1 Introduction
Community Question Answering platforms are social networks, where their members socialize and share their knowledge by posting and answering questions (e.g., opinions, word-of-mouth tips and facts). One of the primary motivations for utilizing these classes of services has to do with the fact that community members can ask personalized questions that will get answers tailored to their specific need.
By examining their activity, it becomes crystal clear that not all community fellows exhibit the same pattern of behaviour when participating in this sort of system. In fact, each member behaves and plays a distinct role in consonance with his/her interests, expertise, and personality. For instance, some users are more leaned to post questions than to provide answers, whereas other users compete to gain higher rewards and/or to be granted as many best answers as possible.
As a means of personalizing their service, thus enhancing user experience, it is critical for these sites to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the expertise, topic of interest and personality traits of their members. For example, this knowledge can cooperate on solving the “cold start problem”, that is to say on reducing the delay between posting time and the arrival of good answers, via finding potential answerers that best match. By bridging this gap, these platforms keep their vibrancy and attractiveness as well as capture more attention [6, 24, 28, 40]. In fact, a profound understanding of community members is not only pertinent to route open questions to potential answerers, but also to personalize the display of content.
To the best of our knowledge, what characterizes the different personalities expressed in these communities has been largely unexplored, so far. More specifically, our work examines different linguistic characteristics that typify the distinct personality traits reflected in Yahoo! Answers. Namely, interpreted in the light of the Big Five factors, which are widely believed to define personality. More precisely, this is an interdisciplinary study, which contribution is three-fold:
Instead of asking Yahoo! Answers members to volunteer for answering the Big Five test1, we conduct a discourse analysis based on a decomposition of the test into 112 descriptors, measuring each factor according to the five-likert scale.
This corpus is then utilized for building multiclass discriminant models to automatically identify the degree of each factor across community members. In so doing, we evaluated fifteen distinct supervised machine learning algorithms including Bayes, Maximum Entropy, Support Vector Machines, and several on-line learning strategies.
These learning approaches were coupled with a host of fine-grained linguistic characteristics. Put differently, high-dimensional feature spaces were constructed on top of assorted linguistically-motivated attributes extracted from natural language processing such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition and dependency parsing. That is to say, we sought for linguistic features that characterize the presence of each factor.
In a nutshell, our experiments unveil that a model effective in identifying the degree of one factor is unlikely to be effective in dealing with another factor, since a particular learning strategy and a specialized set of features are required. Since some of our findings are consistent with related studies on Facebook and Twitter, our results underscore that this decomposition is a feasible way of lessening the necessity of volunteers for answering the test. The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 deals with the related work, next section 3 fleshes out our approach, section 4 breaks down our experiments and findings. Eventually, section 5 draws some conclusions and provides some future works.
2 Related Work
In the last decade, there has been an uptick in research into community question answering due to the wide variety of difficulties faced by this class of system [50]. In effect, enhancing their user experience entails several tough challenges, e.g., identifying high quality content [2, 40, 45, 59], bridging the gap between new questions and past good fitting answers [20, 25, 60], capitalizing on user search activity for enhancing the search across cQA archives [5, 28, 55], and finding potential experts that could readily answer new posted questions [41, 42, 43, 57]. Take for instance, the approach of [12] dug deeper into models capable of deciding whether an incoming question will be solved or it should be rerouted to an operator.
Recently, the focus have shifted towards understanding the behaviour of the community members [1, 26, 40]. In this vein, the work of [18] exploited multi-label learning for discriminating the multiple motivations an asker might have when publishing a question, and the study of [36] targeted at automatically identifying knowledge sharers from non-sharers. Further, [30] analysed the behavior of abusive users, and [44] estimated the reliability and expertise of Yahoo! Answers members.
Furthermore, [9] identified authorities, and [10] studied the behaviour of users associated with clarification questions. Lastly, [58] investigated the impact and relation that exist between intrinsic (e.g. interest) and extrinsic motivations (e.g. reward) as well as expertise.
