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Intersticios sociales

On-line version ISSN 2007-4964


RAMIREZ SAIZ, Juan Manuel. Tres teóricos, tres movimientos sociales alternativos y la construcción sociopolítica. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2017, n.13. ISSN 2007-4964.

The first part of this essay clarifies the two key terms around which it revolves: sociopolitical construction or change, and alternative social movement. The second part presents biographical information about the three authors and how their thinking fits into the interpretation of the proposals of the three alternative movements. The main section of the essay established three lines of analysis: a) the social movements being examined, b) the type of transformation involved in the sociopolitical change being promoted by these three movements, and c) the means at their disposal to effect the sociopolitical changes that they are promoting.

Keywords : sociopolitical construction or change; alternative social movement.

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