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Revista de filosofía Universidad Iberoamericana

On-line version ISSN 2954-4602Print version ISSN 0185-3481


VILLA SANCHEZ, José Alfonso. Logos and Evidence in Zubiri’s Realistic Noology. Rev. filos. Univ. Iberoam. [online]. 2024, vol.56, n.157, pp.290-334.  Epub Sep 17, 2024. ISSN 2954-4602.

Contrary to what tradition thinks, an evident statement is only possible in what Zubiri’s noology calls the field of reality, understood as a means of intellection of what things really are. To clarify this statement, the basic theses of the theory of sentient intelligence are first presented, structured according to its moments of primordial apprehension of reality, sentient logos and sentient reason. Next, the structures of the logos are exposed - dual, dynamic and medial -, given that the evident statement as an affirmation is the moment of the dynamism of said logos and as evident it is of its medial structure. Finally, evidence is realized as a “demanding vision” of what things are in the medium that is the field of reality.

Keywords : sentient intelligence; intellective actuality; formality of reality; field of reality; affirmation.

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