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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas
versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934
Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.11 no.8 Texcoco nov./dic. 2020 Epub 13-Dic-2021
Conatrigo F2015: a new variety of bread wheat for irrigation areas in Mexico
1Campo Experimental Valle de México-INIFAP. Carretera Los Reyes-Texcoco km 13.5, Coatlinchán, Texcoco, Estado de México. CP. 56250. (;;;
2Campo Experimental Valle de Mexicali-INIFAP. Carretera a San Felipe km 7.5, Mexicali, Baja California Norte. (
INIFAP makes available to irrigated wheat producers the variety ‘Conatrigo F2015’, obtained in the Wheat Genetic Improvement Program in the Valle de Mexico Experimental Field. The parents Thelin and Weebill were crossed in El Batan in S-S/2001, the F1 was backcrossed to WEEBILL in Cd. Obregon in A-W/2001-2002. The F1 TOP cross (CGSS02Y00079T) was sown in El Batan in S-S/2002, an indefinite number of plants were harvested in mass (099B), this procedure was followed alternately in El Batán, Atizapán and Cd. Obregon until F5 was planted in Cd. Obregon, Son. In A-W/2004-2005, plant No. 6 (6Y) was individually selected and harvested, obtaining the line that gave rise to the variety. From the A-W/2007-2008 cycle to A-W/2014-2015 it was evaluated by INIFAP in ten states and up to 120 different conditions. It is genealogy is Thelin/2*Wbll1 and pedigree, CGSS02Y00079T-099B-099B-099Y-099M-6Y-0B. the definitive registration number is TRI-174- 231117 and breeder’s title 1895. It has the genes Lr24 and Lr46 that give resistance to the races of leaf rust present in Mexico. It has the Yr29 and Yr30 genes that confer resistance to yellow rust in adult plants. It surpassed in yield from 3% (Kronstad F2004) to 32% (Palmerin F2004) in normal irrigation. It is hard grain with strong dough (W> 300 J × 10-4), extensible (PL< 1), bread volume greater than that of Kronstad F2004, with dough suitable for mechanized breadmaking or as a soft dough improver and tenacious.
Keywords: higher yield; irrigated wheat; leaf rust; yellow rust
El INIFAP pone a disposición de los productores de trigo de riego la variedad ‘Conatrigo F2015’, obtenida en el Programa de Mejoramiento Genético de Trigo en el Campo Experimental Valle de México. Se cruzaron los progenitores Thelin y Weebill en El Batán en P-V/2001, la F1 se retrocruzó hacia WEEBILL en Cd. Obregón en O-I/2001-2002. La cruza F1 TOP (CGSS02Y00079T) se sembró en El Batán en P-V/2002, fueron cosechadas en forma masal un número indefinido de plantas (099B), este procedimiento se siguió alternadamente en El Batán, Atizapán y Cd. Obregón hasta la F5 que fue sembrada en Cd. Obregón, Son. en O-I/2004-2005, se seleccionó y cosecho individualmente la planta No. 6 (6Y) obteniéndose la línea que dio origen a la variedad. Del ciclo O-I/2007-2008 hasta O-I/2014-2015 fue evaluada por INIFAP en diez estados y hasta en 120 condiciones diferente. Su genealogía es Thelin/2*Wbll1 y pedigrí, CGSS02Y00079T-099B-099B-099Y-099M-6Y-0B. el número de registro definitivo es TRI-174- 231117 y título de obtentor 1895. Posee los genes Lr24 y Lr46 que les otorgan resistencia a las razas de roya de la hoja presentes en México. Posee los genes Yr29 y Yr30 que le confieren resistencia en planta adulta a roya amarilla. Superó en rendimiento desde 3% (Kronstad F2004) hasta 32% (Palmerín F2004) en riego normal. Es de grano duro con masa fuerte (W> 300 J × 10-4), extensible (PL< 1), volumen de pan superior que el de Kronstad F2004, con masa adecuada para panificación mecanizada o como mejoradora de masas suaves y tenaces.
Palabras clave: mayor rendimiento; roya amarilla; roya de la hoja; trigo de riego
In Mexico, irrigated wheat production is of great importance in the national supply. The importance of this crop lies in the fact that it is used for human and animal nutrition and for the area sown. In 2018, about 560 thousand hectares were planted, of which 83.5% were irrigated, where the states of Sonora, Guanajuato, Baja California Norte, Sinaloa and Michoacán stand out in order of importance, and which together contributed 89.1% of the national supply, which was 3.3 million tons (SIAP, 2019).
Yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) and leaf rust (Puccinia triticina E.) are the most important diseases that cause losses of up to 60% in wheat (Villaseñor-Espin et al., 2009; Huerta et al., 2009; Leyva et al., 2003) the most effective control has been the sowing of resistant or tolerant varieties. INIFAP wheat genetic improvement program assesses materials against the natural incidence of such pathogens to release varieties that combine higher grain yield and greater resistance to diseases in the main wheat areas of Mexico.
This variety has excelled in more than 120 evaluations nationwide for its high grain yield and resistance to the different races of yellow and leaf rust that have prevailed in the country. Conatrigo F2015 has a spring habit, the experimental line was obtained at CIMMYT; subsequently, it was evaluated in the INIFAP irrigated wheat nurseries and national trials. It was obtained by hybridization, where the Thelin (parental A) and Weebill (parental B) progenitors were recombined in a simple cross, outstanding in the international trials of CIMMYT and the national trials of INIFAP for their resistance to yellow and leaf rust in its F1 a retro cross was made to Weebill (parent C).
The simple cross was carried out in El Batan, Texcoco, Mex. in the S-S/2001 cycle and the backcross in Cd. Obregon, Son. in the A-W/2001-2002 cycle. The F1 TOP cross identified as CGSS02Y00079T was sown in the F1 (Top) generation in El Batan in the S-S /2002 cycle, where an indefinite number of plants (099B) were harvested in bulk, which gave rise to the F2 generation, which was planted in El Batán, Texcoco, State of Mexico. in the S-S/2003 cycle, where an indefinite number of plants (099 B) were harvested in the same way.
The F3 generation was evaluated in Cd. Obregon, Son. in the A-W/2003-04 cycle and an indefinite number of plants (099Y) were harvested in mass, which were sown in their F4 generation during the S-S/2004 cycle in Atizapán, State of Mexico, selected and harvested with the same procedure previous (099M). The F5 generation was sown in Cd. Obregon, Son., in the A-W/2004-2005 cycle, where plant No. 6 (6Y) was selected and harvested individually, which was planted in its F6 generation in El Batán, Texcoco, State of Mexico in the S-S/2005 cycle under regular storm conditions, harvesting massively.
From the A-W/2007-2008 cycle to the A-W/2014-2015 cycle, it was evaluated by INIFAP in its national yield trials of irrigated flour wheat in ten states of the republic (Sin., Son., BCN, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Guanajuato, Jalisco and Oaxaca) in up to 120 different conditions, under an alpha-latex design with two replications, in 4.5 m2 plots, as well as in their disease evaluation nurseries in the High Valleys from Mexico in the cycles S-S/2011 to S-S/2015 in two rows of one linear meter in the towns of Terrenate, Nanacamilpa, Francisco I. Madero, Huamantla, Benito Juárez, Emiliano Zapata, Lazaro Cárdenas in the state of Tlaxcala, while that in the state of Mexico were the towns of Chapingo, Santa Lucía, Coatepec, Miraflores, Tenango del Aire and Juchitepec.
It’s genealogy is Thelin/2*Wbll1 and pedigree; CGSS02Y00079T-099B-099B-099Y-099M-6Y-0B. It has a definitive registration number with the CNVV as TRI-174-231117 and with breeder’s title number 1 895.
Conatrigo F2015 possesses the Lr24 genes that confers resistance to the races of leaf rust that are currently prevalent in Mexico; however, virulence to Lr24 has already been reported in the MFB/SP (Singh, 1991) and TNM/- - races (Huerta-Espino et al., 2008). It also has the Lr46 gene that gives it adult plant resistance.
This new variety manifested resistance to yellow rust in adult plant conferred by the Yr29 and Yr30 genes, among others, for which it exceeds the control varieties in both rusts, so it is inferred that it has horizontal resistance to the two pathogens (Singh, 1991; Huerta-Espino et al., 2009), outperformed the varieties Kronstad F2003, Villa Juárez F2009 and Palmerin F2004, combining resistance to rusts and higher productivity (Table 1, Figure 1).
Variety | Yield (RN) | Yield (RL) | Leaf rust | Yellow rust |
Conatrigo F2015 | 5 696 | 4 245 | 0-1R | 0-15MR |
Kronstad F2003 | 5 293 | 4 061 | 40MS-80S | 0-60S |
Villa Juarez F2009 | 4 980 | 3 994 | 0-10R | 0-30MR |
Palmerin F2004 | 3 743 | 3 043 | 0-10R | 0-20MR |
Yield= grain yield in kg ha-1; RN= normal irrigation; RL= limited irrigation; R= resistant; MR= moderately resistant; MS= moderately susceptible; S= susceptible. Yield evaluations in Sinaloa, Sonora, BCN, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Guanajuato, Jalisco and Oaxaca.
