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RIDE. Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo
versión On-line ISSN 2007-7467
COSME CASTORENA, Julissa Elayne; PRECIADO GUTIERREZ, Rafael; SANTAMARIA VELASCO, Carlos Alberto y ANDRADE ALONSO, Ariann. Legal export barriers limiting Mexican companies from the state of Aguascalientes, Mexico. RIDE. Rev. Iberoam. Investig. Desarro. Educ [online]. 2024, vol.15, n.29, e701. Epub 31-Dic-2024. ISSN 2007-7467.
International interaction as a result of globalization generates an impulse between the supply and demand of goods. However, there are items that limit access to products under the premise of protecting the national industry and balancing the economy. These aspects are known as export barriers.
Although in 2014 there was a registry of 164 exporting companies in the state of Aguascalientes, the reasons why the companies decided not to export or exported sporadically were not identified. Given this situation, the study is presented that analyzes whether the legal barrier variables impact the export process of hydrocalid companies. An instrument is applied to exporting companies where it is statistically proven that the group of legal barriers does have a significant impact, generating this similarity of impact in previous studies of export barriers according to the literature. It is recommended to expand the sample size of future analysis, include current innovation variables derived from the latest events that impacted international trade such as COVID-19, in addition to generating a survey that can be used as a basis for export studies.
Palabras llave : export; international trade; logistics.