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Revista mexicana de opinión pública

versión On-line ISSN 2448-4911versión impresa ISSN 1870-7300


ESTEINOU MADRID, Javier. The Boycott of the Right of Reply by the Mexican State. Rev. mex. opinión pública [online]. 2016, n.21, pp.115-131. ISSN 2448-4911.

After that in 2013 the Constitutional Reform of Telecommunications and Broadcasting demanded to consider the right of reply as an individual right; the October 13, 2015 that right was regulated by Congress with the support of the PRI, PVEM and most of the PAN. However, this right to regulate the Congress was a great legal fraud against society, as the 'party prevented citizens reach a real guarantee of response to the recurrent abuses of media power over them. Thus, this regulation was a suit made to measure to defend the monopoly interests of the television and the big radio groups; and not useful to favor citizens who had waited nearly a century to achieve such elementary guarantee instrument.

This Congress demonstrated undergo the powers of the television duopoly again and viciously regulate a fundamental constitutional right of citizens of the XXI century as a tool to protect the economic interests of oligopolistic audiovisual mega corporations in the country, and not as a relevant resource to protect basic communication guarantees of society.

Palabras llave : Right of reply; regulation of communication; television; citizens' rights; communication; monopolies rights hearings; powers communication.

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