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Revista interdisciplinaria de estudios de género de El Colegio de México

On-line version ISSN 2395-9185


ARELLANO GALVEZ, María del Carmen; ALVAREZ GORDILLO, Guadalupe del Carmen; TUNON PABLOS, Esperanza  and  HUICOCHEA GOMEZ, Laura. The work of feeding: the food process among migrant agricultural workers in Miguel Aleman, Sonora. Rev. interdiscip. estud. género Col. Méx. [online]. 2018, vol.4, e240.  Epub Oct 08, 2018. ISSN 2395-9185.

The article analyzes from the perspective of gender the practices of the feeding process between pendular and settled migrants in Miguel Alemán, Sonora. Based on observations and in-depth interviews with 21 migrants, we analyzed the relationship between the type of migration, marital status, age and length of residence in the destination. For settled migrants, the participation of men is related to the processes of illness and pregnancy of women, while permanent migrants contract food services, even though younger men know how to cook. We conclude that the participation of men in food is a temporary change, a level of practices and do not question the hegemonic norms of gender.

Keywords : gender; feeding; migration; agricultural work; social division of labour.

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