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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo
versión impresa ISSN 1870-5472
agric. soc. desarro vol.15 no.2 Texcoco abr./jun. 2018
Spatial Variability of Physical and Chemical Soil Properties in a Lama-Bordo System in the High Mixtec Region of Oaxaca, México
1Hidrociencias. Colegio de Postgraduados. México. (, (, (
2Estadística. Colegio de Postgraduados. México. (
3Agroecología y Sustentabilidad. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo. Carretera México-Texcoco km. 36.5, Montecillo, Estado de México. 56230. México. (
Ecosystems of the Mixtec region have been subjected to deforestation, overgrazing, and inadequate agricultural practices, and as a result soils have become deteriorated. In order to alleviate this problem, since ancestral times, the Mixtec peoples have established the lama-bordo system as a strategy to retain soil, manage superficial runoff and retain moisture. In order to have evidence of the effectiveness of the lama-bordo system, the spatial variability was analyzed, of the physical properties (texture, apparent density, field capacity and permanent wilting point) and chemical properties (pH, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and organic carbon) of the soils retained in a system in the municipality of Teotongo, Oaxaca; this system has 8.47 ha distributed in 11 plots where soil samples were taken at a depth of 0.30 m. The physical and chemical properties of the soils show high spatial variability related to the position of the sample and the age of the terrace. The statistical analysis showed statistically significant differences (α<0.05) in the contents of organic matter, nitrogen, potassium, organic carbon, clay, capacity for water retention, and hydraulic conductivity between the right, left and central margins, and the age of construction of the plots.
Keywords: soil degradation; organic carbon and soil quality; lama-bordo; conservation construction; soil retention
Los ecosistemas de la región Mixteca han estado sometidos a la deforestación, el sobrepastoreo y prácticas agrícolas inadecuadas, y como resultado los suelos se han degradado. Para atenuar este problema, desde tiempos ancestrales los pueblos mixtecos han establecido el sistema lama-bordo como estrategia para retener suelo, manejar los escurrimientos superficiales y retener humedad. Para tener evidencia de la efectividad del sistema lama-bordo se analizó la variabilidad espacial de las propiedades físicas (textura, densidad aparente, capacidad de campo y punto de marchitez permanente) y químicas (pH, materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio y carbono orgánico) de los suelos retenidos en un sistema en el municipio de Teotongo, Oaxaca; este sistema tiene 8.47 ha distribuidas en 11 parcelas donde se tomaron muestra de suelos a 0.30 m de profundidad. Las propiedades físicas y química de los suelos muestran alta variabilidad espacial relacionada con la posición del muestreo y la antigüedad de la terraza. El análisis estadístico mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (α<0.05) en los contenidos de materia orgánica, nitrógeno, potasio, carbono orgánico, arcilla, capacidad de retención de agua y conductividad hidráulica entre las márgenes derecha, izquierda y central y la antigüedad en la construcción de las parcelas.
Palabras clave: degradación de suelo; carbono orgánico y calidad de suelo; lama-bordo; obra de conservación; retención de suelo
It is estimated that in México, more than 43 % of soils present different degrees of deterioration that range from slight to extreme, provoked by the human action from changes in land use, overgrazing and tilling systems; 36.6 % of the soils present hydric erosion manifested in the loss of the superficial layer (25.3 %), deformations of the terrain (11.6 %) and sedimentation (0.6 %) (SEMANART-CP, 2003). In Oaxaca, SEMARNAT-CP (2003) describes 1 675 321 hectares of the surface of the state as affected by hydraulic erosion, with 95 % with loss of the superficial layer and the rest with deformations of the terrain.
Various studies place the Mixtec region as the one with the highest degree of erosion of the soils worldwide, and recognize that what was once a zone covered with forest was gradually deforested, causing the deterioration of the soils which was aggravated with the introduction of goat breeding, overexploitation of forest resources (for wood, carbon and sleepers), provoking the accelerated degradation of soils, leaving hillsides with emergence of parental material, loss of arable surface, in Colonial times, abandonment of traditional practices of agricultural production, and migration (Martínez, 2006; Rivas, 2008; Nuñez and Marten, 2013).
