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Revista mexicana de opinión pública

On-line version ISSN 2448-4911Print version ISSN 1870-7300


ALONSO PEREZ, Milagros  and  FONSECA VALIDO, Rafael. Public Opinion in Traditional-Official Media Discourses on Twitter and during Popular Consultations: Cuba’s 2019 Constitutional Referendum. Rev. mex. opinión pública [online]. 2022, n.33, pp.105-118.  Epub Oct 31, 2022. ISSN 2448-4911.

Public opinion requires transcending the mediocentric. Not only for the installation of an authentic system of discursive and symbolic values, but also for the construction of an object whose processes and phenomena are heterogeneous, plural and multilevel in nature during the exercises of power for socio-political decision-making. Cuba, in particular, experienced a transcendental context for the country›s history on February 24, 2019, both in anthropological and geometric space. Hence the objective of the present research: to characterize the symbolic construction of the public opinions of popular consultations, traditional-official media and Twitter, in their discourses related to the Constitutional Referendum in Cuba in the course 2018-2019. The theoretical method used is the hermeneutic one, aided by content and discourse analysis, and web data mining; the latter through the application of Stela 5.2 software. The results reflect ideological relations of Socialism, Revolution and Nation, and History, Unity and People, as well as communicative events and polarized texts, with conversational changes in favor or against the Constitution project.

Keywords : Symbolic construction; public opinions; media; speeches; Twitter; Constitutional Referendum.

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