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Dilemas contemporáneos: educación, política y valores

On-line version ISSN 2007-7890


ANGULO CALDERON, César Augusto; ARBANIL RIVADENEIRA, Rubén Orlando; HUAMAN GUTIERREZ, Zoraida Judith  and  RUBIO GALLARDAY, Marco Antonio. Reflections on the application of Hersh's Human Mathematics on Latin American higher education. Dilemas contemp. educ. política valores [online]. 2021, vol.8, n.spe2, 00002.  Epub Apr 21, 2021. ISSN 2007-7890.

Reuben Hersh's quasi-empiricist mathematical philosophy is part of the solution found by philosophers on the foundations of mathematics; In particular, this thinker proposes what he called Human Mathematics, where it is understood that mathematics is part of a social construction and it is in this area where this science is developed. Mathematics for him is comparable to Catholicism or Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. They are categories that are not palpable physical, neither subjective and personal, in short, it is a social creation, mathematics is part of the human historical collective. This article proposes to reflect on the ideas of Human Mathematics and the importance of its application in Latin American higher education.

Keywords : Higher education; Human Mathematics; mathematical teaching; mathematical intuition.

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