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Letras históricas

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8372versión impresa ISSN 2007-1140


CASTILLO MURILLO, David Benjamin. Historical causality: The aporia between the agent and the structure in some historiographical trends of the twentieth century. Elements for discussion today. Let. hist. [online]. 2019, n.21, pp.215-243.  Epub 24-Abr-2020. ISSN 2448-8372.

This article proposes the issue of causality in some contemporary historiographical trends that exemplify a central problem in social theory: the dualism between structure vs. action. Structuralism and poststructuralism are also discussed, as well as some of their implications. In addition, some proposals to overcome the mentioned dualism are examined, such as those developed by Paul Ricoeur and Anthony Giddens. When recovering the proposals, I search a return to the scheme of the dialectic between agent and structure is advocated, and we already bet on the rehabilitation of the notion of the subject.

Palabras llave : Historical causality; agent; structure; subject; Modern historiography.

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