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Intersticios sociales
On-line version ISSN 2007-4964
SANCHEZ DIAZ, Gerardo. The literary footprint of Federico García Lorca at the Universidad Michoacana, 1936-1998. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2021, n.21, pp.197-234. Epub Aug 30, 2021. ISSN 2007-4964.
In the early 1930s, Federico García Lorca’s work entitled Romancero gitano began to circulate among students (known familiarly as nicolaitas) at the Universidad Michoacana (Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico). Soon, his literary influence spread through circles of students who were fond of poetry. Lorca’s collection of poems were originally passed around in the form of handwritten copies. From that time forward, the metaphors and literary turns of this poet from Granada impacted the literary creativity of young university students. This article traces García Lorca’s influence on several generations of writers and poets who received their literary formation in the Universidad Michoacana, especially from the moment of the poet's tragic death in August 1936 at the onset of the military rebellion against the Second Spanish Republic.
Keywords : Federico García Lorca; Romancero gitano; Nicolaitas poets; Universidad Michoacana.