The loss of arable surface and the growing demand for foods by the population forced Mixtec producers, since Pre-Hispanic times, to take advantage of the runoffs and the erosion to favor the creation of areas for crop production, through the construction of bordos (barriers) that are transversal to the water flow direction in the streams, with which the eroded soil from the high parts was captured during seasonal runoffs, and which retained runoff water. Regionally and locally, this system is known as: trenches, atajadizos, ahoyados, enlamados, jollas and lama-bordo (Rivas et al., 2008). These agricultural spaces are currently used for the production of a large variety of crops, important in the diet of the inhabitants of these regions; cajete maize stands out (it seeks juice or moisture), which has been selected and adapted ancestrally. In these systems the surface of the plots per producer varies from 0.25 to more than one hectare; they can reach up to four kilometers of length with variable widths on the ravines (Galindo, 2008; Rivas et al., 2006; Spores et al., 2008; Pérez and Anderson, 2006), with a depth of up to 11.50 m and an approximate age of 3,400-3,500 years, described as a strategy of adaptive management to take advantage of the nutrients, water, sediments and vegetation, within a context of human and climate pressures (Mueller et al., 2012; Leigh et al., 2013).
In the lama-bordo system, there is great variability of the physical and chemical properties of the soils due to the age of construction of the terraces and the degree of the terrain’s slope where they are established, as reported by Moore et al. (1993), who point out that the slope and the moisture profiles are factors of the terrain highly correlated to the spatial variability of the physical and chemical properties of the soils.
Kreznor et al. (1989) and Pachepsky et al. (2001) mention that geological formations and topography define the patterns of water flow and sediments, whose magnitude is associated to the altitude, gradient and shape of the slope; these factors influence the dynamics of the physical and chemical properties of the soil, the land productivity, and the production of foods; therefore, they affect the yields directly (Mzuku et al., 2005). Ceddia et al. (2009) identify the relief as a factor with high correlation in the spatial variability of the physical properties of soils, especially with the silt fractions, apparent density, field capacity and permanent wilting point. Arnhold et al. (2015) studied how changes in the use and management of the crops affect the physical and chemical properties of the soils on the hillsides found that the spatial variability is associated to the slope and the geological material; the practices of agricultural crop management tend to increase the apparent density, reduce the hydraulic conductivity, the storage capacity, and the levels of carbon and nitrogen of the soils.
The study of spatial variability of the properties of agricultural soils is important for adequate management decision making to improve their quality (Rosemary et al., 2016); understanding the source of variation would help a higher efficacy (Mzuku et al., 2005) and thus to be able to have precision agriculture (Wang et al., 2013). The detailed digital maps of the soil show the spatial heterogeneity of the soil properties, necessary for the specific management of the soil and the plants (Rosemary et al., 2016; Campbell, 1979; Mzuku et al., 2005; Dercon et al., 2003).
The time of intervention in the soil alters the properties, depending on the duration and type of tilling (Kilic et al., 2012); the spatial variability has a strong relation with the use that is given to the land (Wang et al., 2013). There are different levels of variability according to the land use (Mzuku et al., 2005); the analysis of this confirms and quantifies the decrease in variability of the soil properties from young to ancient deposits, thus showing an increase of the homogenization of the soil with time (Saldaña et al., 1998). In the case of the terraces, soil fertility shows a differential gradient from the higher part to the lower part (Dercon et al., 2003).
The lama-bordo systems are effective strategies for the accumulation of fertile soil for agriculture and conservation of soil and water. The rock, land or vegetation bordos built throughout time on the ravines favor soil accumulation; however, the continuous contribution of materials and the age of the system generate temporal and spatial variations of the physical, chemical and hydrological properties of the soils.
The objective of this research was to analyze the spatial variability of physical and chemical properties of the soil, in terms of their position within the terraces and their age in a lama-bordo system in the municipality of Teotongo, Oaxaca. It is expected that the patterns of spatial distribution of these properties allow making deductions about the quality of the soils.
