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Intersticios sociales

On-line version ISSN 2007-4964


OCHMAN, Marta. Consulta ciudadana con método Compass: los retos de la deliberación y la efectividad. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2015, n.9, pp.1-30. ISSN 2007-4964.

One of the normative paradigms of current public policy is the inclusion of citizens in the process of its design, approval, implementation and evaluation. However, participation by itself does not necessarily have positive impacts, either in the consolidation of a democratic political culture, nor in the better design of public policies. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and to evaluate the mechanisms of citizen participation in order to guarantee its inclusiveness, effectiveness and its deliberative dynamics, features that enhance its positive effects. This article presents the results of a study whose objective was to test whether the Compass method applied to public consultations is able to promote a deliberative, inclusive and effective participation. It begins with a brief overview of the benefits of citizen participation, distinguishing between pragmatic approach, proper of the theory of governance, and the axiological one, which parts from the theory of democracy. Next, a review of the most common mechanisms of citizen participation is included, followed by the presentation of the design of the consultation with Compass method and the context of its application. Finally, the advantages and limitations of the Compass method applied to the interaction between citizens and the authorities are analyzed.

Keywords : citizen participation; consultation; Compass method.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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