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Letras históricas

On-line version ISSN 2448-8372Print version ISSN 2007-1140


GAMINO MUNOZ, Rodolfo. Armed forces, counter-insurgency, and enforced disappearance in Guerrero in the decade of the sixties and seventies. Let. hist. [online]. 2017, n.17, pp.185-207. ISSN 2448-8372.

The disappearance of persons in Mexico is an ever present and continued phenomenon, which was visible and became a public issue when the Mexican state faced armed movements during the "dirty war", which took place in the late sixties and the seventies. These actions do not occurred in isolation, spontaneously or by accident, they are space- niches, regions or places- elected and protected by the state itself. Over time, these exempt spaces built by the same Mexican state have become much more extensive and complex, but a rule continues to govern the suspension of legality within an alleged rule of law formally recognized nationally.

Keywords : militarization; armed movements; counterinsurgency; political violence and forced disappearance.

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