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Revista panamericana de comunicación

versão On-line ISSN 2683-2208


CALDERA SERRANO, Jorge  e  VAZQUEZ DE AGREDOS JAEN, Verónica. Use of audiovisual archive resources in the news programs of Canal Extremadura TV. Rev. panam. comun. [online]. 2024, vol.6, n.1, 3149.  Epub 22-Out-2024. ISSN 2683-2208.

The use of audiovisual material from the television archive of Canal Extremadura TV is studied through the analysis of news programs in different time slots for six months. Each news item is displayed, detecting material from the archive and analyzing its content both in total duration and the use of archive material, as well as the theme. This demonstrates the importance of the use of audiovisual information on Canal Extremadura TV for the production of other audiovisual information products, thus achieving lower costs in the production processes and in the quality of the content broadcast.

Palavras-chave : Audiovisual archives; Television; Canal Extremadura TV; Television resources; News programs; Documentary use; Extremadura.

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