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vol.35 número98La incidencia de la calidad y la productividad en la competitividad de las organizaciones: investigación empírica en dos empresas automotrices en MéxicoDiseño de un sistema de control presupuestal y de gestión estratégica de costos para las empresas manufactureras medianas localizadas en el Distrito Federal y zona conurbana índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Investigación administrativa

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7678versión impresa ISSN 1870-6614


RODRIGUEZ SPERAT, R. et al. Processing and quality of milk: its impact on the profitability of goat cheese SMEs. Investig. adm. [online]. 2006, vol.35, n.98, pp.17-26.  Epub 13-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2448-7678.

The goat milkery sector conform a very important agro industrial complex in the Argentinean Norwest. Around the 60% of the national production is extracted at the region, and almost entire milk production is used by the industry in the artisan elaboration of the goat cheese.

The general objective of this paper is the study of cost structure and profits variations as a result of a not too much fit manufacture techniques and differentials milk qualities.

For the current investigation a multidisciplinary team has been working whit a modern factory during a period of time of nine month, studying milk qualities and production costs, determining theoretical and real yields for 18 elaborations; and the points of balance and monthly results for such period. (Valenti, 2002).

The analysis' shows the existence of an important cost fluctuation at the direct production materials: we can observe minimum and maximum values of $ 7.54 and $ 11.86, respectively. The difference between real and theoretical yields impacts in annual business profits in $ 1,926.08; and milk quality does the same in $ 10,358.60.

With the obtained information we arrive to the conclusion that the rent and profits of these small businesses are seriously affected in consequence of the milk quality and manufacture techniques.

Palabras llave : Goat milkery; Quality of milk; Profitability; Production process.

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