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Scientia fungorum

On-line version ISSN 2594-1321


GARCIA-SALDANA, Luis Carlos et al. Diversity of macromycetes in the temperate forest of Valle de Poanas, Durango. Sci. fungorum [online]. 2019, vol.49, e1240.  Epub Apr 23, 2021. ISSN 2594-1321.


In the state of Durango, several studies have been carried out to know the diversity of macromycetes, but there are no reports on this type of fungi in the temperate forest of Valle de Poanas.


To estimate the diversity and similarity of macromycetes species associated with the temperate forest of Valle de Poanas, Durango, to broaden the knowledge of the fungal resources of that region.


Sporocarps were collected during the rainy season, in plots established in three localities. Identification was carried out, also determining their growth habits and uses. The Margalef and Jaccard indices were used to estimate diversity and similarity in localities, according to collected species.

Results and conclusions:

53 species were identified, and some collections were only classified at genus level. High diversity was detected in two localities, as well as different levels of similarity between localities. The majority of the fungi were saprobes, and it was found that 26 % of the collections are reported as edible. Although it is an area of transition to arid regions, there is a notable diversity of macromycetes, contributing to the richness of this type of fungi in the state of Durango.

Keywords : Indices of diversity; richness; similarity; uses.

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