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Acta ortopédica mexicana

Print version ISSN 2306-4102


BARRAGAN-HERVELLA, RG et al. Results of surgical management in proximal partial tibia fractures. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2014, vol.28, n.1, pp.39-44. ISSN 2306-4102.

Introduction: Proximal partial articular tibia fractures represent a great challenge for orthopedic surgeons due to their symptoms and complex management. Objective: To describe the results of surgical treatment of proximal articular fractures of the tibia. Material and methods: Descriptive study conducted at a tertiary care hospital. We included patients with proximal partial articular tibia fracture (Müeller AO/ASIF 41-B), of both sexes, with a six-month postoperative follow-up and a complete clinical record. Postoperative assessment was conducted with the Orfaly & Keating scale. We used descriptive statistics with central trend and scatter measurements, Fischer test for the relative risk and logistic regression. Results: The total number of patients was 25. Mean age was 41.6 (16-81), SD was 17.03 years; 15 patients were males (60%) and 10 females (40%); 1 (4%) had type-2 diabetes mellitus; the left side was affected in 17 (68%) patients; all patients underwent surgery with osteosynthesis; there was 100% match between the preoperative and postoperative diagnoses (Kappa 1.0); patient course was appropriate in 76% and acceptable in 24% (Orfaly & Keating); 16% had angular valgus deformity and 12% had joint stiffness. Females with RR 1.33 (CI 0.869-2.045) had angular valgus deformity; those with RR 0.22 (CI 0.27-1.846) had joint stiffness, RR was 2.68 for hockey stick plate osteosynthesis, and RR was 1.088 (CI 95%, 0.7-3.1) for the unsatisfactory course according to the Orfaly & Keating scale. Conclusion: A positive relative risk was found among females for angular valgus deformity, and in hockey stick plate osteosynthesis and minimal osteosynthesis for an unsatisfactory course, according to the Orfaly & Keating scale, six months after surgical treatment.

Keywords : fracture; knee; tibia; tibial fractures.

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