To the best of our knowledge, the Big Five personality factors have not been studied yet in the realm of Yahoo! Answers members. Needless to say, there have been recent studies concerning these factors, but in the sphere of Facebook [39, 46], and of several real world societies [27]. In particular, the work of [39] searched for patterns across Facebook statuses that typified each of these five personality factors. For this purpose, they asked some Facebook users to answer the Big Five test and to hand-in their status history. Along the same lines, the approach of [46] predicted each factor with an accuracy ranging between 65%-75% by taking advantage of their written messages.
In addition, they accounted for 75,000 volunteers that answered the test and provided their demographic information. They cast their prediction models as training binary classifiers on top of lexical, sentences and topic properties. Also, the work of [35] identified these five factors across Twitter users by analyzing their profile images. This study also had access to answered Big Five tests. In the same spirit, [51] distinguished the motivations and behavior that lead to posting selfies in Facebook. They additionally analyzed the roles of narcissism in predicting selfie-posting behavior. Furthermore, the work of [47] examined the motivations for posting pictures of oneself. More recently, [37] cast the detection of each Big Five factor across annotated essays as a binary (presence/absence) classification task.
In juxtaposition, this paper differs from earlier approaches in several aspects including: a) we make the first attempt to examine the Big Five factors in the restricted environment given by question-answering communities, namely in a space where people interact and express themselves in the form of questions and answers interchanges; b) we modelled each factor in consonance with the five-likert scale, and accordingly the automatic recognition of each factor is cast as a five-category classification task; c) as a means of discovering defining linguistic characteristics corresponding to each level/category vs. factor, we studied fifteen supervised multi-class models and checked the effectiveness of a plethora of fine-grained linguistic features (e.g., sentiment analysis and dependency parsing); and d) in order to acquired a study corpus, we benefited from a decomposition of the Big Five test in order to avoid the necessity of asking community fellows to answer the test.
3 Detecting Personality Traits Across Yahoo! Answers
For starters, we acquired a study corpus by crawling the Yahoo! Answers site from September 2015 to March 2016. The question taxonomy system supplied by Yahoo! Answers encompasses three-levels. Here, categories at the top level are broad, hence embracing a large amount of questions and constantly receiving newly posted questions and answers.
On the flip side, categories at the bottom level are very fine-grained, thus having a narrow coverage and seldom getting new questions. For this reason, this crawler navigated through the first two levels only, retrieving the top ten questions displayed when browsing the corresponding page. In order to grow the volume of fetched questions, this crawler visited several times each of these categories during this period of time. Accordingly, all question titles, bodies and answers were stored (see Figure 1). Note that by crawling all first and second level categories, we aimed at accumulating questions targeting a wide variety of topics. In total, we acquired almost 370,000 questions and their respective answer sets.

Fig. 1 A snapshot of an illustrative questions in Yahoo! Answers. The question title, body, category and its answers are indicated
Since this crawler is not designed to filter the downloaded Yahoo! Answers pages by their language, we singled out the content conveyed in English by means of running a language detector2 on every question and answer. Accordingly, the activity of each community fellow was assembled by searching for all his/her questions and answers across the fetched material (in English). Eventually, this corpus was reduced to the one hundred highest active members.
The assumption here is that the larger the amount of textual content a member provides, the higher the precision in determining the degree of each of the five factors, since there is a lower probability of missing pertinent pieces of information during the crawling phase. On average, a selected member was associated with 2,000 and 800 answers and questions (see Figures 2 and 3), respectively.

Fig. 2 The number of members (y-axis) and their corresponding amount of asked questions (x-axis) in the annotated material

Fig. 3 The amount of members (y-axis) and their respective number of given answers (x-axis) in the labelled corpus
Given the fact that we do not have access to ask these one hundred community members to volunteer for taking the Big Five test, we conducted a discourse analysis to quantify each factor. This analysis was carried out on the grounds of decomposing this test into a limited group of aspects, namely language descriptors (adjectives). The first list of descriptors was proposed by [3], and comprised more than 4.500 elements. In the course of time, the size of this list has been systematically shortened to 112 items [29].
All in all, using this small, but more precise, set of descriptors facilitates the discourse analysis. It is worth underscoring here that the array of adjectives corresponding to each factor is additionally divided into two groups: strongly and weakly related descriptors (see table ??). The former signals a positive description of the respective factor, while the latter outlines what the factor is not. Also note that each question contained in the Big Five test is aimed at determining the degree of manifestation of each of these 112 adjectives in the subject of study.
