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El trimestre económico

versão On-line ISSN 2448-718Xversão impressa ISSN 0041-3011


IBARRA, David. Ideological mirages and realities: A Mexican reflection. El trimestre econ [online]. 2020, vol.87, n.346, pp.545-549.  Epub 20-Jan-2021. ISSN 2448-718X.

This brief essay analyses the decisions of economic policy that Mexico has taken throughout the years, in order to integrate itself in the course of global economy, for example, the creation of central banks for the control of inflation, the free trade agreements, the privatization of national public companies, among others. It relates, as well, the current patent consequences and the challenges that the country faces in order to correct the past mistakes.

Palavras-chave : Mexico; NAFTA; economic growth; neoliberalism; political economy..

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