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Revista mexicana de física
versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X
Rev. mex. fis. vol.59 no.4 México jul./ago. 2013
SL(2,R)-geometric phase space and (2+2)-dimensions
R. Floresa, J. A. Nietob,a, J. Telleza, E. A. Leonb, and E. R. Estradac
a Departamento de Investigación en Física de la Universidad de Sonora, 83000, Hermosillo Sonora, México. e-mail:;
b Facultad de Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, 80010, Culiacán Sinaloa, México. e-mail:;;
c Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Eldorado, Eldorado, Sinaloa, México. e-mail:
Received 23 November 2012
Accepted 19 April 2013
We propose an alternative geometric mathematical structure for arbitrary phase space. The main guide in our approach is the hidden SL(2,R)-symmetry which acts on the phase space changing coordinates by momenta and vice versa. We show that the SL(2,R)-symmetry is implicit in any symplectic structure. We also prove that in any sensible physical theory based on the SL(2,R)-symmetry the signature of the flat target "spacetime" must be associated with either one-time and one-space or at least two-time and two-space coordinates. We discuss the consequences as well as possible applications of our approach on different physical scenarios.
Keywords: Symplectic geometry; constrained Hamiltonian systems; two time physics.
PACS: 04.20.Gz; 04.60.-Ds; 11.30.Ly
This work was partially supported by PROFAPI-UAS 2009.
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