Table 1 Descriptors related to each of the five personality factors [29]
Extraversion | Agreeableness | Conscientiousness | Neuroticism | Openness | ||||||
Low | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | High | Low | High | |
Quite | Talkative | Fault-finding | Symphatethic | Careless | Organized | Stable | Tense | Commonplace | Wide interests | |
Reserved | Assertive | Cold | Kind | Disorderly | Thorough | Calm | Anxious | Narrow interests | Imaginative | |
Shy | Active | Unfriendly | Appreciative | Frivolous | Planful | Contented | Nervous | Simple | Intelligent | |
Silent | Energetic | Quarrelsome | Affectionate | Irresponsible | Efficient | Unemotional | Moody | Shallow | Original | |
Withdrawn | Outgoing | Hard-hearted | Soft-hearted | Slipshot | Responsible | Worrying | Unintelligent | Insightful | ||
Retiring | Outspoken | Unkind | Warm | Undependable | Reliable | Touchy | Curious | |||
Dominant | Cruel | Generous | Forgetful | Dependable | Fearful | Sophisticated | ||||
Forceful | Stern | Trusting | Conscientious | High-strung | Artistic | |||||
Enthusiastic | Thankless | Helpful | Precise | Self-pitying | Clever | |||||
Show-off | Stingy | Forgiving | Practical | Temperamental | Inventive | |||||
Sociable | Pleasant | Deliberate | Unstable | Sharp-witted | ||||||
Spunky | Good-natured | Painstaking | Self-punishing | Ingenious | ||||||
Adventurous | Friendly | Cautious | Despondent | Witty | ||||||
Noisy | Cooperative | Emotional | Resourceful | |||||||
Bossy | Gentle | Wise | ||||||||
Unselfish | Logical | |||||||||
Praising | Civilized | |||||||||
Sensitive | Foresighted | |||||||||
Polished | ||||||||||
Dignified |
In our case, we manually inspected the implicit and explicit presence of each of these 112 descriptors. As a means of quantifying the degree of each of these factors for each individual (If), we utilized the following equation:
In this formula, nsrdf and nsrdnf stand for the number of highly related descriptors found and not found across the set of questions and answers posted by the member, respectively. On the other hand, nwrdf and nwrdnf denote the amount of weakly related descriptors found and not found in his/her activity, respectively. Lastly, b is a base factor computed as five times the number of all (found and not found) weak descriptors.
Eventually, the range method is utilized for transforming the If value into the interval between zero and one (Īf). Thus, each of the five factors was labelled on an individual in conformity to the five-point likert scale as follows: a low degree (0) if Īf fall into the interval 0-0.2, while medium-low level in the event of 0.21-0.4 (1), medium 0.41-0.6 (2), medium-high 0.61-0.8 (3), and high 0.81-0.1 (4).
Now, we can cast the detection of each factor as a five-category classification task. For this reason, we tested the performance of several multi-class supervised learning techniques such as MaxEnt, Bayes and Passive Aggressive learning (see the full list on table ??). To be more exact, we studied the effectiveness of the following learning approaches:
— Support Vector Machines (SVMs): Non-probabilistic linear classifiers aimed at separating categories by a gap that is as large as possible. We benefited from the multi-core implementation supplied by Liblinear3 [11, 32]. More exactly, we capitalized on the Dual L2-regularized L1-loss SVMs and L2-loss SVMs.
— Bayes: Probabilistic classifiers based on the theorem of Bayes with a strong independence assumption between the features. We profited from the multinomial and bernoulli implementations supplied by OpenPR4 [33]. Both combined with Laplace Smoothing.
— Maximum Entropy Models (MaxEnt)5: Probabilistic classifiers that belongs to the family of exponential models. MaxEnt does not assume that the features are conditionally independent [4].
— Online learning: Learning algorithms concerned with making decision with limited information [7]. We tested several approaches provided Online Learning Library6: Log-Linear Models(SGD) [52], Winnow2 [34], AROW [15], several confidence weighted strategies [14, 17, 53, 54], dual averaging [56], and three passive aggressive methods [13].
