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Estudios sociales. Revista de alimentación contemporánea y desarrollo regional

versión On-line ISSN 2395-9169


ARANGO-RAMIREZ, Paola Miriam; GONZALEZ-ROSALES, Virginia Margarita; LEYVA-HERNANDEZ, Sandra Nelly  y  GALVAN-MENDOZA, Oscar. Validity and reliability of an instrument for measuring types of residents from the perspective of social representations. Estud. soc. Rev. aliment. contemp. desarro. reg. [online]. 2023, vol.33, n.62, e231351.  Epub 03-Jun-2024. ISSN 2395-9169.


To validate and ensure the reliability of a scale designed to measure different types of residents, employing the approach of social representations.


An exhaustive literature review served as the basis to construct the measurement instrument for resident types. Subsequently, this instrument underwent expert validation using the coefficient of content validity, Aiken's validity, and content analysis through the Kendall's W concordance coefficient. Validation of the construct's content was conducted through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory compound analysis using PLS-SEM.


A coherent, clear, relevant, and sufficient scale is presented to assess resident types, identifying four distinct resident types that can manifest, participate, and engage within a community.


It is important to emphasize that this research was constrained by the lack of a clear and precise definition of the construct in the literature, which at times could have hindered its precise measurement and led to inconsistent results.


The validation of a construct not only guides the present, but also paves the way for well-grounded future investigations. It provides a robust foundation for subsequent explorations, revealing areas that warrant greater attention and enriching the methodology and analysis in future studies.

Palabras llave : regional development; validity; reliability; measurement instrument; types of residents and social representations.

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