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Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas
versão On-line ISSN 2007-2902versão impressa ISSN 1026-8774
Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.26 no.1 Ciudad de México Abr. 2009
Carboniferous tholeiitic dikes in the Salada unit, Acatlán Complex, southern Mexico: a record of extension on the western margin of Pangea
Diques toleíticos del Carbonífero en la unidad Salada, Complejo Acatlán, sur de México: un registro de extensión en el margen occidental de Pangea
Miguel MoralesGámez1, 2, *, J. Duncan Keppie3, and Jaroslav Dostal4
1 Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Del. Coyoacán, 04510 México D.F., Mexico. *
2 Present address: Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tacámbaro, Departamento de Ingeniería Geológica, Av. Tecnológico #201, Zona El Gigante. 61650 Tacámbaro, Mich., Mexico.
3 Departamento de Geología Regional, Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Del. Coyoacán, 04510 México D.F., Mexico.
4 Department of Geology, St. Mary's University, 923 Robie Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3C3.
Manuscript received: July 31, 2008
Corrected manuscript received: September 16, 2008
Manuscript accepted: October 20, 2008
A suite of mafic dikes intrudes polydeformed, greenschist facies, metapsammites and metapelites of the Salada unit in the eastern part of the Acatlán Complex, southern Mexico. The age of the dikes is constrained by the youngest detrital zircon in the Salada host rocks (352±3 Ma) and the Early Permian age of the overlying Tecomate formation, which is devoid of such dikes. The mafic rocks are generally composed of amphibole, chlorite, feldspar, epidote and accessory opaque minerals. Their chemistry resembles riftrelated tholeiites with ~50 wt.% SiO2 and Mg# ~0.400.60. Their chondritenormalized REE patterns resemble Ntype MORB with (La/Sm)n mostly ~0.50.6, and their mantlenormalized patterns are relatively flat with no negative Nb anomaly and a low Th/La ratio indicating the absence of both subductionrelated fluids and crustal contamination. Their chemistry resembles Ntype MORB. Their intrusive relationships with the continentallyderived clastic rocks suggests that they were emplaced in thin continental crust. Shallowwater, Mississippian fauna in the adjacent Oaxaquia terrane, with MidContinent (USA) affinities, indicate that Pangea had already amalgamated by this time. In this context, the tholeiitic dikes are inferred to have formed during extension on the western margin of Pangea that was synchronous with extrusion of highpressure rocks above an active subduction zone.
Key words: Acatlán Complex, geochemistry, Pangea, Carboniferous, Mexico.
Se estudia una serie de diques máficos que intruyen metapelitas y metapsamitas polideformadas de la unidad Salada y que se hallan en condiciones metamórficas de esquistos verdes. Esta unidad aflora en el sector oriental del complejo Acatlán, en el sur de México. La edad de los diques está limitada por los circones detríticos más jóvenes de las rocas de caja de la unidad Salada (352±3 Ma) y por la edad del Pérmico Temprano de la formación Tecomate sobreyaciente, en la cual no se ha hallado ese tipo de diques. Los diques máficos están compuestos generalmente por anfíbol, clorita, feldespato, epidota y minerales opacos. Su composición geoquímica los clasifica como rocas toleíticas originadas por extensión (rift) con contenidos de sílice en torno al 50% en peso y Mg# entre 40 y 60. Los espectros de tierras raras normalizados a valores condríticos indican que son de tipo NMORB con (La/Sm)m entre 05 y 0.6, mientras que los espectros normalizados a valores del manto son planos, no presentan anomalía de Nb y tienen una baja relación de Th/La, lo que indica la ausencia tanto de fluidos derivados de procesos de subducción como de contaminación cortical. Su similitud con rocas de tipo NMORB y su relación de intrusión en rocas clásticas de afinidad continental sugiere que estos diques se emplazaron en una corteza continental adelgazada. La presencia de fauna misisipiense de aguas someras, con afinidad al MidContinent (EUA), en el colindante terreno de Oaxaquia indica que Pangea pudo estar amalgamada entonces. De esta manera, se puede inferir que los diques toleíticos se formaron debido a la extensión en el margen occidental de Pangea, que fue coetánea con la exhumación de rocas de alta presión en un ambiente de margen activa.
Palabras clave: Complejo Acatlán, geoquímica, Pangea, Carbonífero, Mexico.