Table 2 Some attributes distilled from the lexicalised dependency view of the sentence “click on start, click on accessories, click on system tools and finally click on disc clean up. Clean up c not d”
Feature | Value |
minimum ramification | 1 |
maximum ramification | 8 |
average ramification | 1.5 |
minimum depth | 3 |
maximum depth | 5 |
average depth | 4 |
frequency advmod | 2 |
frequency conj | 3 |
frequency prep | 4 |
frequency punct | 2 |
minimum breadth (level 1) | 2 |
maximum breadth (level 1) | 8 |
minimum breadth (level 4) | 1 |
Each of these fifteen models was tested with several combinations of fine-grained linguistically-oriented attributes computed by CoreNLP7 [38]. All these properties were harvested from the questions and answers submitted by the user. To be more exact, the following sources of natural language processing were considered:
— Part-of-Speech (POS): We used frequency counts for each of the Penn Treebank POS tags. We also perceived as feature the size of their longest streak in the text.
— Named-Entities (NER): Like POS, we count the number of tokens labeled with each class of entity such as date, location, person and organization. Here, we benefited from the seven categories model supplied by CoreNLP. We additionally accounted for the number of entity and non-entity tokens. We also capitalized as attributes on the size of the longest sequence of each type.
— Dependency Parsing (DP): Similarly to [19, 21, 22, 23, 48, 49], we model frequencies for each type of relationship between pairs of terms. In addition, we computed the minimum, average and maximum (see sample in table ??): a) depth of a tree; b) ramification per node; and c) number of nodes at each level of the tree.
— Sentiment Analysis (SA): CoreNLP indentifies the polarity of words and sentences according to a five-level scale (i.e., very positive, positive, neutral, negative and very negative). From this view, we extract several features: the amount of tokens of each polarity level, and the number of sentences tagged with each polarity level. The most common, minimum, maximum, and average sentiment level associated with terms and sentences.
— Bag-of-words (BoW): We computed several versions comprising raw and lemmatized terms. We also considered alternatives with and without stop-words, and the combinations thereof. Furthermore, we computed a bag-of-words for each POS, NER and for every sort of sentiment polarity.
— Others: We exploit the number of tokens contained in the longest and shortest sentence as well as the average amount of terms across sentences.
4 Experiments
In all our experiments, we conducted a Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV), which is an ad-hoc methodology for small annotated corpora. With regard to an evaluation metric, we capitalized on the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR). The final MRR is the average of the reciprocal ranks of the predictions obtained for a sample of users U. In this case, for a given factor, the position of the correct degree in terms of the five-likert scale:
For each combination of a factor and a learner, the best set of features was determined by running an SFS algorithm (a.k.a. Sequential Forward Selection) [8, 16, 31]. This process starts with an empty bag of properties and after each iteration adds the one that performs the best. In order to determine this feature, this procedure tests each non-selected attribute together with all the properties in the bag. The algorithm stops when no non-selected feature enhances the performance. Note that the outcome of this SFS is a subset of the 129 feature groups, thus of the 527,855 vector components, which this algorithm believes to perform the best.
In light of our empirical outcomes, we can draw the following conclusions (see Table 3):
1. A bird’s eye view shows that different classifiers reaped the best performance for different factors, meaning that there is a necessity of exploring a wide variety of learning approaches when devising models for identifying distinct personalities (see table ??). More precisely, our experimental results point out to the fact that each factor is different from the others to the extent that their degrees are more efficiently recognized by distinct discriminant functions. Overall, on average terms, MaxEnt8 and AROW9 dominated their counterparts, hence holding a promise [4, 15, 52]. A closer look to our outcomes reveals that:
(a) In the case of extraversion, the best configuration reaped an accuracy of 73%. Most of errors were due to medium-low (1) individuals seen as medium (2).
(b) For agreeableness, the top system finished with 75% accuracy. The main source of misclassifications was also medium-low (1) members tagged as medium (2).
(c) With regard to conscientiousness, the best model achieved an accuracy of 65%. Oppositely to the previous factors, a significant portion of the errors were due to medium (2) fellows labeled as medium-low (1).
(d) Concerning neuroticism, the top classifier reached 69% accuracy. A substantial portion of the misclassifications were due to medium (2) users conceived as medium-low (1).