Materials and Methods
Study site
The lama-bordo system under study is located in the municipality of Teotongo in the High Mixtec region, Oaxaca, on coordinates 17° 45’ 45” N and 97° 31’ 41” W, at an altitude of 2115 m. The site’s climate is sub-humid temperate with summer rains, with a mean annual temperature of 16.6 °C; the mean annual precipitation is 492 mm and the evaporation is 2799 mm. It is a semiarid zone with restrictions for the production of rainfed crops due to the seasonal variation of rain, which in dry years is insufficient to cover the demands from the crops. The dominant soil group is epileptic Phaeozem, which are shallow, subject to erosion, parental material emergence, and low moisture retention capacity. With the construction of the bordos, the eroded materials accumulate, forming deep colluvial soils in the central part and shallow on the right and left margins.
The system has 11 plots (terraces) with surfaces that vary from 0.22 to 1.32 ha on a total surface of 8.47 ha (Figure 1); they were grouped by age into: young (P1, P2 and P3), middle (P4, P5, P6 and P7) and old (P8, P9, P10 and P11). Those in the low part are the oldest, have higher bordos and show lateral growth from the incorporation of new fractions of land in both margins of the hillsides.
Soil sampling and laboratory analysis
A preliminary sampling of the soils was carried out, at 0.30 m of depth, to understand the efficiency of the lama-bordo system in improving the soil properties, in relation to lands with traditional tilling and at rest.
For spatial variability, the sampling was carried out at 0.30 m of depth on the right, left and central margins of each plot in the system; the sampling points were located with a Global Positioning System (GPS). The soil samples were placed in plastic bags for their transport and processing in the laboratory; the methods used in the analysis of the properties are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Soil properties, measurement scales, and determination methods.
Propiedad | Escala | Método |
Textura | Hidrómetro de Bouyoucos (Bouyoucos, 1962) | |
Densidad aparente | Mg m-3 | Método de la parafina (Blake, 1965) |
Capacidad de campo | Porcentaje | Olla de presión (Klute, 1986) |
Punto de marchitez permanente | Porcentaje | Membrana de presión (Klute, 1986) |
Conductividad hidráulica | mm h-1 | Permeámetro de carga constante (Klute y Dirksen, 1965) |
pH | log | Potenciometría (1:1) (Willard et al., 1974) |
Materia orgánica | Porcentaje | Walkley y Black (Walkley y Black, 1934) |
Nitrógeno total | Porcentaje | Kjehdahl (modificado por Bremner, 1965) |
Fósforo | mg kg-1 | Olsen (Olsen et al., 1954) |
Potasio | cmol kg-1 | Acetato de Amonio (Pratt, 1965) |
Capacidad de intercambio catiónico | cmol kg-1 | Acetato de Amonio (Chapman, 1965) |
Carbono Orgánico Total | Mg ha-1 | Estimado (González et al., 2008) |
Digital elevation model
A total station topographic appraisal was carried out (Sokkia SET 630 R) of the bordos of each terrace; the readings were taken every 10 meters on the high part and low part of each bordo to obtain the incline between plots and to estimate the height of the terrace. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the system was elaborated with the data from this appraisal.
Data analysis
To analyze the spatial behavior of the physical and chemical parameters of the soils, the geographic location of the sampling points was used, the DEM and the specific values for each parameter, and they were interpolated with the Kygring tool in Arc GIS 10.2.2.
The statistical descriptors of each property were obtained in the statistical analysis, and they were grouped by position of sampling and age; the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means comparison with the Tukey test were carried out with the Minitab 17 software.
Results and Discussion
According to the data obtained in the topographic appraisal, the system has an average incline of 4 %; there is a difference in incline of 20 m in the 480 m of length. With the construction of bordos, a gradual process of terrace formation begins, which currently has an average incline of nearly two meters between plots. The results show that the lama-bordo system is an efficient system in sediment retention and improves soil fertility, with values in its physical and chemical parameters similar to lands at rest that are not subject to any use and higher than terrains with conventional agriculture (Table 2).
Table 2 Soil properties in three management systems.
