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Horizonte sanitario

versión On-line ISSN 2007-7459versión impresa ISSN 1665-3262


LIGONIO AGUAYO, Karla Irlanda; MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ, Clara Magdalena  y  SANTOS PADRON, Hilda. Relocation cost peripherally inserted central catheter in neonates of a tertiary hospital. Horiz. sanitario [online]. 2019, vol.18, n.1, pp.49-55. ISSN 2007-7459.


To determine the costs of repositioning peripheral central insertion catheter (PICC) due to mechanical complications in neonates of a tertiary hospital.

Materials and methods:

Cost analysis study of peripherally inserted central catheter in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Tabasco during 2016. To obtain the total cost of repositioning PICC; where a = Cost of personal service by procedure for repairing the Adverse Event X number of participating workers, b = Input required to repair the Adverse Event, c = Cost per diagnostic assistant (USG, Tomography, X-ray, Labs.), d = Medication cost and healing material used by Adverse Event, e = Day number stay in NICU X cost D-C-O in NICU.


43 clinical files were reviewed obtained from the database of the SICALIDAD program of the hospital; we identified 22 cases of PICC rupture, 20 cases due to obstruction, 1 case due to accidental withdrawal.


The cost derived from the 22 relocations was $ 1,512,248.56 (Mexican pesos), affecting the financial resources of the hospital. A chain of highly cost-generating procedures and interventions was observed.

Palabras llave : Peripheral insertion central catheter; neonatal intensive care unit; catheter repositioning; costs; adverse events.

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