 15 km NE of Villa de Reyes: Dipodomys merriami (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7705.
Protospirura mexicanaFalcón-Ordaz & Sanabria-Espinoza, 1995
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Huehuetla: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz and Sanabria-Espinosa 1995, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2291, 2292.
Protospirura sp.
Stomach: Adult and Larva.
Chihuahua: Granjas Universitarias, Chihuahua: Chaetodipus sp., Sigmodon hispidus (Present study). Specimens in collections: CNHE: 10894, 10923. Note: S. hispidus is not distributed in Chihuahua according to Ramírez et al. (2014). Durango: La Zarca: Onychomys torridus (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7566. Note: O. torridus is not distributed in Durango according to Ceballos (2014). San Luis Potosí: 15 km NE of Villa de Reyes: Dipodomys merriami (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7569.
Subuluridae Yorke and Maplestone, 1926
Subulura sp.
San Luis Potosí: La Tinaja, Soledad de Graciano Sánchez: Onychomys arenicola (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 9903.
Strongylida Diesing, 1851
Heligmonellidae (Skrjabin and Schikhobalova, 1952)
Carolinensis carolinensis (Dickmans, 1935) Travassos, 1937
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Rancho Santa Elena, Tulancingo: Peromyscus maniculatus (Pulido-Flores et al. 2005, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5321, CHE-UAEH P-00010.
Carolinensis huehuetlanaFalcón-Ordaz and Sanabria-Espinoza, 1996
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Huehuetla: Peromyscus difficilis, Peromyscus mexicanus (Falcón-Ordaz and Sanabria-Espinoza, 1996, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2298, UNAM 199-194. San Miguel Allende; Xihuingo, Tecocomulco: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 6887.
Carolinensis perezponcedeleoniJiménez, 2012
Intestine: Adult.
Veracruz: Adolfo López Mateos: Nyctomys sumichrasti (Jiménez, 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7665-7667, HWML 67094-67097.
Carolinensis peromysci (Durette-Desset, 1974)
Intestine: Adult.
Yucatán: Paraíso, Maxcanú: Peromyscus yucatanicus (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7440.
Carolinensis petteri (Denke, 1977)
Intestine: Adult.
Veracruz: Estación de Biología Los Tuxtlas: Peromyscus mexicanus (Denke 1977, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: MNHN 1052. Note: This specimen was originally recorded as Boreostrongylus, a synonym of Carolinensis (Durette-Desset 1983, García-Prieto et al. 2012).
Carolinensis sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Oaxaca: Peromyscus sp. (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7695, 7696.
Hassalstrongylus aduncus (Chandler, 1932)
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Huehuetla: Sigmodon hispidus (García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 6887. Note: Sigmodon hispidus is not distributed in Hidalgo according to Ramírez et al. (2014). Jalisco: Viborillas, Encarnación de Díaz: Sigmodon hispidus (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 8064. Note: S. hispidus is not distributed in Jalisco according to Ceballos (2014). Yucatán: Xkalakdzonot, Chankom: Sigmodon toltecus (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7431, 7442, CNHE 10713.
Hassalstrongylus bocquetiDenke 1977
Intestine: Adult.
San Luis Potosí: 32-40 km W of Ciudad Valles: Oligoryzomys fulvescens, Oryzomys couesi, Handleyomys melanotis (recorded as Oryzomys melanotis) (Underwood et al. 1986, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Note: Handleyomys melanotis is not distributed in San Luis Potosí according to Téllez and Medellín (2014). Veracruz: Estación de Biología Los Tuxtlas: Handleyomys alfaroi (recorded as Oryzomys alfaroi) (Denke 1977, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: MNHN 1045.
Hassalstrongylus musculi (Dickmans, 1935)
Intestine: Adult.
San Luis Potosí: 32-40 km W of Ciudad Valles: Oligoryzomys fulvescens, Oryzomys couesi, Handleyomys melanotis (recorded as Oryzomys melanotis) (Underwood et al. 1986, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Note: Handleyomys melanotis is not distributed in San Luis Potosí according to Téllez and Medellín (2014).
Hassalstrongylus sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Oaxaca: La Hierba Buena: Peromyscus aztecus (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7697.
Paraheligmonella sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Oaxaca: Km. 134 Oaxaca-Tuxtepec Highway: Microtus oaxacensis, Peromyscus megalops (Lynggaard-Islas 2013). Specimens in collections: CNHE 8654-8657.
Stilestrongylus hidalguensisFalcón-Ordaz and Sanabria-Espinoza, 1999
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Atlatilpan Huitzotlalco: Peromyscus sp. (Falcón-Ordaz and Sanabria-Espinoza, 1999, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2293-2295, 2297, 3293.
Stilestrongylus peromysciFalcón-Ordaz and Sanabria-Espinoza, 1999
Intestine: Adult.
Hidalgo: Huehuetla: Peromyscus difficilis (Falcón-Ordaz and Sanabria-Espinoza, 1999, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2296, 3263.
Stilestrongylus sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Oaxaca: La Hierba Buena: Oryzomys sp. (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 7698.
