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Acta ortopédica mexicana

Print version ISSN 2306-4102


MATUS-JIMENEZ, J; CUEVAS-MARAVILLAS, G  and  AGUILAR-SANTANA, A. Inveterate radio-humeral dislocation in children. Case report and literature review. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2015, vol.29, n.6, pp.313-316. ISSN 2306-4102.


Radio-humeral dislocation is rare, as it generally occurs with ulnar fracture. It is unusual in children and chronic lesions are even more unusual.


Report of a case, its treatment and two-year follow-up.

Material and method:

Treatment consisted of open reduction and annular ligamentoplasty with fascia lata allograft, maintaining the reduction with a Kirschner nail for 6 weeks. The latter was then removed and rehabilitation was started.


The two-year follow-up report stated that the child has resumed his activities at school and his physical activity.


The authors report that the techniques used to approach inveterate lesions should include shortening the ulna to be able to reduce the radius and maintain it. The standard technique was modified and good results were obtained.

Keywords : Dislocation; chronic; child; reduction; allograft.

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