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Journal of applied research and technology

versão On-line ISSN 2448-6736versão impressa ISSN 1665-6423

J. appl. res. technol vol.2 no.3 Ciudad de México Dez. 2004


Capture of events midi in parallel with FPGAs'


M. Peña & A. De Luca


Center of Investigation and of Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute.,,


Received: January 13th, 2003.
Accepted: February 21th, 2003.



The project consists on designing, in FPGA system, a special dynamic memory MCS-S (MIDI Capture System-Segmented) to capture, in real time and in parallel form, musical data that come from a group of instruments while they play in an orchestra, as well as to obtain their score. Inside the system, each single memory segment stores the notes corresponding to each instrument. The control system prepares automatically the necessary memory cells for each instrument and inserts new notes in each segment in parallel form. The electronic components of this system are programmed in VHDL, to carry out later the implementation in FPGA.

Keywords: MIDI, FPGA, VHDL.



El proyecto consiste en diseñar, en un sistema FPGA, una memoria dinámica especial llamada MCS-S (MIDI Capture System-Segmented) para capturar, en tiempo real y en forma paralela, datos musicales que provienen de un conjunto de instrumentos mientras tocan en una orquesta, y obtener su partitura. Dentro del sistema, cada segmento de memoria almacena las notas que corresponden a cada instrumento. El control del sistema prepara automáticamente las celdas de memoria necesarias para cada instrumento e inserta de forma paralela nuevas notas para cada segmento. Los componentes electrónicos del sistema están programados en VHDL para después realizar la implementación en FPGA.





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