Note: Oryzomys sp. was recorded in the original literature but may represent Handleyomys sp. Yucatán: Paraíso, Maxcanú: Peromyscus yucatanicus (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7439.
Heligmosomidae (Travassos 1914)
Longistriata sp.
Intestine: Adult.
Nuevo León: Casas Blancas, Apodaca; El Brasil, Apodaca; La Perla, Apodaca: Neotoma micropus, Peromyscus maniculatus, Sigmodon hispidus (Gutiérrez-González 1980, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections.
Ornithostrongylidae (Travassos, 1937)
Vexillata armande Gardner, Fong, Al-Banna, and Raymond, 1994
Intestine: Adult.
Estado de México: Atla, Axapusco: Perognathus flavus (Escalante et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5840. Note: These specimens were listed as Vexillata cf. armande (García-Prieto et al. 2012). Guanajuato: Mineral de Pozos, San Luis de La Paz: Chaetodipus sp. (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5677.
Vexillata dessetaeDenke 1977
Intestine: Adult.
Veracruz: Adolfo López Mateos: Heteromys desmarestianus (Escalante et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5847. Estación de Biología Los Tuxtlas: H. desmarestianus (Denke 1977, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: MNHN 1047, CNHE 4817.
Vexillata legallaeDenke 1977
Intestine: Adult.
Veracruz: Adolfo López Mateos: Heteromys desmarestianus (Escalante et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5846. Estación de Biología Los Tuxtlas: Heteromys desmarestianus (Denke 1977, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: MNHN 1054, CNHE 4818.
Vexillata liomyosFalcón-Ordaz, Gardner, and Pérez-Ponce de León, 2001
Intestine: Adult.
Jalisco: Chamela: Heteromys pictus (Falcón-Ordaz, Gardner, and Pérez-Ponce de León, 2001, Escalante et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 3911-3914. Morelos: Reserva Estatal Sierra de Monte Negro: Heteromys irroratus (Ortíz-Villaseñor et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5294. Nayarit: 1.4 km N of Tacote: Heteromys pictus (Escalante et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5616. Tlaxcala: Barranca Huehuetitla, Panotla; 2 km E of San Andrés Cuajimalpa: Heteromys irroratus (Escalante et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5294, 5296, 5845. Zacatecas: Estación Camacho, Mazapil: Dipodomys merriami (Iturbe-Morgado et al. 2017). Specimens in collections: CNHE 5676.
Vexillata vexillata (Hall, 1916) Durette-Desset, 1971
Intestine: Adult.
Chiapas: Mapastepec: Heteromys pictus (Caballero y Caballero 1958, Escalante et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2355. Note: These specimens were originally collected as Longistriata vexillata. Hidalgo: Atlatilpan; Huehuetla: Heteromys irroratus, Peromyscus difficilis (Sanabria-Espinosa et al. 1996, Falcón-Ordaz and Sanabria-Espinosa 1997, Escalante et al. 2011, García-Prieto et al. 2012, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2013, Falcón-Ordaz et al. 2015). Specimens in collections: CNHE 2282, 2290, 5295. Morelos: Tepoztlán: Heteromys irroratus (Ortiz 1999, García-Prieto et al. 2012). No specimens in collections. Yucatán: Xkalakdzonot, Chankom: Heteromys gaumeri (Panti-May et al. 2018). Specimens in collections: MLP-He 7430, CNHE 10705.
Strongylidae Baird, 1853
Unknown genus
Feces: Eggs.
Chihuahua: Biosphere Reserve, Janos-Casas Grandes: Onychomys leucogaster (Rendón-Franco et al. 2014). No specimens in collections. Note: Onychomys leucogaster is not distributed in Chihuahua according to Tobón-García (2014).
In our updated checklist, we increase the number of known host-parasite records to at least 73 helminth species from 35 cricetid and 12 heteromyid species collected across 21 states in Mexico. The reported number of helminth species of these rodents is likely underestimating the total helminth diversity of cricetids and heteromyids in Mexico for two reasons. First, this checklist reports some parasite specimens identified only to genus. Specific identification of these specimens and descriptions of new species will likely result in additional species. Second, with only 47 of 190 cricetid and heteromyid rodent species in Mexico sampled, much of the parasite fauna of these host families is unknown. Sampling of additional host species not represented here will likely result in more helminth species.
While we report a checklist of helminths of cricetid and heteromyid rodents in Mexico, Light et al. (2019) similarly compiled a checklist of all ectoparasites (fleas, mites, ticks, and lice). Although these checklists represent the most up-to-date knowledge of the macroparasite fauna of cricetid and heteromyid rodents in Mexico, there are still large gaps in our knowledge. We therefore encourage “holistic” collections of rodents, where all available data, including ecto- and endoparasites, are recorded during specimen collections (Cook et al. 2016, 2017, Webster 2017, Cook and Light 2019). We also urge researchers to deposit parasites into appropriate natural history collections, as parasites are often underrepresented in these collections (Bell et al. 2018), to ensure their availability and continued contribution to future research.