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vol.42 número112Estudio comparativo de cuatro planes de financiamiento con deuda en proyectos de inversiónMarco diagnóstico de crecimiento: estudio de caso de Nicaragua índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Investigación administrativa

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7678versión impresa ISSN 1870-6614


GARCIA SANTILLAN, Arturo; ESCALERA CHAVEZ, Milka E.  y  MARTINEZ CARRILLO, César Edgar. Student's perception of the process of teaching financial mathematics mediated by TIC. An empirical study based on the variables of the EAPHFM scale. Investig. adm. [online]. 2013, vol.42, n.112, pp.23-38. ISSN 2448-7678.

The aim of study was to determine how the student perceives the financial mathematics teaching process mediated by ICT. We applied the scale EAPHMF of García and Edel (2008), which integrates variables: history of mathematics and workshop type class (HMCTT), spreadsheet programming (PHC), financial simulators design (DSF), computing platforms (PI) and virtual learning communities (CV). Involved 100 students from the Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz. To analyze data was used the factorial analysis with principal component extraction. The findings reveal that the student perceives favorably the teaching process, if are present the variables of EAPHMF scale.

Palabras llave : financial mathematics; ICT; scale EAPHFM.

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