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vol.7 issue14El conflicto en torno al Territorio Indígena Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure: Un conflicto multidimensional author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Cultura y representaciones sociales

On-line version ISSN 2007-8110


GUZMAN DIAZ, José Manuel. El espacio de la ciudad de México en La región más transparente (1958), de Carlos Fuentes. Cultura representaciones soc [online]. 2013, vol.7, n.14, pp.142-185. ISSN 2007-8110.

This paper contains a sociocritical analysis of La region más transparente, by the recently deceased writer Carlos Fuentes. The study was conducted within the framework of a wider research which included the analysis of other great twentieth century Mexican novels. This is carried out based on theoretical and methodological guidelines of Claude Duchet's Sociocriticism theory, the narrative theory of the school of Paris, the theories on the novel of Marxist thinkers and the Russian researcher Mikhail Bakhtin , as well as the theory of social representations in the perspective of Jean-Claude Abric and Denise Jodelet. In this sense, the article intends to answer the central question: how do the central characters and the narrator of this novel describe, live and represent the space of the city of Mexico? On the other hand, I wish to point out that, half a century ago, La region más transparente provided us with the clues to understand the direction to where the country was led by post revolutionary Governments. Clues which the current leaders should know in order to guide the country's destiny.

Keywords : La región más transparente; Mexico city in 20th Century novel; Sociocritical analysis; Carlos Fuentes.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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