Sistema | pH | N | P | K | MO | C | ARC | Limo | ARE | DA | CC | PMP | HA |
Testigo | 7.96a | 81.27a | 2.17a | 1.38a | 3.72a | 85.71a | 38.62a | 26.82ab | 34.56a | 1.30a | 36.45a | 19.75a | 16.70a |
Lama-Bordo | 7.97a | 51.44a | 1.51a | 1.34a | 2.37a | 54.25a | 36.03a | 21.37b | 42.61a | 1.33a | 28.42a | 17.02a | 11.40a |
Convenciona | 7.86a | 41.46a | 1.09a | 0.59a | 1.97a | 43.73a | 41.16a | 36.91a | 21.93a | 1.27a | 32.98a | 19.96a | 13.02a |
Variability of the physical properties of the lama-bordo system
Results show high correlation coefficients between terrace age and silt contents (0.7350, p<0.0001), organic matter (0.5220, p=0.0026), CE (0.41652, p=0.0198) and hydraulic conductivity (0.40964, p=0.0221). The oldest lama-bordo terraces have had more time to retain nutrients and aggregation processes have begun which influence the hydraulic conductivity. The percentage of K and DAP have a negative correlation (0.5320 and 0.5128); the highest values of these properties are found in the young plots. The reduction of the potassium content can be due to a greater accumulation of calcium in the exchange complex.
The position shows high correlation coefficients with the clay content (p=0.0002), FC (p=0.0003), PWP (p=0.0005) and SOC (p=0.0012). The center of the plots continues conserving the water flow line and despite the bordos there is not enough time for the sedimentation of clays; this behavior affects the system’s capacity for moisture retention.
The average texture of the soils in the lama-bordo system is clay-sandy loam, with clay, silt and sand contents of 32.65 %, 18.32 % and 49.03 %, respectively, and variation coefficients (VC) of 29.14 %, 31.27 % and 15.44 %; the soil fraction composition suggests that when sand contents dominate, better conditions for moisture storage in the profile are generated, and water infiltration into the soil is favored. The field capacity (FC) varies between 20 and 41 %, with an average of 31.7 % and VC of 16.75; the permanent wilting point (PWP) varies between 5 and 30 %, with average values of 20.1 and VC of 25.7 %. The hydraulic conductivity has average values of 4.72 mm·h-1, with a negative correlation with the silt content. The behavior of the hydraulic properties show spatial variability in the capacity of moisture storage in the soil, which can cause a differential growth of the crops and compel to generating management strategies to maintain a more uniform growth. The apparent density has relatively high values, 1.47 Mg m-3 characteristic of sedimentation materials with scarce influence of soil-formation processes and subject to compacting from the weight of the materials that are continually added (Table 3 and Figure 2).
Table 3 Variability of the physical properties of the soil in the lama-bordo system by position.
Propiedad | Posición | Promedio | p>F | DMSH | ||
Derecha | Centro | Izquierda | ||||
Arcilla (%) | 24.40 b* | 38.54 a | 34.40 a | 32.645 | 0.001 | 8.2921 |
Limo (%) | 20.40 a | 17.82 a | 16.80 a | 18.323 | 0.361 | 6.2311 |
Arena (%) | 55.20 a | 43.64 b | 48.80 ab | 49.032 | 0.001 | 6.5694 |
Capacidad de campo (%) | 27.10 b | 34.82 a | 32.90 a | 31.710 | 0.001 | 4.6660 |
Punto de marchitez permanente (%) | 15.80 b | 23.18 a | 21.20 a | 20.161 | 0.002 | 4.6724 |
Da (Mg m-3) | 1.49 a | 1.44 a | 1.46 a | 1.465 | 0.156 | 0.0558 |
Conductividad hidráulica (mm h-1) | 15.65 a | 3.54 b | 4.24 b | 7.675 | 0.015 | 10.7070 |
*Values with different letters are statistically different (a=0.05).
The ANOVA showed highly significant differences (α=0.05) for the margins in the contents of clay, sand, VC and PWP (Table 3), suggesting that with the system management and the soil clearance, new materials are incorporated which modify the textural behavior because of the lateral growth of the terraces. The margins change their soil fraction composition and the finer fractions tend to accumulate in the central part; this agrees with what was reported by Sullivan (2000) for runoff agriculture systems in southwestern United States, where they report that there are changes in the textural patterns of the plots with runoff management. For silts and apparent density there are statistical differences by age, which are variables related to the contribution of materials without weathering that become incorporated into the system’s margins, where coarse fractions predominate; finer fractions of the transported materials tend to accumulate in the central part. For silts and apparent density, there are statistical differences because of the position of the plot (age) (Table 4) which may be explained because it is the easiest fraction to transport by the superficial flow; the hydraulic conductivity reported significant differences and a high coefficient of variation between the right margin and the other positions of the sample. This agrees with what was reported by Kreznor et al. (1989) and Pachepsky et al. (2001), who point out that the geographic formations and the topography are factors highly correlated with the spatial variability of the soil properties.
