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vol.40 número101Pobreza laboral en hogares con jefatura femenina en México. Evolución y factores determinantesImpacto económico en los estados de la frontera norte de México debido a una reducción en tiempos de espera en puertos de cruce internacional: el caso de vehículos de carga comercial índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de economía

versão On-line ISSN 2395-8715


CAMPOS GARCIA, Melchor  e  LEYVA MORALES, Carlos. Cut and export. The predation of the logwood in the Yucatan Peninsula, 1845-1917. Rev. econ. [online]. 2023, vol.40, n.101, pp.59-91.  Epub 29-Jan-2024. ISSN 2395-8715.

This paper quantifies the European and North American demand for logwood ( Haematoxylun campechianum) during the First Globalization (1870-1914), identifies its main suppliers and compares the magnitude and trend of the Mexican supply throughout that same period. Under this context and given the importance of the exports of logwood from Yucatan during the Colony, the main objective of the article is to analyze and trace the trend of exports from the Yucatan Peninsula to the main foreign markets in the context of the henequen export boom, and also, estimate the impact of the dye trade on forest depredation in the Peninsula. The research used historical series from different foreign, national, and local sources, for statistical analysis and export trends, and, likewise, historical records and reports made it possible to estimate the impact of human activity on dye forests.

Palavras-chave : Yucatan peninsula; trade history; logwood exports; analysis by scales; environmental impact; F14; F18; F64; N96.

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