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Archivos de cardiología de México

versión On-line ISSN 1665-1731versión impresa ISSN 1405-9940

Arch. Cardiol. Méx. vol.85 no.2 Ciudad de México abr./jun. 2015 

Imagen en cardiología


Double incomplete aortic arch and Kommerell's Diverticulum as a cause of chronic cough


Doble arco aórtico incompleto y divertículo de Kommerell como causa de tos crónica


Lilia M. Sierra-Galana,*, Daniela Shveid-Gersonb, Gilberto Gomez-Garzac, Alejandro Rey-Rodriguezd


a Head of Cardiology at American British Cowdray Medical Center, Santa Fe Campus, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.

b Pre-grade Intern of the American British Cowdray Medical Center, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.

c Staff Physician of Radiology and Molecular Imaging Department at American British Cowdray Medical Center, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.

d Head of Cardiac Surgery at American British Cowdray Medical Center, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.


* Corresponding author at:
Av. Carlos Graef Fernández 154-207, Colonia Tlaxala,
Delegación Cuajimalpa, México, D.F. 05300, Mexico.
E-mail addresses:, (L.M. Sierra-Galan).


Received May 16, 2014
Accepted December 10, 2014



Vascular rings which can cause symptoms related the trachea and esophagus compression occur in less than 1% of all cardiovascular malformations. Double incomplete aortic arch with right-sided aorta and aberrant left subclavian artery is the rarest one, and its present in 0.04–0.1% of autopsy series. A case of this malformation with a Kommerell's Diverticulum is presented. This diverticulum has risk of severe complications such as dissection and/or rupture.

Keywords: CMR; CEMRA; Kommerell's Diverticulum; Double incomplete aortic arch; Right sided aortic arch RMCV.



Los anillos vasculares pueden causar síntomas relacionados a compresión de tráquea y esófago y ocurren en menos del 1% de todas las malformaciones cardiovasculares. El doble arco aórtico incompleto con arco aórtico a la derecha y arteria subclavia izquierda aberrante es la forma más rara y se presenta en el 0.04 a 0.1% de las series de autopsia. Se presenta un caso de esta malformación con un divertículo de Kommerell. El divertículo tiene riesgo de complicaciones severas como disección y/o ruptura.

Palabras clave: ARM-Contrastada; RMC; Divertículo de Kommerell; Doble Arco Aórtico Incompleto; Arco Aórtico a la Derecha.


Vascular rings which can cause symptoms related the trachea and esophagus compression occur in less than 1% of all cardiovascular malformations1 and usually associates with others left sided ones, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach of the heart and the vascular structures in the same study, such as CMR to plan the surgical approach.1 Double incomplete aortic arch (DIAoA) with right-sided aorta (RSAoA) and aberrant left subclavian artery (ALSA) is the rarest one, and its present in 0.04–0.1% of autopsy series.2

We present a case of a one-year-old boy with chronic cough and difficulty for the feeding progression process, an out-site barium's swallow reported extrinsic compression of the esophagus. Due to radiation-safety concerns, a CMR was performed; a DIAoA with RSAoA and a Kommerell's Diverticulum (KD) were seen, which showed compression of the trachea and the esophagus by vascular structures. ALSA originates from the incomplete left aortic arch.

The RSAoA develops when the fourth left aortic arch involute and the right one persists.3,4 When an ALSA exists, it can create an aneurysmatic vascular dilatation, known as KD, which can be concomitant to the double aortic arch (DAA).2 The KD represents the persistency of the distal segment of DAA, generally the left one which proximal segment is atretic or disappears.1 There are three KD types described, the second one is the rarest one and it forms when the KD coexists with RSAoA and ALSA (Figs. 1 and 2).3–6

The KD has risk of severe complications such as dissection and/or rupture.7


Ethical responsabilities

Data confidentiality

The authors declare that they have followed the protocols of the workplace on the publication of patient data.


Right to privacy and informed consent

The authors declare that no patient data appear in this article.


Protection of human subjects and animals in research

The authors declare that no experiments were performed on humans or animals for this study.



No endorsement of any kind received to conduct this study/article.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.



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