Table 4 Variability of the physical properties of the soil in the lama-bordo system by age.
Propiedad | Antigüedad | Promedio | p>F | DMSH | ||
Joven | Media | Vieja | ||||
Arcilla (%) | 35.167 a | 33.600 a | 28.222 a | 32.65 | 0.2423 | 10.262 |
Limo (%) | 14.000 b | 18.200 b | 24.220 a | 18.32 | <0.0001 | 4.3808 |
Arena (%) | 50.833 a | 48.200 a | 47.556 a | 49.03 | 0.5806 | 8.4242 |
Capacidad de campo (%) | 32.667 a | 32.000 a | 30.110 a | 31.71 | 0.5553 | 5.9018 |
Punto de marchitez permanente (%) | 21.417 a | 20.400 a | 18.222 a | 20.16 | 0.3883 | 5.7221 |
Da (Mg m-3) | 1.491 a | 1.468 ba | 1.426 b | 1.46 | 0.0122 | 0.0512 |
Conductividad hidráulica (mm h-1) | 3.857 b | 5.581 ba | 15.092 a | 7.68 | 0.0473 | 11.218 |
The highest values of apparent density are related to the incorporation of new materials to the terrace soil; generally it is tuff.
The means test showed significant differences (α=0.05) for the clay, silt, sand contents, apparent density, field capacity, permanent wilting point, and hydraulic conductivity. In the percentage of clay there are significant differences due to position (Table 3); in the center and left margin of the plot there is higher concentration of fine particles than in the right margin, indicating the water flow lines within the plots and the incorporation of coarser materials from the hillsides to the right due to management. The percentage of silt has difference due to age (Table 4); in the plots of the lower part (9, 10 and 11) there is higher percentage in comparison to those located in the high part (plots 1, 2, 3 and 4). The percentage of sand showed difference by margin of the plot; the highest percentage of sand was reported in both margins (right and left) because of the presence of degraded zones and in process of repair with tilling, and a lower proportion was present in the central part of the plot. The apparent density had a difference due to age; the plots from the high part present higher values, associated to the presence of sand materials; the FC and PWP had significant differences in the plot’s margins and there was no difference between the center and left margin. The hydraulic conductivity had significant differences between margins, since the right margin is different from the left and center.
Variability of the chemical properties of the lama-bordo system
The pH presented a low VC (3.65 %) and the rest of the properties (OM; N, P, K and SOC) have high coefficients of variation, which shows the spatial variability of these properties in the lama-bordo system (Table 5 and Figure 3).
Table 5 Variability of the chemical properties of the soil in the lama-bordo system by position.
Propiedad | Posición | Promedio | p>F | DMSH | ||
Derecha | Centro | Izquierda | ||||
pH | 7.66 a | 7.65 a | 7.73 a | 7.678 | 0.784 | 0.3075 |
Materia orgánica (%) | 2.28 a | 2.40 a | 2.49 a | 2.395 | 0.836 | 0.9349 |
Nitrógeno total (%) | 0.073 a | 0.094 a | 0.102 a | 0.090 | 0.328 | 0.0479 |
Fósforo (mg kg-1) | 6.138 a | 5.688 a | 5.683 a | 5.832 | 0.917 | 2.9278 |
Potasio (cmol (K)kg-1) | 0.529 a | 0.692 a | 0.640 a | 0.623 | 0.504 | 0.3480 |
CIC (cmol(+)kg-1) | 19.680 a | 22.807 a | 22.784 a | 21.791 | 0.457 | 6.7371 |
Conductividad eléctrica (dS m-1) | 0.321 a | 0.340 a | 0.296 a | 0.320 | 0.684 | 0.1146 |
COS (t ha-1) | 39.26 b | 147.34 a | 39.97 b | 77.839 | 0.001 | 72.222 |

Figure 3 Spatial variability of the chemical properties of the soil in the lama-bordo site in Teotongo.
