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vol.88 número6El daño colateral de la atención de la pandemia de COVID-19 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cirugía y cirujanos

versão On-line ISSN 2444-054Xversão impressa ISSN 0009-7411


CARRILLO-ESPER, Raúl et al. Hemodynamic and mechanical ventilation approach in patients with COVID-19. Cir. cir. [online]. 2020, vol.88, n.6, pp.805-817.  Epub 08-Nov-2021. ISSN 2444-054X.

The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-Cov-2) is a clinical entity generated by this new virus a Coronavirus (COVID-19). Disease called COVID-19 (CoronaVIrus Disease 2019) by the World Health Organization. Its presentation is acute respiratory failure characterized by hyperinflation of the lung that leads to an increase in capillaries and epithelial permeability, with loss of ventilation of lung tissue and increases lung stiffness. These disturbances lead to imbalances between ventilation and perfusion ratio, which ultimately result in hypoxemia and impaired carbon dioxide clearance. For this review, a search of PubMed and Trip Database was performed. Due to the scarcity of publications, a specific search algorithm was not used. The objective is to review, the evidence and the recommendations of national and international experts, of the hemodynamic and ventilatory management of these patients.

Palavras-chave : COVID-19; Hemodynamics; SARS-CoV-2; Mechanical ventilation.

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