(e) As for openness, the best system accomplished an accuracy of 63%. Similarly to the first two factors, a considerable fraction of errors comes from medium-low (1) individuals perceived as medium (2).
All in all, our error analysis indicates that the major source of classifications comes from individuals starting to manifest the specific factor.
2. By and large, best classifiers incorporate features harvested from sentiment analysis and dependency parsing into their models (see table ??). In particular, counts of positive/negative sentences and bags of positive/negative words. As for dependency trees10, syntactic structures in their first levels were discriminative, i.e., average and maximum breadth. Overall, there is a sharp contrast in the kinds of features effective in dealing with neuroticism/openness and the other three factors.
3. More precisely, neutral words were found to be informative when dealing with extra-version. Words bearing the “anti” prefix were conspicuous in low levels of this factor (e.g., “anti-semite” and “anti-christ”). Conversely, politic-related nouns, identified as been emotionally charged, exhibited a stronger connection to higher levels (e.g., “democrat”, “hypocrisy” and “nationalism”). Additionally, we observed that the average minimum depth of the dependency trees decreases as long as higher degrees of extraversion start to show up, this means that higher levels are more likely to be connected to a larger amount of easy to read sentences than lower levels.
4. Curious though it may seem, the count of negative sentences and the bag of negative words were instrumental in recognizing the degree of agreeableness. Words bearing the “anti” prefix were conspicuous in low levels of this factor (e.g., “anti-semite” and “anti-christ”). On the other hand, politic-related nouns, identified as been emotionally charged, exhibited a stronger connection to higher levels (e.g., “democrat”, “hypocrisy” and “nationalism”). On average, people showing higher levels of agreeableness make reference to percentages ca. 20% more than other individuals. This group of people is likely to touch on topics related to taxes and insurances.
5. In the case of conscientiousness, selected attributes were dominated by dependency analysis. For instance, the average number of adverbial clauses (advcl) signal temporal, consequence, conditional clauses, etc. Furthermore, the best model profits from relations that link verbs and their dative objects, and it capitalizes on dependencies indicating number phrases that serve to modify the meaning of nouns with quantities. The common denominator of all these dependency relations is that they are used for providing specifics/details when asking/answering. Lastly, higher numbers of negative sentences were connected to lower degrees of this factor.
6. By inspecting the terminology, medium and low levels of neuroticism were found to be related to nouns linked to prescriptions for antidepressants and anti-anxiety agents as well as anti-psychotics. Given the fact that all these terms are related to depression and anxiety disorders, we conclude that they are people, at initial stages of these disorders, looking for help or information about their illness.
7. In juxtaposition, POS taggings were fundamental to the best model for openness. Specifically, the counts of existential there (EX), wh-pronouns (WP), and particles (RP). Overall, our outcomes point out to the fact that this is hardest factor to assess accurately across question-answering communities.
Table 3 Best performance achieved by each combination of a classifier and a personality trait (MRR)
Classifier | Extraversion | Agreeableness | Conscient. | Neuroticism | Openness | Avg. |
MaxEnt | 0.8367 | 0.8550 | 0.7917 | 0.8217 | 0.7917 | 0.8193 |
Bayes (Bernoulli) | 0.8283 | 0.8400 | 0.7867 | 0.8292 | 0.7750 | 0.8118 |
Bayes (Multinomial) | 0.8217 | 0.8283 | 0.8200 | 0.7942 | 0.7650 | 0.8058 |
Dual Averaging | 0.8225 | 0.8383 | 0.8067 | 0.7833 | 0.7550 | 0.8012 |
Passive Aggressive (PA) | 0.8275 | 0.8250 | 0.8033 | 0.8292 | 0.7567 | 0.8083 |
Passive Aggressive I (PA-I) | 0.8275 | 0.8250 | 0.8033 | 0.8292 | 0.7567 | 0.8083 |
Passive Aggressive II (PA-II) | 0.8275 | 0.8250 | 0.8033 | 0.8292 | 0.7450 | 0.8060 |
Winnow2 | 0.8317 | 0.8333 | 0.7783 | 0.8242 | 0.8000 | 0.8135 |
Adaptive Regularization of Weight Vectors(AROW) | 0.8467 | 0.8283 | 0.8117 | 0.8117 | 0.7733 | 0.8143 |
