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Sociedad y ambiente

On-line version ISSN 2007-6576


TOSCANA APARICIO, Alejandra  and  VILLASENOR FRANCO, Alma. Ingrid and Manuel storms in La Montaña area of Guerrero, 2013. Emergency care. Soc. ambient. [online]. 2018, n.16, pp.59-89. ISSN 2007-6576.

Much of Mexico was affected by hurricanes Ingrid and Manuel in 2013. The La Montaña area in Guerrero was one of the regions that sustained the greatest losses due to its historic conditions of vulnerability, reflected in the location of hundreds of communities on mountainsides with steep slopes, the environmental damage to the region, the precarious, and the poverty and marginalization of the population. The inefficient road system of La Montaña, severely affected by floods and landslides, played an important role in the emergency, isolating the population in hundreds of rural locations. The civil protection policy, which failed to prevent or respond to the emergency in La Montaña, which was marked by government discrimination towards the communities in this region, was another factor that affected the emergency. These aspects, among others, are reviewed in this text.

Keywords : disaster; emergency; road system; civil protection; La Montaña area of Guerrero.

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