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Textual: análisis del medio rural latinoamericano

On-line version ISSN 2395-9177Print version ISSN 0185-9439


SANCHEZ, José Luis. Key factors that enable the peasants in the cabuyal territorial subdivision in the municipality of Palmira, Valle del Cauca, Colombia to endure. Textual anál. medio rural latinoam. [online]. 2018, n.72, pp.185-212. ISSN 2395-9177.

Taking into account the accelerated process of transformation of various forms of food production, this article discusses the key factors which allow the persistence of the peasants in Cabuyal, a village (vereda) in the municipality of Palmira, in the Cauca Valley (Colombia). A total of 22 interviews were conducted with young women and elderly adults. The results show diverse forms of territorial appropriation, depending on the particular characteristics of a) the distribution of dwellings and plots, b) the adoption of crops of high commercial value, c) the adoption of tools and agriculture technologies. In addition, two forms of land access are present: first, the owner of the land provides the ‘harvester’ a portion of the property for agricultural exploitation and shares the other costs; secondly, there is a lease called ‘percentage,’ in which the owner provides only the land, while the peasant assumes all other costs of production. These factors contribute to the fact that agricultural practices prevail as the main economic activity at a household level. The research integrates qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

Keywords : Rural development; peasantry; persistence; social construction.

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