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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


LOPEZ MORALES, José Satsumi. Internationalization: An Analysis of 26 Definitions. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2020, n.19, pp.87-99.  Epub 24-Feb-2020. ISSN 2007-4964.

Many definitions of the term “internationalization” exist. This article analyzes 26 definitions found in the literature and identifies four key dimensions of this process: (1) the Uppsala model (UM); (2) the eclectic paradigm (EP); (3) depth; and (4) breadth. A qualitative technique of content analysis was applied to analyze the 26 definitions found. Our results suggest that depth is the dimension most often mentioned (20), followed by UM and EP (16), and breadth (12). Only two definitions included all four dimensions. The article affirms that internationalization is a complex phenomenon that has been addressed through various approaches, but without arriving at any unique definition or consensus.

Palabras llave : internationalization; international business; depth; breadth; Eclectic Paradigm; Uppsala Model.

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