The mafic dikes that form the topic of this paper occur in the Xayacatlán area within the eastern part of the Acatlán Complex, Mixteca terrane (Figure 1). They intrude metapsammites and metapelites that were polydeformed under greenschist facies conditions. They were previously assigned to the Cosoltepec Formation, which was interpreted as a CambroOrdovician accretionary prism by OrtegaGutiérrez et al. (1999, and references therein). However, the presence of Devonian detrital zircons (youngest detrital zircon age of ~376 Ma or ~410 Ma youngest population) in the type Cosoltepec Formation led TalaveraMendoza et al. (2005) and VegaGranillo et al. (2007) to suggest that the Cosoltepec Formation was deposited as a DevonoCarboniferous passive margin bordering Gondwana and that it was subsequently caught in the collision zone between Gondwana and Laurentia during the amalgamation of Pangea. On the other hand, Keppie et al. (2008a, and references therein) have proposed that the Mixteca terrane lay on the active western margin of Gondwana during the Carboniferous. In an attempt to shed light on the Late Paleozoic tectonic setting of the Mixteca terrane, we present geochemical data for some Carboniferous mafic dikes in the eastern part of the Acatlán Complex.
The Acatlán Complex (Mixteca terrane) is bounded on three sides by faults and shear zones (Figure 1a): 1) along its eastern side the northtrending, Permian, dextral Caltepec fault zone separates it from the ~1 Ga Oaxacan Complex (EliasHerrera and OrtegaGutiérrez, 2002), which forms the basement of the Oaxacan (Oaxaquia) terrane (Keppie, 2004); 2) to the south, the eastwest, Cenozoic, dextral La VentaChacalapa Fault (Tolson, 2007; Solari et al., 2007) juxtaposes it against the Xolapa terrane; and 3) to the west, the NNEtrending, late Mesozoicearly Cenozoic, westerlyvergent Papalutla thrust places the Acatlán Complex on top of the Cretaceous Morelos platform (Cerca et al., 2007). The northern boundary of the Mixteca terrane is obscured by overlain MesozoicCenozoic rocks of the Mixteca terrrane cover and the TransMexican Volcanic Belt (GómezTuena et al., 2007) (Figure 1a). The geological history of the eastern Acatlán Complex has recently been summarized by Keppie et al. (2008a) as follows (Figure 2):
1) Ordovician deposition of riftpassive margin clastic rocks and intrusion of a riftrelated, bimodal suite of igneous rocks;
2) latest DevonianCarboniferous, polyphase deformation attributed to rapid exhumation of the high pressure (HP) rocks that was synchronous with deposition of sedimentary rocks, including the Salada unit; Mississippian eclogite facies (HP) metamorphism and polyphase deformation;
3) Early Permian intrusion of arcrelated plutons into periarc sedimentary rocks (including the Tecomate formation) synchronous with low grade polyphase deformation; and
4) Late PermianTriassic deposition of the siliciclastic rocks (Chazumba and Magdalena units) in a foredeep in front of Svergent thrusts; and
5) Jurassic migmatization associated with polyphase deformation of the Chazumba and Magdalena units.
Remapping of the Xayacatlán area has distinguished three greenschist facies, clastic units (Figure 3), from west to east (MoralesGámez et al., 2008): 1) the Ordovician Huerta unit composed of polydefomed metapsammites and metapelites; 2) the pre450 Ma Amate unit consisting of polydeformed metaarkoses and metapelites; and 3) the Carboniferous Salada unit made up of metapsammites and metapelites cut by mafic dikes. An older limit for the age of the mafic dikes that intrude the Salada unit is provided by the 352±3 Ma age of the youngest detrital zircon (MoralesGámez et al., 2008). These dikes do not occur in the overlying, Lower Permian Tecomate formation. A reconnaissance of the geochemical characteristics of mafic rocks associated with the greenschist facies clastic rocks revealed that they are predominantly tholeiitic MORBtype rocks associated with minor alkalic varieties of uncertain age (Keppie et al. 2007). Further research has indicated that the clastic rocks can be assigned to, at least, two different ages: Ordovician (Huerta and Amate units and correaltives) and Carboniferous (Salada unit and correlatives)(Keppie et al., 2008a; RamosArias et al., 2008; MoralesGámez et al., 2008; Grodzicki et al., 2008; HinojosaPrieto et al., 2008). Mafic dikes and flows associated with the Ordovician clastic rocks appear to be continental rift tholeiites formed in a riftpassive margin environment (Keppie et al., 2008b). The Carboniferous mafic pillow lavas in the western Acatlán Complex also have withinplate tholeiitic affinities (Grodzicki et al., 2008). In order to determine the tectonic environment during the Carboniferous (passive or active margin), the geochemistry of mafic dikes that intrude the Salada unit was undertaken and is presented in this paper.
Nine geochemical samples of the Salada Unit were collected in the northern part of the area, and one sample from the south (Figure 3). All the samples are from different NNEtrending mafic dikes and display the same structural history as the host rocks. In places, the dikes cut the bedding in the host rocks. In thin section the mafic rocks are composed of amphibole, chlorite, feldspar, epidote and accessory opaque minerals. The metasedimentary rocks are made up of quartz, muscovite, chlorite and accessory opaque minerals. These mineral associations indicate metamorphism under greenschist facies conditions. The fact that the amphiboles are aligned indicates that this metamorphism was synchronous with deformation.