Figure 3 shows the geospatial variability of the chemical properties of the soil; it is observed that the organic matter contents are higher in the low part of the lama-bordo system, attributable to the age of the terrace construction and to the presence of the soil formation process of aggregation of particles and improvement of the structure, which shows the benignity of the system in the carbon capture that moves with superficial runoffs.
The variance analysis (ANOVA) indicates that the spatial variability of chemical properties of the soil is due to the position of the sampling, to the plot or the position of the plot in the system; significant differences were found in the contents of organic matter, potassium and organic carbon (Table 5).
The system retains in average 72 Mg ha-1 of soil organic carbon (SOC), which tends to accumulate in a higher proportion in the central part of the terraces with average values of 132 Mg ha-1 (Table 5). The contents of total nitrogen and phosphorus do not report significant differences despite showing high variation coefficients in their spatial distribution in the system.
The means comparison test shows significant differences in the contents of organic matter due to the position of the plot (age of the lama-bordo); the young plots (9, 10 and 11) report the highest contents of organic matter (92 Mg ha-1), which is 60o% higher in comparison to the values found in the old plots (1, 2 and 3) (Table 6). As was mentioned previously, soil conservation works such as the lama-bordo system capture the sediments transported by runoffs, foster infiltration, store more water in the terraces, and retain the organic matter transported by the runoff, improving the quality of soils in the sedimentation zones as reported by Mueller et al. (2012) and Leigh et al. (2013).
Table 6 Spatial variability of the chemical properties of the soil in the lama-bordo system by age.
Propiedad | Antigüedad | Promedio | p>F | DMSH | ||
Joven | Media | Vieja | ||||
pH | 7.784 a | 7.523 a | 7.710 a | 7.68 | 0.1251 | 0.2897 |
M.O. (%) | 1.972 b | 2.336 ab | 3.024 a | 2.39 | 0.0112 | 0.8062 |
Nitrógeno total (%) | 0.101 a | 0.081 a | 0.085 a | 0.09 | 0.4898 | 0.0488 |
Fósforo (mg kg-1) | 5.512 a | 6.337 a | 5.698 a | 5.83 | 0.7717 | 2.9274 |
Potasio (cmol (K)kg-1) | 0.848 a | 0.500 b | 0.458 b | 0.62 | 0.0033 | 0.2924 |
CIC (cmol(+)kg-1) | 21.333 a | 23.112 a | 20.933 a | 21.79 | 0.6648 | 6.8692 |
Conductividad eléctrica (dSm-1) | 0.276 a | 0.320 a | 0.378 a | 0.32 | 0.1640 | 0.1098 |
COS (t ha-1) | 57.850 a | 88.234 a | 92.941 a | 77.84 | 0.5763 | 92.053 |
The potassium contents had significant differences between plots; number 1 is within the high class, compared to number 11, which is within the low class, and total organic carbon showed significant differences in terms of the margin of the plot; the center is different from the right and left margins.
The lama-bordo system captures moisture, retains soils, shapes cultivation areas, captures carbon and reduces risks in the production of crops from the presence of droughts; however, there is abandonment of this production system that translates into the destruction of the bordos and the dragging of material previously retained. The rescue of this Pre-Hispanic technology is a responsibility of the owners of plots with lama-bordo, and the government could support them as a strategy for soil conservation and for production of the grains that the rural population demands from this marginalized zone in the country.
The constant contribution of sediments and the management practices carried out by producers in the lama-bordo system provoke a high spatial variability of the physical and chemical properties of the soils, improving the contents of fine materials, organic matter, carbon, and soil quality for the production of crops.
The accumulation of organic matter has a close relation with the age of the plots since it was found in higher amount in the low part of the lama-bordo system, that is, in the oldest plots.
The organic carbon was concentrated in the central part of the lama-bordo system; the bordos reduce the speed of the water flow and foster for materials in suspension to be deposited.
The soils from the left and right margins of the lama-bordo system have lower quality than those of the central part, which is explained by the incorporation of materials with scarce soil formation processes from zones neighboring the system.
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Received: July 01, 2016; Accepted: June 01, 2017