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versión On-line ISSN 2007-5936


GARCIA-LOPEZ, Georgina Isabel; OROZCO-VARGAS, Arturo Enrique  y  AGUILERA REYES, Ulises. Neurophysiological Evaluation of Attention and Coding in Mothers (Adolescents and Young Primiparous) and Its Relationship with Maternity Care. Psicumex [online]. 2024, vol.14, e587.  Epub 09-Sep-2024. ISSN 2007-5936.

It is known that neuronal maturation after birth lasts approximately twenty years and requires a large amount of energy. If a pregnancy occurs before maturation, the energy must be distributed between the mother and the offspring, having an effect on the anatomical and functional processes of the brain. Therefore, the electrical activity of the frontal cortex was compared, as well as the performance of its functions and maternal care in adolescents and young people (less than six months after giving birth). The NEUROPSI test (attention and coding) and a maternal care instrument were applied to primiparous adolescents and young people; electroencephalographic recordings were performed on a sample of this population. Significant differences are observed in the coding and attention processes (F= 4.5, α= 0.03*; F= 79.7, α= 0.00**), and a significant correlation between attention and maternal care (health and affection categories) as well as health care coding. The electrical activity of the frontal lobe was slower in primiparous adolescents as well as maternal care behaviors. The above is related to delay in the neuronal maturation of adolescent mothers.

Palabras llave : adolescent pregnancy; maternal care; brain development; neurophysiology; evaluation.

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