Ten samples were analyzed for major and some trace elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Ga, Zr, Y, Nb, V, Ni, Co and Cr) by Xray fluorescence spectrometry in the Department of Earth Sciences of University of Ottawa, Canada. Eight representative samples were selected from this set for analysis of other trace elements (rareearth elements [REE], Th, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf) by ICPMS at the Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland. The analytical error of the trace element determinations is 210 % and <2% for major elements. Where available, ICPMS data were preferred because of their better quality at low concentration levels.
Analytical results for these rocks are presented in Table 1. The major and trace element compositions of these rocks are similar to those of modern volcanic rocks. This suggests that the rocks are the metamorphic equivalents of such rocks and that they retain, to a large degree, their magmatic composition. Unlike sedimentary rocks, they have high Cr/Th (>400) and low Th/La (<0.1) ratios (Rollinson, 1993), and according to a procedure of Leake (1964), they resemble metamorphosed basalts. The rocks have a composition corresponding to subalkaline basalts (Figure 4) with SiO2 (volatilefree basis) ranging between 47.5 and 51.5 wt. % and Mg# (=Mg/Mg+Fetot) between 0.40 and 0.60, and display tholeiitic characteristics (Figure 5). According to their normative compositions, the rocks are mostly olivinenormative tholeiites. Cr and Ti abundances are typical of riftrelated tholeiites (Figure 6). The chondritenormalized REE patterns of most of the rocks show a minor depletion of light REE (Figure 7) and their patterns are similar to Ntype MORB with (La/Sm)n mostly ~0.50.6. The absolute concentration of REE varies slightly but the shape of the patterns remains the same: these variations are consistent with lowpressure fractional crystallization. The mantlenormalized trace element patterns of the rocks (Figure 8) are relatively flat without a Nb depletion relative to La and Th suggesting that the rocks have not been modified by subductionrelated fluids and that the rocks were not significantly contaminated by crustal material. The absence of a Nb anomaly and a low Th/La ratio suggest an asthenospheric source without any suprasubduction imprint or crustal contamination. The high Ti and Cr content also rules out formation in an arc environment. The rocks resemble Ntype MORB. The geochemical characteristics suggest that the rocks are either riftrelated oceanic basalts or continental tholeiite emplaced in rather thin crust without significant crustal contamination: the latter is most likely as the mafic dikes intrude continentallyderived clastic rocks.
The Carboniferous, riftrelated tholeiitic dikes in the Xatacatlán area may be correlated with withinplate, riftrelated tholeiitic pillow basalts interbedded with clastic metasedimentary rocks (Coatlaco unit) in the western part of the Acatlán Complex, which have yielded a 357 ± 35 Ma detrital zircon age (Grodzicki et al., 2008). Deposition of the Salada and Coatlaco units was also contemporaneous with deposition of the Patlanoaya Group, which, in turn, was synchronous with exhumation and deformation of highpressure rocks (RamosArias et al., 2008), and the earliest deformation of the Salada unit (MoralesGámez et al., in press). This deformation has been related to extrusion of the highpressure rocks into the upper plate above an active subduction zone (Keppie et al., 2008a).
TalaveraMendoza et al. (2005) and VegaGranillo et al. (2007) place the Mixteca terrane in the collisional suture zone between southern Laurentia and Gondwana (Figure 9a). That this collision had already taken place by the Mississippian is suggested by the presence of shallow water MidContinent (USA) fauna in the Santiago Formation that lies above the ~1 Ga Oaxacan Complex in the adjacent Oaxaquia terrane (NavarroSantillan et al., 2002). Although the presence of Carboniferous, withinplate, riftrelated tholeiites could be explained by gravitational collapse of a collisional orogen, it is inconsistent with paleomagnetic data, which indicate that, in the Permian, the Mixteca terrane lay roughly at its present position relative to Laurentia (AlvaValdivia et al., 2002). The latter position places the Mixteca terrane on the Pacific margin of Pangea (Figure 9b). On the other hand, Carboniferous riftrelated tholeiites synchronous with deformation, and extrusion of highpressure rocks in an active margin setting, is more consistent with a location along the western margin of Pangea, well south of the LaurentiaGondwana suture zone (Figure 9b) (EliasHerrera and OrtegaGutiérrez, 2002; Keppie et al., 2008a).
We would like to acknowledge a PAPIIT grant (IN1001083) and a CONACyT grant (CB20051: 24894) to JDK and a NSERC discovery grant to JDS that facilitated the fieldwork and chemical analyses. CONACyT contributed to studies for MMG. We are grateful to Dr. J.B. Murphy for detailed reviews that have allowed for improvement of the manuscript.
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