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Textual: análisis del medio rural latinoamericano
On-line version ISSN 2395-9177Print version ISSN 0185-9439
GAUSSENS, Pierre. The other red mountain: opium poppy cultivation in Guerrero. Textual anál. medio rural latinoam. [online]. 2018, n.71, pp.33-69. ISSN 2395-9177.
Guerrero is the first opium poppy grower in Mexico and represents one of the main areas of opium rubber in the world. The strategic relevance of this situation contrasts with the poverty of the analysis. Social sciences have given a marginal treatment to the matter of illicit crops, which is often restricted to normative prescriptions, going from criminology and criminal law, to the economy of ilegal markets. This article addresses the issue in its political dimension and, in a critical way, that is, against the official discourse of prohibition, “combating drug trafficking” or “fighting against drugs”, in order to study, on the other hand, the historical relations that link illegal drugs with policies in Mexico and, in particular, illicit crops with the main institution responsible for the eradication: the army. Therefore this is what we propose to do, from a research study carried out in Guerrero on opium poppy cultivation.
Keywords : Drug trafficking; opium poppy; eradication; army; Guerrero.