Conatrigo F2015 exceeded in yield from 3% (Kronstad F2004) to 32% (Palmerin F2004) in normal irrigation (irrigation calendar 0-45-75-100). It was a consistent variety even after eliminating the last auxiliary irrigation (irrigation calendar 0-45-75), which coincides with the stage of filling grain to physiological maturity, since grain yield presented the same trend as in normal irrigation, since the differences were from 4.3 to 28.3% in the same varieties (Table 1).
It is hard grain with strong dough (W> 300 J × 10-4) (Table 2), extensible (PL< 1), bread volume higher than that of Kronstad F2004, therefore, its dough is suitable for mechanized baking or as a soft and tough dough improver (Martínez et al., 2016).
Genotype | DG | r | W | r | PL | r | VP | r |
Conatrigo F2015 | 46 | 52-40 | 381 | 514-278 | 1 | 1.6-0.5 | 847 | 920-755 |
Borlaug 100 F2014 | 46 | 48-44 | 334 | 445-263 | 1 | 1.6-0.5 | 840 | 890-800 |
Villa Juárez F2009 | 42 | 47-38 | 342 | 488-237 | 1.3 | 2.2-0.8 | 734 | 745-720 |
Roelfs F2007 | 45 | 46-43 | 364 | 467-247 | 1 | 1.9-0.5 | 787 | 800-770 |
Kronstad F2004 | 40 | 45-36 | 426 | 550-300 | 1 | 1.3-0.7 | 827 | 855-790 |
DG= grain hardness (%); W= force of the mass (10-4 J); PL= toughness/extensibility ratio (0-7); VP= volume of bread (ml); r= range.
The Conatrigo F2015 variety is recommended for normal irrigation conditions and limited irrigation during the winter cycle in the states of Sinaloa, BCN, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Guanajuato and Michoacán, for the northwestern, northern and northeastern states. It is recommended for early to late planting dates, while for the states of El Bajío it is recommended for early planting.
The seed of this new variety is available for those interested in the Bajío Experimental Field, in Roque, Guanajuato, as well as in the Valle de Mexico Experimental Field, located in Santa Lucía de Prías, Texcoco, Mex.
The Conatrigo F2015 variety surpassed the yield of commercial varieties currently in use in irrigated wheat producing areas from 3% to 33%, it is more efficient in the use of water, with resistance to yellow stripe and leaf rust. It is hard grain with a strong extensible dough and a bread volume greater than that of the control varieties, so its dough is suitable for mechanized bread making or as a soft and tough dough improver.
TO FONSEC SAGARPA-CONACYT (Project 146788) and MASAGRO Project WYC-2018-002 for the financing of national trials
Huerta, E. J.; Singh, R. P.; Herrera, F. S. A; Pérez, L. J. B. and Figueroa, L. P. 2009. First detection of virulence in Puccinia triticina to resistance genes Lr27 + Lr31 present in durum wheat in Mexico. Plant Dis. 93(1):110-110. [ Links ]
Huerta, E. J.; Singh, R. P. and Reyna, M. 2008. First report of virulence to Leaf rust resistance Genes Lr9 and Lr25 in Mexico. Plant Dis. 92(2):311-311. [ Links ]
Leyva, M. S. G.; Espitia, R. E.; Villaseñor, M. H. E. y Huerta E. J. 2003. Efecto de la roya de la hoja (Puccinia recondita Eriks.) sobre el rendimiento de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) de temporal. Rev. Mex. Fitopat. 21(1):40-47. [ Links ]
Martínez, C. E.; Espitia, R. E.; Villaseñor, M. H. E.; Hortelano, S. R. R.; Pérez, H. P. y Limón, O. A. 2016. Calidad industrial del germoplasma introducido de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) en condiciones de temporal en México. Agrociencia. 50(4):449-458. [ Links ]
SIAP. 2019. Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera. Producción Agroalimentaria y Pesquera. Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera. Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural. Ciudad de México. [ Links ]
Singh, R. P. 1991. Pathogenicity variation of Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici and P. graminis f. sp. tritici in wheat- growing areas of Mexico during 1988 and 1989. Plant Dis. 75(8):790-794. doi: 10.1094/PD-75-0790. [ Links ]
Villaseñor, E. O. M.; Huerta, E. J.; Leyva, M. S. G.; Villaseñor, M. H. E.; Singh, R. P.; Sandoval, I. J. S. y Espitia, R. E. 2009. Genética de la resistencia a roya amarilla en plantas adultas de trigo harinero. Rev. Fitotec. Mex. 32(3):217-223. [ Links ]
Received: October 01, 2020; Accepted: November 01, 2020