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Sociedad y ambiente

On-line version ISSN 2007-6576


MINAVERRY, Clara María. Environmental Law Contribution for Native Forests Management (Espinal) in Argentina. Soc. ambient. [online]. 2018, n.16, pp.157-177. ISSN 2007-6576.

The main purpose of this paper is to ascertain whether provincial regulations applied to Espinal forests complied with the objectives set at the national law No. 26.331 of 2007 regarding minimum environmental guidelines for the protection of native forests in Argentina, and whether these provinces have proposed more stringent obligations. A chart designed for another scientific paper was used as a guide, where different forests regions were analyzed. The territorial area selected was based on the application of an ecological criterion for forests regions, which was not limited by the institutional jurisdictions (provinces) division. Espinal is a type of native forest located in the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba, San Luis, Entre Ríos, Corrientes and La Pampa, in Argentina. This is an exploratory study using the legal hermeneutics method. The findings show that the environmental problem linked to native forest protection and management in Argentina is constantly being reformulated at the national and provincial levels, and that it largely complies with the objectives and actions defined by the National Native Forests Law (number 26.331).

Keywords : forest; environmental protection; ecosystems; environmental law; provinces.

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