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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.62 no.2 México mar./abr. 2016




Electrical circuits described by a fractional derivative with regular Kernel


J.F. Gómez-Aguilara*, T. Córdova-Fragab, J.E. Escalante-Martínezc, C. Calderón-Ramónc, and R.F. Escobar-Jiménezd


a* Catedrático del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Tecnológico Nacional de México. Interior Internado Palmira S/N, Col. Palmira, 62490, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.

6 Departamento de Ingeniería Física, División de Ciencias e Ingenierías Campus León, Universidad de Guanajuato, León, Guanajuato, México.

c Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica. Universidad Veracruzana. Av. Venustiano Carranza S/N, Col. Revolución, 93390, Poza Rica Veracruz, México.

d Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Tecnológico Nacional de México, Interior Internado Palmira S/N, Col. Palmira, C.P. 62490, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. * e-mail:


Received 3 August 2015;
accepted 10 December 2015



In this paper we presented the electrical circuits LC, RC, RL and RLC using a novel fractional derivative with regular kernel called Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative. The fractional equations in the time domain considers derivatives of order (0; 1], the analysis is performed in the frequency domain and the conversion in the time domain is performed using the numerical inverse Laplace transform algorithm; furthermore, analytical solutions are presented for these circuits considering different source terms introduced in the fractional equation. The numerical results for different values of the fractional order γ exhibits fluctuations or fractality of time in different scales and the existence of heterogeneities in the electrical components causing irreversible dissipative effects. The classical behaviors are recovered when the order of the temporal derivative is equal to 1 and the system exhibit the Markovian nature.

Keywords: Electrical circuits; Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative; fractional-order circuits; oscillations.

PACS: 84.30.Bv; 84.32.Ff; 84.32.Tt





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