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vol.14Ecuaciones estructurales para la prueba de modelos anidados en investigación interdisciplinariaFármacos enteógenos y la depresión resistente al tratamiento: Una revisión narrativa índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2007-5936


PENA PENA, Anibal Uriel  y  MENDOZA GONZALEZ, Brenda. Infidelity in Female College Students: Couple Communication Styles and Sexual Behavior. Psicumex [online]. 2024, vol.14, e609.  Epub 09-Sep-2024. ISSN 2007-5936.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the classification of female university students based on their unfaithful behavior, describing each category by their communication styles as a couple and sexual behavior. 454 university women aged 18 to 28 years participated (x̄ = 20.28; σ = 1.785). Each variable was measured with valid and reliable instruments. A multivariate analysis was carried out with the infidelity variable, identifying three groups: “Desire for a romantic bond”, “fidelity” and “non-fidelity”. An ANOVA was used to contrast the three groups, finding differences according to the variables couple communication and sexual behavior. It is concluded that the “not-fidelity” group is more socially receptive and communicates positively and kindly with their partners, demonstrating fewer seductive behaviors; the “Desire for a romantic bond” group shows a negative communication style with their partners, and greater sexual behavior; and the “fidelity” group shows more seduction behaviors than the other two groups.

Palabras llave : Fidelity; women; interpersonal communication; sexual behavior; interpersonal relationships.

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