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Scientia fungorum

On-line version ISSN 2594-1321


HERNANDEZ PEREZ, Anselmo et al. First report of Mortierella elongata as a pathogen of avocado crop in Michoacán, Mexico. Sci. fungorum [online]. 2018, vol.48, pp.95-98. ISSN 2594-1321.


Mortierella species usually thrive as saprophytes in the soil and organic matter from diverse forest ecosystems. Traditionally, they have been isolated from the root systems of various plant species. Additionally, research carried out in avocado soil to achieve the purification of Pythophthora. cinnamomi consider that Mortierella spp. are microbial non-pathogenic contamination.


Therefore, this research aimed to identify the presence of Mortierella sp. and to evaluate its possible pathogenicity in avocado crop.


Strains were isolated from orchard soils of the main avocado producing municipalities in the state of Michoacán. The strains were identified and subjected to pathogenicity tests with three months old avocado plants and with seedlings with six true leaves.

Results and conclusions

The strains were morphologically and molecularly identified as Mortierella elongate. The phytopathogen caused symptoms of decay in the shoots of the avocado seedlings. This work then demonstrates for the first time that there are strains of the genus Mortierella that are pathogenic to avocado seedlings.

Keywords : pathogenicity; Persea americana; Zygomycota; Uruapan.

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