Confidence-Weighted (CW) | 0.8308 | 0.8250 | 0.7950 | 0.8242 | 0.7767 | 0.8103 |
Soft Confidence-Weighted (SCW-1) | 0.8300 | 0.8267 | 0.7950 | 0.8333 | 0.7700 | 0.8110 |
Squared Soft Confidence-Weighted (SCW-2) | 0.8300 | 0.8267 | 0.7950 | 0.8333 | 0.7700 | 0.8110 |
Online SGD-L1 LogLinear | 0.7842 | 0.8000 | 0.7600 | 0.7400 | 0.6933 | 0.7555 |
L2-regularized L1-loss SVM (dual) | 0.8317 | 0.8333 | 0.7783 | 0.8242 | 0.7900 | 0.8115 |
L2-regularized L2-loss SVM (dual) | 0.7450 | 0.7800 | 0.7467 | 0.7175 | 0.6733 | 0.7325 |
Max. | 0.8467 | 0.8550 | 0.8200 | 0,8333 | 0.8000 | |
Avg. | 0.8214 | 0.8260 | 0.7917 | 0.8083 | 0.7594 |
Table 4 Informative linguistic-characteristics vs. factors (best models only)
Feat. Group | Extraversion | Agreeableness | Conscientiousness | Neuroticism | Openness |
SA | -Positive BoW -Neutral BoW |
-No. of negative sentences -Negative BoW |
-No. of negative sentences | ||
DP | -Minimum depth | -1st level maximum breadth -Open clausal complements |
-Link from a noun to a number premodifier -Links between a verb and a verb heading a modifier -Links between a verb and an expletive ’there’ subject -Links between a verb and its dative object -Breadth at level seven |
POS | -Existential there | -Symbols | -Existential there -Wh-pronouns -Particle |
BoW | -Lemmatized w/stop-swords |
-Lemmatized | |||
NER | -Percentages | -Dates |
Interestingly enough, despite dealing with a linguistically different corpus, some of our empirical outcomes are in agreement with some of the findings discovered by researchers working on Facebook and Twitter material:
Analogously to Facebook [39], community fellows bearing a high level of conscientiousness are highly likely to share information in children-related categories such as Family & Relationships and Pregnancy & Parenting. However, in Yahoo! Answers, we discovered that they also have a high level of activity in topics including Health and Buisness & Electronics.
In the same spirit of Facebook [39], community peers having a higher degree of openness are more likely to associate with intellectual topics. More precisely, we found out that they were involved in topics such as Cars & Transportation and Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities as well. We additionally noted that they very keen to write about current events in categories such as Politics & Government.
In Twitter, people with a high degree of agreeableness are probable to show positive emotions on their profile pictures [35]. In Yahoo! Answers, our experiments showed that sentiment analysis was informative to measure the degree of agreeableness.
In summary, our experiments unveil that a model effective in identifying the degree of one factor is unlikely to be effective in dealing with another factor, since a particular learning strategy and a specialized set of features are required. Our results also reveal that effective models targeted at neuroticism and openness require a deep word-level analysis (i.e., morphology), while agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion sentiment analysis. Additionally, our outcomes show that dependency parsing is instrumental to conscientiousness. Lastly, we found that our results were partially supported by previous research working on other kinds of data.
5 Conclusion and Future Work
This paper shows that it is possible to train effective multi-class discriminant models to identify different personality traits across question-answering communities. To be more exact, it shows that it is plausible to mitigate the need for conducting a psychological test to each user by using a deconstruction of the Big Five test into 112 descriptors, which can be manually inspected in the activity of each member.
Our outcomes highlights that effective models in tackling one factor are likely to be sharply different from effective models in coping with another factor. In terms of features, sentiment analysis and dependency parsing proven to be fundamental to deal with extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Furthermore, neuroticism was shown to be connected with the initial stages of depression and anxiety disorders.
As for future work, we envisage the use of semi-supervised learning to increase the power of generalization of our models, since annotated data is hard to obtain. In addition, multi-task learning holds a promise, since simultaneously learning the five factors might help to enhance each individual classification rate.